Yana Prydalna来自美国,是一位诧寂信徒,童年时期就开始接触日本文化,渴望拥有一个平静舒适的空间,拥有自然的色调,营造出冥想的氛围,有助于创造经久不衰的设计。她通过融合东方极简与西方美学设计元素创造了属于自己风格的侘寂(Wabi Sabi)美学。
Yana Prydalna from the United States, is a - ji believers, childhood started contact with Japanese culture, eager to have a quiet and comfortable space, with natural color, build the atmosphere that gives meditation, help to create enduring design.She through the integration of Oriental minimalism and western aesthetics design elements created his own style of wabi-sabi (Wabi Sabi) aesthetics.
原生态的质朴美 | 美国·纽约
Yana Prydalna的新项目,位于郊区的一处独立住宅,客户希望在这里可以远离喧嚣,享受宁静,设计团队运用天然材料,甚至是有些粗犷的自然古朴物件,营造了一个隐逸而惬意的乡村度假居所。
Yana Prydalna new project, located in the suburb of a independent residential customers hope here can be far away from the hustle and bustle, enjoy the quiet, the design team used natural materials, and even some rough objects of natural of primitive simplicity, build a reclusion and comfortable country vacation home.