
25高清案例 SU模型 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




本帖最后由 设计师青山周平 于 2023-7-25 15:19 编辑

青山周平与主理人 Tina 夫妇


City provided, lie the landscape





The calm of the sea can let a person away from the city blatant, enjoy a quiet and calm. Residents of urban people desire a pure land of mind, with a pure and beautiful, stay here, play.

Because of this, many people like the utopia of the northern coastal, and EOSO cloud praise hotel, designed by the castle peak his drought-striken fields, only 12 rooms, each one ", already have enough attraction, and PangXi lead ingenious garden construction, beautiful coastal scenery, as well as the brand run people collect art, and care services, the streaming hidden world luxury show to do.

● 面朝海岸的观海平台,17米无边泳池,海天胜景共赏。


Hotel main building is a simple shape, flat U word structure, face to face with the spirit of the two-storey wing. Highly sense of tonality ", architectural aesthetics and art achievement a pass of beauty, also let a return to natural life, become possible.

● 由苏州知名设计师厐喜主笔的园林设计,整体以枯山水园林理念为主体,运用自然材质,探寻人与自然的和谐共处。


Dozens of meters of stone length to diameter, along with the progressive, landscape along the garden level and the change of material, form a filter the noise, distractions, and tired, welcome to body and mind. With hotel copper door opened, the prelude of the interior is slowly.




Tatzelwurm/DS600沙发出自家具世家de sede出品之手,摆放于会客厅核心位置。这件作品为起居空间注入了美感与生命力,将松弛感与商务感中和。一旁的Spartherm燃木壁炉与之呼应,以19世纪老挝大铜鼓,自然的绮丽、时光铸就的匠艺与家的温馨演绎。

Tatzelwurm/DS600 sofa by furniture family DE sede product, put the core position in the lounge. The work for living space into the beauty and vitality, will be the feeling of relaxation and business. Aside the Spartherm wood-burning fireplace, Laos in the 19th century big tonggu, natural beautiful, sweet time casting craftsmanship and home.



Downy lamplight, private homes, comfort and warmth. Wide and full of inclusive sense of space, will appear multiple life scenes, also let to the brigade of the people to enjoy the release of body and mind with a looser social, enjoy a good holiday. Salvador Dali early sculpture masterpieces - the woman with the drawer, the world's only eight Xue Zhao new cast bronze works - "hole if there be light", covering the entire wall art tapestry, and a lot of photography art, fashion and the collection of the books of home design, the expression of time and have a more diverse.


For life elsewhere, people eager to surprise, but desire as to the inner tranquility and comfort. Seemingly mansion general lounge, may take this sense, it is through art sublimation heart yearning for beauty, also through the elaborate design, to embed the carefree and comfortable "life" of life itself, and the denotation of travel experience, home into the general peace and peace.



By the French window and looked at, orders, and may is geared to the needs of coastal sand sea swimming pool have a rest area. 17 meters infinity-edge pool as if combined with the sky; Poolside wooden dining table and guard the couch in the day, and the gauze curtain for travelers to enjoy the sunshine, beach, sea view, food and wine.



12间客房分布于主楼的两个楼层,不同的层次与空间体验,与自然的不同对话。有的带私人影院;有的带观景阳台 ,有的俯瞰沙滩美景;或身置下沉式围炉座席,直面海滩......居住空间和自然的互动,再次得到了更为真切的回应。

以米色、奶油色为基调的法国白洞石、北美橡木等天然材质,运用于每一个房间之中,流畅的线条贯穿始终,而柔和温暖的隐藏式照明系统,凸显归家的安心舒适氛围。精心挑选、造型极富戏剧性和雕塑感的当代名家设计家具运用于空间之中,Wassily扶手椅、Herman Miller出品的Eames躺椅、定制自Freifrau的Leya床尾凳等,达成艺术感与自然的融合呼应。

In France is fundamental key with cream-colored, cream white hole stone, natural materials, such as the north American oak used in each room, fluent line throughout, and the soft warm recessed lighting system, highlight home at ease and comfortable atmosphere. Carefully selected, modelling is very dramatic and sculpture of contemporary famous furniture used in the design space, Wassily Eames, deck chair, armchair, Herman Miller export custom since Freifrau Leya end of the bed stool, etc., a fusion of art and nature.

● 直通观海泳池休憩区的海景庭院泳池房,巨幅落地窗、超大庭院以及庭院内的私人泡池和下沉式围炉座席以及浴室窗畔安有石砌浴缸,让观海的沉浸氛围更为舒适。

● 位于底楼居中位置的零壹海景大床房,直面泳池平台和海滩美景的巨幅落地窗;睡床和超长法国白洞石书桌置于居室核心位置。


Per room, all can be used as a contemporary art museum, in addition to the famous furniture design, be signed by famous artists and, by the nepalese craftsmen long hours hand made carpet, also appeared in every guest room, satisfy the guests to the rage of art, create a unique journey in aesthetics.


From the spatial layout of contracted, fluent and beginning, calm, calm, soothing mood, spread in each space.

● 位于二层的拾壹海景露台房,可将酒店泳池、海滩美景和阿那亚的地标建筑尽收眼底的。

● 零叁庭院大床房中,法国木纹石、橡木和柔美灯光系统相互作用下,产生的柔和温馨感。



EOSO, derived from the Sanskrit of the interpretation of the time. "Cloud" as a kind of natural symbol, also is the picture of life. In a hurry and impatience after world, longing for the peace of the mind, let the incessant before the time of heart clouds scud across, along with the gender at ease, perhaps is a kind of beautiful yearning, but there is always a flash, it is possible. Corbusier once said, "when the architectural works as we follow the general rules, resounded in our heart, emotion is created for architecture." Building resonance of the heart and beautiful, be in EOSO cloud praise, o in the coastal zone, beidaihe, next to the landmark, the library of the auditorium and lonely, art, culture with fine sand blue sea, everything seems so meaningful long finish.


By the beautiful things in the beginning, there for a moment to rest, and open a journey, under the thinking and exploration of beauty, the continuation of sublimation, also on such a full of tolerance Hugh hidden place of power, open the door to his "heart's", through the journey of experience, to find their own spirit in good domain.


● B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所 创始人/主持建筑师



B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所成立于2014年,由日本建筑师青山周平和藤井洋子共同创建,是面向建筑以及建筑室内设计方向的充满年轻活力的建筑设计事务所。事务所目前的项目分布在北京、山西、山东、云南等省市的核心地段,涉及文化、商业等中小型规模建筑项目。事务所致力于用最精致的设计、最严谨的制图以及最精细的施工,保证每一个项目的圆满落成。

B.L.U.E.是Beijing Laboratory for Urban Environment的略称,以经济发展迅速的北京为中心,通过设计师的思考与建筑及相关方面的实践,实现对城市的物理、社会、文化环境等方面的研究,即事务所一直以来的目标——-创造一个连接城市环境的设计平台。

B.L.U.E.—– Beijing Laboratory for Urban Environment,致力于创造连接城市环境之设计平台的事务所。我们通过设计师的创造与思考,着眼于物理、社会、文化等各方面的环境,以厚重历史和先锐思潮碰撞激烈的北京为辐射中心,进行着兼顾商业与艺术的建筑、室内及产品设计的实践。。






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