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A weekend house design for a married couple living their second life, located in Jinseki, Hiroshima, about an hour and a half north of Fukuyama, sitting atop a plateau with an elevation of about 400 to 700 meters, overlooking a beautiful landscape.

▼屋顶与远山,rooftops and distant hills © Yoshiro Masuda

▼住宅外观仍保留着贺茂地区独特的“居藏造”外观,exterior look of the building remains the unique Igura-zukuri style of Kamo © Yoshiro Masuda


The main house, annex, and barn are built in a row from east to west, and the design this time mainly focused on renovating the main house and barn. Over 100 years have passed since the main house was built, and one key point of this project was how to make the most of its existing condition. During the inspection, we found that although there was a second floor, there are no stairs, and it is only accessible by climbing an old wooden ladder, and on the outside, there was an upper and lower roof which had been covered with red roof tiles until a few years ago. After judging it to be built in the Igura-zukuri style of the Kamo region in Hiroshima, we decided to start the renovation by returning it to a one-story house with an open floor plan, that from the outside looks like it has two-stories. The barn, which we designed as a guest room, was used for cattle in the past, and unlike the main house, it has no vertical and horizontal planes. The wooden frame was also constructed rather roughly, making planning the design extremely difficult.

▼夜晚室内全景,panoramic view of interior at night © Yoshiro Masuda

▼入口玄关,entrance area © Yoshiro Masuda

▼从客厅方向望向入口玄关,entrance area viewing from living room © Yoshiro Masuda

对于主住宅的平面规划分区,我们利用了居藏造的特点,即四个房间布置在方形之中,彼此之间由滑门分隔,入口和浴室则布置在东南侧的下沉素土地面。位于西北侧的厕所被移到浴室附近,更符合现代生活需求。为了充分利用四个分布在方形中的空间,我们设计了一个餐厅,包含一个带有10个座位的桌子,可以与大群人一起享受美食;一个带有下沉被炉桌的下沉壁炉空间,连接未曾改变的旧日场景;一个扩展的客厅区域,走廊上铺设名栗木雕刻的地板;还有一个和室,带有抬升的榻榻米地板,用于茶道或演奏三味线。我们请来了黑谷和纸的造纸工人Wataru Hatano,将日本纸安装到到天花板、墙壁和滑动门上。对于厨房和浴室,我们使用了十和田石的自然绿色,与黑色和米色的色调形成对比,创造有机效果。

For the floor plan zoning of the main house, we made use of the Igura-zukuri characteristics of having four rooms arranged in squares partitioned by sliding screen doors, and an entrance and bath near the earthen floor in the southeast side. The toilet that was located on the northwest side was moved near the bath, more considerate of modern living. To make the most of the four spaces arranged in squares, we designed a dining room with an original 10-seat table to enjoy meals with large groups, a sunken hearth space with a sunken kotatsu table, providing a connection with the unchanging scenes of the past, an expanded living room area, with Naguri chiseled flooring on the veranda, and a Japanese-style room with a raised tatami floor for tea ceremony or playing the shamisen. We brought in Wataru Hatano, a papermaker from Kurotani Washi, to apply Japanese paper to the ceiling, walls, and sliding screen doors. For the kitchen and bathroom, we used the natural green color of Towada stone to contrast with the black and beige tones for an organic effect.

▼主要室内区域概览,main interior area overall © Yoshiro Masuda

▼从和室内望向主要生活区,main interior area viewing from Japanese style room © Yoshiro Masuda

▼厨房、餐厅与下沉被炉区,kitchen, dining room and sunken kotatsu area © Yoshiro Masuda

▼桌面细部,detail of the table © Yoshiro Masuda


The pillars, beams, and kamoi that support the entirety of the 8m open space had been smoked black by the charcoal from the hearth, and we followed this style by finishing them in a dark charcoal stain.
At first glance, the area is separated into four separate squares, but we overlapped the floor material and furniture placement to sublimate them into a single connected space. The standard method for lighting design when renovating this style of old Japanese house is to install wiring duct rails on existing beams and create direct light using spotlights. Instead, we scattered downlights along copper-colored pseudo-beams placed between the existing beams to serve as both indirect and direct light, using this modern technique to lead the way to richer living.

▼厨房细部,原有的木头横梁被全部涂黑,detail of kitchen with wooden charcoal-stained beams © Yoshiro Masuda

▼和室,带有射灯的古铜色的伪梁穿插在黑色木梁之间,Japanese style room with copper-colored pseudo-beams placed between the existing beams with scattered downlight © Yoshiro Masuda

▼浴室细部,detail of the bath © Yoshiro Masuda


When planning the barn, the beams had to be set low for the conducting wire. We made the necessarily low set beams into the main span by a process of adjusting the uneven floor level height in the barn. Next in our planning we placed the necessary furniture, and the large beam hanging in the center became the symbol of the space which was created with our ancestors’ help. The 1,350mm high headboard in the bed area can be adjusted with a crank to a U-shape, enclosing the bed area and enhancing the sense of privacy when sleeping; its purpose is to gently divide the space.
The single-flower vases placed here and there were made by cutting and reusing the soot-colored bamboo from the ceiling of the former sunken hearth in the main house.

▼卧室区域概览,overall of the bedroom area © Yoshiro Masuda

▼低矮的大梁横亘室内中心,the low-set large beam hanging in the center © Yoshiro Masuda

▼床头板围合出的区域增强睡眠私密性,headboard enclosing the bed area and enhancing the sense of privacy when sleeping © Yoshiro Masuda

▼卧室区域次要入口,secondary entrance to the bedroom area © Yoshiro Masuda

▼由原有木质梁檩和作为灯具的伪梁形成的框架结构,frame structure consisting of  original wooden beam  and the pseudo beam as the light © Yoshiro Masuda

▼卧室一角,bedroom corner © Yoshiro Masuda


The main and inner gardens in the north and south of the grounds are planned as the second phase of construction, which will begin after the snowy winter season.

▼卫生间细部,detail of the toilet © Yoshiro Masuda


Project Name  House in Zinseki / 神石の家
Type of Project  Interior / 内装設計
Use  Residence / 住居
Location  Hiroshima, Japan / 広島県
Date  Nov. 2022 / 2022年 11月
Design  REIICHI IKEDA DESIGN / 池田励一デザイン
Constructor  Maeda Construction / 前田建設
Washi  Wataru Hatano / ハタノワタル
Photographer  Yoshiro Masuda / 増田好郎






    • CUINES 33餐厅 | Grain Designoffice
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rrrrbbbb 2023-3-21 18:06 来自: 广东河源
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