Eastop Architects,是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的建筑设计工作室,由Liam Eastop成立于2017年。他们将建筑的物理性质和情感体验作为设计实践的核心,通过清晰的建造、形式、光线、肌理、几何体量以及室内和景观之间的协调方式来构建每个项目,从而营造一种恰当的、舒适的居住环境。
Eastop Architects is an architectural design studio based in Melbourne, Australia, founded in 2017 by Liam Eastop. With the physical nature and emotional experience of the building at the heart of their design practice, they structured each project through clear construction, form, light, texture, geometric volume and the coordination between interior and landscape to create an appropriate and comfortable living environment.
Blairgowrie住宅,位于莫宁顿一个安静的海滨小镇上,其建筑形体和内部空间的塑造是对沿海居民区的独特诠释。客户希望避开周围环境的视觉干扰,同时注重个人私密性的住宅空间。因此,Eastop Architects通过整合景观、室内和建筑来扩展室内的空间感,并结合材料的层次、纹理和品质来进行设计语言的表达。
Blairgowrie House, located in the quiet seaside town of Mornington, is a unique interpretation of the coastal residential area with its architectural form and interior Spaces. The client wanted to avoid the visual distractions of the surrounding environment, while focusing on the privacy of the residential space. Thus, Eastop Architects expanded the sense of space in the interior by integrating the landscape, interior and architecture, and expressed the design language with the layers, textures and qualities of the materials.
The house is located away from the beach and cliffs and occupies the main area of the site in a horizontal form, while the studio achieves the extreme privacy required by the client through the hierarchy of internal Spaces, multiple gardens and courtyards. With the growth of plants, the building will be completely covered by the natural landscape of the coast in the future, thus hidden in nature.
In the interior of the house, through different areas, the architect's careful creation always brings people different spatial experience. From the corridor to the rooms and courtyards, looking out through the Windows, the boundaries between the lush garden and the house are blurred, and each individual area maintains contact with the others through unlimited sight lines, enhancing the sense of scale of the space and integrating it closely with the landscape.
室内的家具与沿海的独有审美形成对比,同时丰富了项目的营造主题。Eastop Architects主要使用木材和混凝土两种主要材料,一种是软的、可塑造的,形成层次和带来温暖;另一种则是结实的、永久性的,形成保护的外壳和形体基础,它们在既定功能的相互作用以实现某种平衡。
The interior furniture contrasts with the unique coastal aesthetic and enriches the theme of the project. Eastop Architects uses two main materials: wood and concrete. One is soft and mouldable, creating layers and warmth. The other is sturdy and permanent, forming a protective shell and physical base, which interact in a given function to achieve some balance.