
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




本帖最后由 小大建筑设计 于 2023-3-27 15:13 编辑

FREITAG 一直以来都追随着他们的愿景进行项目。同样,在上海的店铺也是如此,这家新店将于3月25日开业。本地的建筑师、园艺师、工程师、设计师以及现场团队努力协作,两年多的时间,他们共同践行一个理念:通过最小化的二氧化碳排放,在社区中创造出一个视觉上引人注目的商店,并对周围社区产生积极影响,具有社会意义。FREITAG 不仅在包袋制作中注重循环利用材料,在店铺设计上也是如此:建筑垃圾被重新利用成为墙体的一部分,施工围挡使命结束后也再次被利用,成为店铺的标志性外立面。

At FREITAG, projects have always followed on from visions. The same thing applies to our store in Shanghai, which opens on March 25. Over a period of two years, the company worked closely with local architects, landscape gardeners, engineers, designers and an on-site team to develop a building concept that generated minimal CO2 emissions and resulted in a visually distinctive store with social relevance for the surrounding neighborhood. FREITAG reuses discarded materials not only for its bags but also in its store design. Rubble from building sites is turned into walls, and the hoarding panels were transformed into the characteristic facade.

▼项目鸟瞰及周边城市环境,Bird’s eye view and surrounding context © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

FREITAG 的基本原则是「我们基于“循环”进行思考并行动」。因此,新店铺在设计施工时,材料和资源的谨慎使用成为了重点。我们尽可能保留或再利用原本建筑已有的材料,当不可避免需要使用新材料时,需要在周围约100公里的范围内采购。作为社区的一部分,FREITAG 试图创造一个宜居的空间,例如屋顶露台进行绿化后,变成向邻里开放的公共活动空间。

In keeping with the principle behind everything FREITAG does – «We think and act in cycles» – the development of this latest store focused on the prudent use of materials and resources. Elements retrieved from the existing building were retained or reused wherever possible. And when there was no way to avoid the use of new materials, they were sourced within a radius of around 100 kilometers. As a part of the community, FREITAG has tried to create a genuinely rewarding space. A landscaped roof terrace, for example, is open to the public, and people in the neighborhood help to inject it with life.

▼店铺入口立面,Entrance facade © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

The Community Store



The Zurich bag manufacturers have maintained a store in Shanghai since 2018. With the local community continuing to grow, the new store aims to provide a platform going beyond a traditional understanding of retail. The FREITAG team met real estate developer Chengjun Fan, whose long-term goal is to turn the slightly out-of-the-way Xian-Suo district into an openly creative, neighborly area with a balanced mix of stores, restaurants and culture.

A property from the 1980s surfaced in this area remote from the well-known tourist and shopping attractions. It had first been used as a textile factory before being turned into a hostel. Close cooperation with Shanghai-based Kooo Architects, local engineers and small businesses, all recommended by friends or friends of friends of the local FREITAG team, generated the vision of a mutually tolerant, hybrid concept occupying the space between neighborhood and retail.

▼由纺织工厂改建的建筑空间,The space converted from a textile factory © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

Healthy growth


The roof, a joint effort involving the Urban Gardening Collective Forest City, adopts the same holistic concept as the store. It is designed to promote biodiversity in the neighborhood and connect the store to the publicly accessible rooftop terrace, managed by Chengjun Fan. The garden is tended organically and contains local plants in season. As such, it is open to the neighboring community for meetings, joint activities and collective development.

▼屋顶种植活动,Roof planting activities © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

Five principles of renovation




From the start, FREITAG stressed to Kooo Architects that the minimization of CO2 emissions was a key requirement. The entire building process was geared to this end, and the footprint of the conversion analyzed in detail (see table at the bottom of the page).

Consequently, the building was gutted, a procedure that preserves so-called gray energy and ensures that the carefully renovated building fabric will last for at least another 30 years. Reducing transport routes to a minimum, fine-finishing as few surfaces as possible, increasing the building’s energy efficiency and reusing as many materials as possible were further requirements for the project.

