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Banda Property是一家总部位于伦敦的多元化地产开发公司,业务涵盖全球各地的房地产事务合作、开发、项目管理、建筑以及室内设计。虽然呈现出的每个项目都是独一无二的,但它们的设计无不蕴含着“努力创造既美好又适宜的环境”的共同理念。
Banda Property is a diversified property development company based in London, covering real estate partnerships, development, project management, architecture and interior design around the world. While each of the projects presented is unique, they are all designed with a common philosophy of "striving to create an environment that is both beautiful and suitable".
NYC Penthouse
Banda Property通过独特的工作方法,使位于纽约一座始建于1925年的地标性住宅建筑平衡了室内与建筑在过去、当下以及未来之间的关系。他们与艺术家、工匠积极合作,并从项目所在地丰富的文脉中汲取灵感,构思了这间占地604㎡的复式顶层公寓,形成了一种连续的叙事,使欧洲的传统与纽约的历史于此交相辉映。
Banda Property's unique approach to a landmark 1925 residential building in New York balances the relationship between the interior and the building's past, present and future. Working with artists, artisans and drawing inspiration from the rich context of the site, they conceived the 604-square-metre duplex penthouse to create a continuous narrative that blends European heritage with New York's history.
Perry Street
Perry Street是一间位于纽约的公寓,工作室将奢华的审美与工业的建筑细节巧妙地结合起来,构成了鲜明的个性。光线充足的起居区和娱乐区之间实现了充分的自由流通,并与深色的工作区在色调形成视觉对比。天鹅绒、皮革、绒布、亚麻等材料互为交织、为空间带来舒适感的同时,增添了浓郁的艺术气息。
Perry Street is a New York City apartment where the studio combines a luxurious aesthetic with industrial architectural details to create a distinct character. Full free flow between the light-filled living and entertainment areas is achieved and visual contrast with the darker work areas in tone. Velvet, leather, flannelette, linen and other materials are interwoven to bring comfort to the space, while adding a strong artistic atmosphere.
Marylebone Apartment
三居室公寓 ━
Through the renovation of the floor plan and the restoration and reinforcement of the original partial details and eaves, this private house in central London has been transformed into a three-bedroom apartment with spacious and comfortable living and entertaining Spaces. The soft neutral tone and the careful combination of different materials, details, textures and furnishings give the space a unique home atmosphere.
Banda Paris Apartment
这间公寓是Banda Property在法国完成的第一个项目,位于巴黎的一处核心地段。对设计师而言,设计的切入点往往是从场地、建筑、独特的细节和空间的“个性”开始。他们希望创造出具有永恒性和流动感的空间,并与其优越的地理位置、充足的自然光线和有着识别性的周边景观相互映衬以至融合。
This apartment is Banda Property's first completed project in France and is located in a central part of Paris. For designers, the entry point often starts with the site, the building, the unique details and the "personality" of the space. They wanted to create a space with a sense of permanence and flow, complementing and blending with its location, abundant natural light and identifiable surrounding landscape.