
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道





After the success of department stores in Beijing and Xi’an, M+CAFé followed SKP to Chengdu. Chengdu is a city that you do not want to leave once you come. It is not only fast-paced, prosperous and young like first-tier cities, but also offers a life of ease and leisure. Chengdu SKP is the largest sunken shopping complex in Asia. The upper layer of the building is the park landscape, and the green coverage rate is about 70%, creating a fashionable and leisure shopping atmosphere. The design concept of M+CAFé also comes from this.

▼项目入口,the entrance of the project ©或者设计OR Design

▼咖啡吧台测景,coffee bar scene measurement ©或者设计OR Design

▼室内空间概览,overview of interior space ©或者设计OR Design

▼项目巧妙地利用花池将空间一分为二:前场咖啡吧台,后场客座区,The project cleverly uses flower ponds to divide the space into two: the coffee bar in the front field and the guest seating area in the back field. ©或者设计OR Design


“Urban backyard” is the core concept of our design. Even if you drink coffee indoors, you can also be surrounded by plants and enjoy a quiet and relaxing time.

▼轴测分析图,Axonometric analysis diagram ©或者设计OR Design


According to the project site, there is just a triangle corner area in the space. We used it to build a stepped garden, which is a combination of multiple functions. On the one hand, the space rhythm is divided into two areas, which are dynamic in the front and static in the back. On the other hand, it is also the core carrier of the “backyard”, with an operation room hidden under. The size of the garden is layered from top to bottom, and each floor is set with different plant landscapes. The space is filled with different natural vitality between the four seasons.

▼暖白灯光下的室内空间概览,Overview of the interior space under warm white lighting ©或者设计OR Design

▼咖啡吧台测景,coffee bar scene measurement ©或者设计OR Design

▼进入用餐区,enter the dining area ©或者设计OR Design

▼客座区概览 Overview of the guest area ©或者设计OR Design


▼座椅分析图,Seating Area  Analysis Chart ©或者设计OR Design

Black is the most inclusive color. We use black as the main tone of the space, which can highlight the vitality of plants and make the space more tranquil and advanced. As for the use of materials, the walls built with bricks are undulating and rhythmic; The rammed earth blocks send out mellow texture, and different materials bring different color “black”.

▼客座区造型丰富各异的凳子,Stools in various shapes for the seating area ©或者设计OR Design

▼桌椅近景,Close shot of the furniture ©或者设计OR Design


▼夯土板散发醇厚的质感,Rammed earth board exudes a mellow texture ©或者设计OR Design

▼家具细部,Close shot of the furniture ©或者设计OR Design



▼花池分析图,Flower Pond Analysis Chart ©或者设计OR Design

In addition to garden plants, lighting is another protagonist of this space. M+CAFé (Chengdu store) is not only a cafeteria that sells coffee, but also a bar at night. Therefore, different business atmosphere is needed in different time periods. The lighting is the most important tool for us to change the space atmosphere. In the daytime, we hope that the light can change the color temperature and chroma according to different weather conditions, so that guests can feel the meticulous care from the light.

▼花池,Flower pond ©或者设计OR Design

▼花池近景,Flower pond close-up ©或者设计OR Design

▼砖块垒砌的墙面高低起伏、节奏凹凸,The walls made of bricks have ups and downs and rhythmic bumps ©或者设计OR Design



The light change during the day and night is strong. The light during the day is natural and soft white light and warm yellow, such as the warm glow when the sun rises and sets; The lights at night are highly saturated colors in transformation. Red, orange, blue, purple and other fiery colors permeate the space, and the color invades the layered plants. The five senses of human beings seem to be suddenly placed in a surreal future scene. We use the natural vitality of plants, rich materials, soft decoration and different “emotions” of lights to create Chengdu M+CAFé, hoping to bring surprising and unknown experience to customers here.

▼咖啡吧台,coffee bar ©或者设计OR Design

▼咖啡吧台近景,coffee bar close-up ©或者设计OR Design

▼吧台细节,bar details ©或者设计OR Design

▼展示架,display stand ©或者设计OR Design



The “ease and comfort” of Chengdu lies not only in the leisure or slow-paced life. We believe the more important reason is that the city and everyone who lives here have enough tolerance for diversified life. People of different ages and regions can find their own comfort here. Chengdu is a safe and happy city. We hope that M+CAFé in Chengdu can also be more inclusive and attract more people who love life.

▼夜晚Bar模式下的空间概览,Space overview in night Bar  ©或者设计OR Design

▼项目细节,project details ©或者设计OR Design


▼红、橙、蓝、紫等炽烈的颜色氤氲在空间中,色彩侵染在层叠的植物周身,人的五感仿佛一下子被置身于一个超现实的未来场景中,Fierce colors such as red, orange, blue, and purple linger in the space, and the colors infiltrate the layers of plants. People’s five senses seem to be placed in a surreal future scene at once. ©或者设计OR Design

▼平面图,plan ©或者设计OR Design

▼立面图,elevations ©或者设计OR Design

项目地点: 成都市高新区SKP北馆7号门外一楼D1125-2

Project name: M+CAFE
Project location: D1125-2, 1st Floor, Outside Gate 7, SKP North Building, High-tech Zone, Chengdu,China
Director: Guoyuan Wu
Project team: Yihao、Xiaoming、Zhanghao、Yaokun、Zizi、Zhujie、Xiaofu、BOBO、Xiaoyu
Client: M+CAFE
Main materials: Sintered brick, birch board, stainless steel、Rammed earth board, fiberglass
Indoor area: 80 square meters
Completion date: Nov.2022
Photography: OR Design






cccdanc 2023-3-29 16:48 来自: 湖北
水巨留 2023-7-10 16:14 来自: 广东广州
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