The old walls were demolished with the utmost care to facilitate the reuse of as many intact bricks as possible in the repair of existing walls or construction of new ones. Rubble from the demolition of ceilings and walls was collected to make so-called «rebirth bricks» on site that could be used for the new floors.

▼空间改造延续旧建筑的结构和材料,Space transformation continues the structure and materials of the old building © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang


The hoarding panels that had enveloped the entire building during reconstruction work and protected passers-by and the neighborhood from debris and dust were cut and repurposed on site. As a permanent part of the facade, these elements now form the outermost layer of the building. Apart from protecting the store against the weather, it also provides space for additional insulation between the facade and the building, thus increasing the structure’s energy efficiency. The windows in the new front were deliberately enlarged, generating a continuous dialog between «old» and «new» and allowing the building to provide an insight into the history of the structural development.

▼新旧材料间陈列的包袋和展品,Bags and exhibits on display between old and new materials © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

Inspired by the FREITAG factory in Zurich


Opening up the ceilings and floors has created a new sense of space, and the large opening in the roof brings lots of daylight into the building. The warehouse extends along the new three-story, free-standing wall and is not hidden. FREITAG designers have referenced the industrial look of the factory in Zurich to reveal the flow of goods with no attempt at concealment. Items in the warehouse are accessed using a goods lift or via shelves moved on rails from the eight-meter-high wall to the floors.

▼可升降的货梯,The liftable Freight Elevator © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

The store above the repair shop



The store’s first floor is given over to a large repair shop that unequivocally communicates the company’s commitment to longevity. Here, specially trained FREITAG employee Rainie Wu reconditions bags from all over China, ensuring that the company’s products have an even longer service life, all in the spirit of the circular economy.

In the adjacent workshop space, thanks to a concept developed exclusively for Shanghai, customers can get a first-hand experience of the digital F-Cut customization tool. Normally, the process involves screens, but here customers can use an industrial remote control to place a pattern for a full-size bag model on a tarp projection and design their own bag from used truck tarps. This way, FREITAG makes the design of the unique piece and the bag factory’s production processes tangible.

▼包袋修复工作区,Repair area © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

▼工作中的包袋医生,Rainie Wu at work © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

二楼与三楼陈列着FREITAG的产品:约900只不同的包袋和750个配件。零售区域使用的座椅是与Leandro Destefani合作设计开发的,以抽象但可感知的方式讲述了材料的背后的故事,灵感来自FREITAG工厂中工业货架上那些堆叠的卡车篷布:长达14米的篷布未经裁切,直接折叠后用工业轧带固定而成为独特的座椅。

The second and third floors house the entire FREITAG range: with about 900 different bags and 750 accessories. Seating objects developed in collaboration with Leandro Destefani tell the story behind the materials in an abstract but tangible way and were inspired by the piles of truck tarps on the industrial-standard shelves at the FREITAG factory. For once, the tarp sides – up to 14 meters in length – are not cut up but folded in one piece and held together with belts.

▼楼梯细节,Details of stairs © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

▼窗户细节,Details of the window © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang

▼对建筑材料和建筑垃圾的收集与再利用,Collection and reuse of construction materials and construction waste © Gao Hanzhi / Studio Fang


愿景与理念:FREITAG lab. ag
门店设计:FREITAG, Zürich / Kooo Architects, Shanghai & Tokyo
开发商/房东: “CJ” Chengjun Fan, Shanghai
建筑商:Hengpin, Shanghai
屋顶概念:Jody Wong, Zürich
屋顶绿化:Forest City Studio, Shanghai
FREITAG长凳设计:Leandro Destefani (Zauber Aller Art), Zürich






jfn-123 2023-3-28 00:12 来自: 中国
琚宾 2023-3-28 10:59 来自: 江苏无锡
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