
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 Grain设计 于 2025-3-13 10:22 编辑

Grain Office怀揣着对顶级餐饮体验的重构愿景,对室内进行了精心改造,通过雅致的氛围和亲密的互动让每位客人感受到细致入微的款待。

隐匿于城市之中的Cuines 33餐厅,以新的形态展开了一场关于美食、空间与感官的对话。Grain Office怀揣着对顶级餐饮体验的重构愿景,对室内进行了精心改造,通过雅致的氛围和亲密的互动让每位客人感受到细致入微的款待。低调而神秘的Cuines33餐厅,坐落于比利时Knokke市中心的一栋联排住宅内,餐厅面积不大,仅设有16席,旨在让访客能够完全地沉浸在专属的美食体验之旅中。
Tucked away in the city, Cuines 33 opens a new form of dialogue about food, space and senses. With a vision of reimagining the best dining experience, Grain Office has carefully transformed the interior to make every guest feel a nuanced treat through an elegant atmosphere and intimate interaction.The low-key and mysterious Cuines33 restaurant, located in a townhouse in the center of Knokke, Belgium, is a small, 16-seat restaurant designed to allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in an exclusive culinary experience.

Grain Office有意重塑餐饮体验和回归食材本身,摒弃浮华的装饰,通过对空间尺度的精确把握,打造温馨而富有质感、低调而私密的内部环境。让食客们可以在私密的小空间中开启对味觉的探索,感受室内的温度和饮食的艺术。室内材料的选择极具匠心,为空间倾注自然气息。石材、木材与金属的组合,呈现出一种未经修饰的原始之美。它们低调且克制,甚至趋近于极简主义风格,表达对自然的敬意,亦是对美食的尊重,让食客注意到,舞台上的主角始终是厨师与食物。
Grain Office intends to reshape the dining experience and return to the ingredients themselves, abandoning flashy decorations and creating a warm and textured, low-key and private interior environment through a precise grasp of spatial scale. It allows diners to explore the taste in a private small space, feel the indoor temperature and the art of eating. The choice of interior materials is very creative, pouring natural atmosphere into the space. The combination of stone, wood and metal presents a kind of raw beauty without modification. Understated and restrained, they even edge towards minimalism, paying homage to nature as well as food, reminding diners that the main character on stage is always the chef and the food.

Another space draws inspiration from the artist's studio and museum. The top high window runs through the entire space, allowing natural light to shine in evenly and gently, like the perfect light in the exhibition of art. Guests sit around the counter and witness the process of each dish from preparation to final presentation up close, as if participating in a carefully choreographed aesthetic ceremony.
Exquisite details can be seen everywhere, and the ingenuity of the chefs is embodied in every corner. On both sides of the wall, there are large-sized display shelves, on which are placed the ceramic utensils and objects from the chef's own hands. They are not only practical objects on the table, but also carriers of stories and emotions, making the space a canvas for the fusion of food and art.

光影是构成空间的重要元素,也是氛围的调度者。Grain Office通过使用多层次的建筑元素与材料,使空间富有层次,而光的运用则进一步塑造出不同的氛围与节奏。立面内凹的展示柜柔和地映照出菜单中的精选食材,在光影的渲染下,令人期待。
Light and shadow is an important element of space, but also the scheduler of atmosphere. Grain Office uses multiple layers of architectural elements and materials to enrich the space, while the use of light further shapes different atmospheres and rhythms. The concave display cases in the facade gently reflect the selected ingredients in the menu, which are rendered by light and shadow.

在Grain Office的精心打造下,Cuines 33不再是一家特色餐厅,更像是一家关于美食的“艺廊”。从食材的甄选到摆盘的美学,从空间的层次到氛围的塑造,Cuines 33从始至终无不传递出一种信念:美食既要满足味觉,更注重体验、情感与艺术的共鸣。
Under the careful construction of the Grain Office, Cuines 33 is no longer a specialty restaurant, but more like a "art gallery" about food. From the selection of ingredients to the aesthetics of the dish, from the level of space to the shaping of the atmosphere, Cuines 33 has conveyed a belief from the beginning to the end: food should not only satisfy the taste, but also pay more attention to the resonance of experience, emotion and art.






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