
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 杰克琼斯 于 2022-10-10 11:45 编辑

Escape from the metropolis


The clients are a young couple, both of whom are designers. They grew tired of the plethora of urban issues which plague Beijing, much like any other major metropolis around the world. They decided to move to Jinan, a secondary city in China, which offered more space and a lower cost of living. Our first meeting together occurred before the approaching era of the pandemic, and the husband told me that for them it was not important to be based in any particular city as their work required them to travel often both domestically and abroad. Their new house would become both their home and office.

▼室内空间概览,Overview of the interior space ©成直


Who knew that an epidemic would break out before the the beginning of construction. With this new reality in mind, our attempt to change the type of space in a small apartment played an unanticipated role in the renovation.

▼办公空间概览,Overview of the working space ©成直

The grand table


▼巨案结构分析,Analysis diagram of the grand table ©察社办公室

Because of the nature of the clients work as designers, we envisioned the construction of a creative environment that contained certain characteristics that minimized the physical constraints of said environment and allowed for a variety of events to occur. Most importantly, we planned for a grand table within the new space, which would provide a place for a variety of different home and work activities. The size of the table is dictated by the standard modularized size of the materials used. 3 plywood boards with dimensions of 1.2 x 2.4 meters would be combined to create a massive 1.8 x 4.8 table.

▼由巨案主导的办公空间,The grand table dominates the working area ©成直

The reformation of the discipline


The site was originally a standard apartment unit consisting of 3 bedrooms, a common living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms located in a residential building which was built in 2006. The entire space was divided into several small rooms. The spatial condition and logic behind this original condition stemmed from 17th century Dutch and 20th century Soviet thinking. It met the requirements of most modern urban residents, in particular for middle class families with multiple members and sometimes even multiple generations. However, this collection of small rooms would not fit with our clients’ needs, and could also not accommodate the massive table.

▼改造前的房屋,The house before the renovation ©成直


Fortunately, the building structure is comprised of a system of supporting short-limb reinforced concrete shear walls, and all non-structural interior walls could be removed. When visiting the site just after completing the demolition of the existing apartment, we found that it had transformed into a cave, and the building itself became a mountain.

▼拆除清理后的现场,The  site just after demolition ©成直

这让我想起了HBO系列剧集“权力的游戏”中的一幕,塔格利安家族的祖庭,龙石岛上有个巨大的会议室,悬崖之上,一个包裹着巨案的山洞:画桌之厅(Chamber of the painted table)宽广的空间和单向的采光,为场所带来某种静谧,令人专注,又自在。

This brings me to a scene from the television series “Game of Thrones”, where on a cliff on “Dragon Stone Island” the ancestral court of the “House of Targaryen” appeared a cave like meeting room within which was a huge table; the so called “Chamber of the painted table”. The large scale of both room and table, and the sky lights emanating from a single direction, together provide a space with a special series of characteristics – Quiet, focused, and at moments relaxed.

▼通透的室内空间,An airy and spacious interior ©成直


Back to our site, demolishing walls was the first step, and then, our strategy was to create a space which totally lacked them. The spatial transformation led to several consequences, firstly, the separate collection of small rooms was combined into a single entity, and the scale of the space increased dramatically. Secondly, the restriction of light and shadows caused by walls was transformed into something more continuous and gradual. At last, the inhabitants who have been empowered separately by walls now live together again.

▼一个没有分隔的空间,A space with no partition ©成直

Occupying the cave


After the demolition was complete, there remained many traces and vestiges of the past. Besides short structural walls, the existing plumbing, heating, and electrical facilities and their related core infrastructure could not be moved. This dictated that the general location of both bathrooms would not change. We enlarged the original master bathroom and wrapped it in a series of shelves and cabinets.

▼由巨案看向洗手间入口,A view from the grand table to the entrance of the bathroom ©成直


Instead of walls, the huge device generated ultimately functions as a separator. Beginning near the main entrance, it naturally divides the space into two parts, public and private. A narrow corridor enclosed by bookshelves links them together. The corridor appears like a narrow dark passage in an ever expanding cave. Those structural walls standing in the middle of the space became hidden boundaries.

