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总部位于柏林的初创型酒店公司Denizen在克罗伊茨贝格开设了第一家Denizen House,为现代酒店业带来具有开放布局和礼宾服务的工作、休闲社区空间。

Berlin-based hospitality start-up Denizen opens the first Denizen House in Kreuzberg as a community space for work and leisure, translating contemporary hospitality into architecture with an open layout and a concierge service.

▼项目外观,the exterior ©Mathilde Karrèr

今年年初,第一家Denizen House在柏林开业,为当地居民和公司提供适合他们白天职业需求的服务和休闲活动。

At the beginning of this year, Denizen’s first House opened its doors in Berlin, offering local residents as well as companies services and leisure activities tailored to their professional daytime needs.

▼一层大堂概览,overview of the lobby ©Mathilde Karrèr

作为社区的大堂,它为当地居民和常客提供了一个远离家庭和办公室的地方,待有一个开放的休息室,礼宾部、外卖咖啡厅、灵活的工作空间和带淋浴和更衣设施的自助式工作室。另外还有晚间活动和课程,如聚会、美食品尝、瑜伽、冥想和健身课程,使服务更加全面完善。Denizen House是一个包容的开放性场所,可以在周一至周五按天或按月订阅付费的形式到访。

Conceived as a lobby for the neighbourhood, it offers Denizens – locals and regulars alike – a place away from the home or office, with an open lounge, a concierge, a grab-and-go café, flexible workspace and a self-care studio with showers and changing facilities. Evening events and classes, such as meet- ups, food tastings, yoga, meditation and fitness classes round off the comprehensive offering. Denizen House is an inclusive open venue, which can be accessed Monday to Friday by the day or on a monthly subscription basis.

▼窗边的座谈区,communication area by the window ©Mathilde Karrèr

▼大堂展示架,display shelf at the lobby ©Mathilde Karrèr

Denizen House由Modiste Studio设计,横跨克罗伊茨贝格历史悠久的Eiswerk遗址的底层。面向Köpenicker Straße 大街的正面落地窗让宽敞的接待处充满了光线。新建筑拥有精简的外观,室内的自流平地板、天花上的管道和电缆桥架巧妙地辅以隔板、架子和台面等固定装置。

Designed by Modiste Studio, Denizen House spans the ground floor on the site of the historic Eiswerk in Kreuzberg. Floor-to-ceiling windows across the entire front facing Köpenicker Straße flood the spacious reception with light. The pared-down shell of the new building with screed floor, pipes and cable trays on the ceiling is cleverly supplemented with fixtures such as partitions, shelves and countertops.

▼接待区座椅近景,close shot of the seatings at the reception area ©Mathilde Karrèr


The furniture – both custom made and via Denizen’s collaboration partner Vitra – is geared towards a flexible layout that enables individual as well as team work, especially the opportunity for small groups to take breaks together on inviting sofas.

▼接待区沙发近景,close shot of the sofa at the reception area ©Mathilde Karrèr


Past the reception, further in the back, wooden paravents and partitions made of glass bricks – a distinct recurring material – create separate areas with intimate work- places. Tables divided by screens and individual booths with heavy curtains provide the necessary visual and acoustic isolation for focus. A prominent counter made of glass bricks not only gives the lounge a clear orientation, but also serves as a contact point for the guests’ needs: here, the concierge hands out ordered parcels and deliveries, accepts laundry for cleaning, coordinates appointments and is the person to attend to all Denizen’s questions and requests.

▼由集体办公区看向独立工作空间,a view from the public meeting area to the private working room ©Mathilde Karrèr

▼独立工作空间,the private working room ©Mathilde Karrèr

▼隔音窗帘近景,close shot of the soundproof curtains ©Mathilde Karrèr

除了休息室外,Denizen House隔壁还有一家咖啡厅,供应早餐、午餐和饮品,完全向公众开放。在这里,会员可以使用内部应用程序付款,甚至可以在舒适的工作场所下单。

Apart from the lounge, Denizen House has a café next door serving breakfast, lunch and drinks that is fully open to the public. It’s a place where mem- bers can use the in-house app to pay and even to order from the comfort of their workplace.

▼咖啡厅概览,overview of the cafe ©Mathilde Karrèr

▼由咖啡厅看向门口,a view from the cafe to the door ©Mathilde Karrèr

▼咖啡厅储藏架,storage shelf at the cafe ©Mathilde Karrèr

该应用程序可用于管理会员资格以及预订其他活动和服务:小组讨论和招待会等下班后活动在休息室举行,而相邻的内部自助工作室邀请会员定期进行瑜伽, 冥想和体育课程。在这里,半透明的窗帘确保了街道的隐私,并创造出柔和、漫射的光线,反射在被木框隔开的长长的工作室镜子中。

The app can be used to manage the membership as well as book additional activities and services: after-work events such as panel discussions and receptions take place in the lounge, whilst the adjacent in-house self-care studio invites members to regular yoga, meditation and sports classes. Here, translucent curtains ensure privacy from the street and produce soft, diffused light that reflects in the long studio mirror divided by wooden frames.

▼瑜伽练习室,yoga room ©Mathilde Karrèr


Cleverly integrated changing rooms with heavy curtains (helping with the sound absorption) and showers can be used by Denizens at any time, even outside of classes: the café and studio can be found in the carefully converted old building, which is connected to the lounge in the new structure via a leafy courtyard.

▼浴室空间细部,details of the bathroom ©Mathilde Karrèr






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王利灵 2023-4-27 17:50 来自: 江苏
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