▼巨大的分隔物,A huge storage device function as a separator ©成直

▼走廊处的储物架,The storage shelf at the corridor ©成直

▼储物架近景,Close shot of the storage shelf ©成直


The expanded kitchen, versatile guest room, and chamber with grand table blurred together, and a series of semi-transparent curtains functioned as tangible, adjustable boundaries between these disparate areas.

▼厨房空间概览,Overview of the kitchen ©成直

▼料理台近景,Close shot of the kitchen counter ©成直

All about saving budget

这个改造项目的预算只有20万人民币,单方造价不到2000元。因此我们选择尽量减少施工项目。把钱花在刀刃上。绝大多数使用功能依托于板材现场加工的固定家具。除了“巨案”,大量的书架和置物架,包括厨卫家具,床和一个多功能双层榻。“巨案”尺度过大无法让人们面对面就餐, 我们又设计了一个小餐桌,平常藏在“巨案”下面,需要的时候可以拖出来。所有木工家具主材为相较便宜的桦木多层板。

The construction budget was set at only 200,000 RMB for the entire renovation of this 130 m2 apartment, and so we needed to minimize construction projects and place focus on the most important issues. A majority of the construction would utilize on-site carpentry using plywood as a key material, for things like the table, bookshelves, a bed, kitchen cabinets, various furniture in the bathrooms, as well as a multi-functional double layer bed in the “guest room”. The grand table is so large that it is not suitable for dining, and so an additional, shorter sliding table incorporating wheels was added with the ability to be slid underneath its larger counterpart. We decided to use inexpensive birch plywood as both the structural material and final finish for all of these components.

▼卧室入口,The entrance of the bedroom ©成直

▼卧室空间概览,Overview of the bedroom ©成直

▼隐藏在巨案下的小餐桌,The sliding dining table under the grand table ©成直


The existing concrete ceiling and structural walls were stripped of their previously applied finishings, which revealed a very unique, authentic and coarse texture as it was impossible to clean them completely. Other walls between our site and the neighboring apartments were constructed out of concrete aerated blocks, which as a material is fragile. An additional layer of gypsum plaster was used to conceal and protect these block walls. The electrical circuitry was redistributed and no longer concealed, but rather directly exposed as part of the visual environment.

▼从清水混凝土天花暴露出来的电线,The electrical circuitry drops from the concrete ceiling ©成直


Hanging metal rods supported a set of linear wooden rails running throughout the space in rectangular circuits following the pre-existing structural beams of the apartment. These wooden rails were used as conduits for electrical wiring, mounting structures for curtains, as well as lighting and electrical outlets.

▼窗帘为空间隔断,The curtain works as partition ©成直


The exposed layer of the floor is made up of self-leveling concrete, which was able to maintain the floor as a single plain. The original decorational door was replaced with a simple steel fire door. The shelving in the kitchen is fixed in place using ceramic plugs and steel wire.

▼地面材料近景,Close shot of the floor material ©成直


The material strategy applied reduced the cost of construction to a near minimum. With the remaining budget, we used more expensive mosaic tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms. For the exposed pipe work, switch plates, and light switches, we found more delicate metal components rather than the usual plastic alternatives.

▼洗手间内景,The bathroom ©成直


Although this is an interior renovation project, we still operated it as a part of an ongoing series of house projects that we have been involved with in recent years, and the design is a sort of environmental experiment, getting rid of all unnecessary barriers and returning the space to its most basic form. It is about morphology and the continuity of spaces, objects, and actions, as the everyday life of its occupants traverse through a continuum of space and shifting lights; a test of a type of living space liberating peoples bodies and dynamics. I think this “partial” liberation has been useful during this era of the epidemic, in particular for those who are isolated at home.

▼平面图,Plan ©察社办公室

▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing ©察社办公室

▼空间构成分析图,Analysis diagram of the spatial function ©察社办公室

项目名称:短墙之家 – 包裹巨案的山洞
项目地址: 山东省济南市历城区

Project name: House without walls – a grand table in a cave
Project type: The Apartment Interior renovation
Design: Chaoffice
Design year: 2020
Completion Year: 2021
Leader designer & Team: Cheng,Zhi
Project location: Licheng District, Jinan, Shandong Province
Gross built area: 130㎡
Photo credit: Cheng,Zhi
Partner: Engineer:Gao,Xuemei
Materials: Birch Plywood






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