零碳茶馆与当地夯土建筑 摄影:田方方
项目名称 「宁的茶」下党零碳茶馆 设计单位 HATCH汉齐建筑 项目地址 福建宁德 完成年份 2024年 建筑面积 467平方米 撰文 Linda Jiang
为应对全球气候危机,推动中国实现“双碳”目标,新能源创新科技公司宁德时代在新能源电池领域取得成就后,又将目光聚焦于构建绿色、智能、宜居的城市环境。随着“零碳新基建”构想的提出,一场改写人类未来命运的新篇章正悄然拉开序幕。 To tackle the global climate crisis and achieve China’s “dual-carbon” goals, CATL, a world-leading innovative new energy technology company, has shifted its focus from the remarkable achievements in the field of new energy batteries to creating green, intelligent, and livable urban environments. With the introduction of the “zero-carbon new infrastructure” concept, a grand chapter that could reshape humanity’s future is quietly unfolding.
建筑与场地环境 摄影:田方方2024年11月,由HATCH汉齐建筑为宁德时代打造的下党零碳示范基地,在福建省宁德市寿宁县下党乡正式揭开了神秘的面纱。这一创新之作由“宁的茶”零碳茶馆以及光储充放智能充电站组成,既展现了科技与自然的和谐共生,也为乡村振兴注入了新的活力与希望。设计的巧思如同莫比乌斯环般无穷无尽,蕴藏在每一个细微之处,引领着未来的无限可能。 Designed by HATCH Architect, CATL’s Xiadang Zero-Carbon Demonstration Base was officially unveiled in November 2024 in Xiadang Township, Shouning County, Ningde City, Fujian Province. This innovative project, composed of the “Ning's Tea” Zero-Carbon Teahouse and a solar-charging station, showcases the harmonious coexistence of technology and nature while injecting new vitality and hope into rural revitalization. The design, as intricate as a Möbius strip, holds endless possibilities, guiding the future.
茶馆与光伏充电站夜景鸟瞰 摄影:田方方
自古以来,以乡村为载体的耕读文明蕴含着循环永续的智慧:从生产方式到生活方式,从自然的循环到生命的轮回,每一个环节都体现了人与自然和谐共生的美好愿景。在下党乡,宁德时代以拥抱未来的态度,将零碳茶馆与流淌千年的永续文脉巧妙结合,展现出新时代的可持续发展之道。设计团队则以充满未来感的建筑风格和富有前瞻性的设计理念,将抽象的概念具象化,生动地呈现在世人面前。 Rooted in rural wisdom, China’s agricultural civilization has embodied cyclical and sustainable practices for centuries. From production methods to lifestyles, the integration of natural and human cycles represents a harmonious vision of coexisting with nature. Embracing the future, CATL merges its zero-carbon teahouse with the enduring cultural heritage of Xiadang Township, presenting a new pathway for sustainable development.
村民与茶馆 摄影:田方方
从老建筑看茶馆 摄影:田方方零碳茶馆的设计灵感源自象征循环往复哲学思想的莫比乌斯环。与被动式节能技术不同,该项目通过引入先进的新能源和智能网联技术,主动为建筑赋能。 The Möbius strip, a symbol of perpetual cycles, inspired the teahouse’s design. Unlike passive energy-saving techniques, this project actively empowers the building with advanced new energy and intelligent interconnectivity technologies.
竹林与茶馆与村庄 摄影:田方方整座建筑采用BIPV(光伏建筑一体化)材料和技术,在有限的空间内实现了全周期绿电直供。屋顶铺设的光伏板,如微积分般精准贴合屋顶曲线,使整个建筑在视觉上更加协调一致。建筑外观大量运用超白玻璃和UHPC(超高性能混凝土),既保证了通透的视野和充足的采光,又有效降低了能源消耗。 The entire structure utilizes BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics), enabling full-cycle green power supply within limited space. The precision of photovoltaic panel alignment with the roof’s curves ensures visual harmony. With materials like ultra-clear glass and UHPC (Ultra-High-Performance Concrete), the design achieves transparency and energy efficiency.
光伏屋顶的观景功能 摄影:田方方同时,位于山脚下的光储充放智能充电站,除了提供基础的充电服务外,还具备车网双向交互功能,可实现电车反向放电给茶楼,最大化利用电力资源。据测算,茶馆的年发电量约为5.5万度,减少约54.8吨二氧化碳排放,相当于种植3000棵树。这里不仅是一处静谧的休憩之所,更是现代科技与自然美学的精妙融合。 Meanwhile, the intelligent charging station at the foot of the mountain provides bi-directional car-to-grid functionality, enabling vehicles to discharge power back to the teahouse. This maximizes energy use efficiency. With an annual power output of approximately 55,000 kWh, the teahouse reduces CO2 emissions by about 54.8 tons, equivalent to planting 3,000 trees every year.
俯瞰茶馆与山村 摄影:田方方
莫比乌斯环不仅寓意着无尽的循环,更揭示了世界的普遍联系,以及对立面之间存在着统一与相互转化的可能性。在下党乡,这一奇妙的几何形态,将看似截然不同的两种事物巧妙地连接在一起。 The Möbius strip also reveals the connection between opposites and the potential for unity and transformation. This unique geometry links seemingly disparate elements in Xiadang Township.
从村庄看茶馆 摄影:田方方
茶馆整体鸟瞰 摄影:田方方不同于惯常的乡村建设方式,设计团队构建的零碳茶馆宛如一个“天外来物”,在材料、配色、质地和形态上与周边村落形成了极大的反差。然而,当人们顺着盘桓的山路缓缓步入建筑内部,再沿着螺旋向上的行走动线抵达屋顶时,却会感受到一种令人赞叹的和谐之美。 The zero-carbon teahouse stands out against the surrounding rural architecture, creating sharp contrasts in materials, colors, and textures. However, as visitors ascend the spiraling pathway to the rooftop, they are greeted by an unparalleled sense of harmony.
一层外部 摄影:田方方
上屋顶路径 摄影:田方方茶馆分为上下两层,设有茶饮区、茶艺交流区和观景休闲区,每一处皆拥有绝佳的视野。设计团队运用简洁的设计语言、灵动的空间布局和精心布置的照明与软装陈设,营造出雅致舒适的氛围。 The two-story structure comprises a tea bar, tea culture exchange area, and a scenic leisure space, each offering spectacular views.
零碳包厢立面 摄影:田方方优雅的弧线贯穿整个空间,使建筑与室内设计相融合,确保了整体设计的统一性。 The elegant curves run through the entire space, seamlessly integrating the architecture with the interior design and ensuring the unity of the overall concept.
旋转楼梯 摄影:田方方尽管在设计语言和建筑形态上与周边环境形成鲜明对比,零碳茶馆却真实地融入到当地村民的日常生活中,同时令慕名而来的游客流连忘返。透过全景落地玻璃,村民与游客彼此欣赏,互为风景。 Despite its modern appearance, the teahouse seamlessly integrates into local life, captivating both villagers and tourists. The panoramic glass walls allow villagers and visitors to view each other, forming a mutual appreciation.
二楼观景层的超白玻画框 摄影:田方方光伏屋顶下的零碳餐宴空间宛如一处隐秘的世外桃源。后厨采用绿色电力烹饪,与传统的液化气相比,不仅用电成本降低了25%,加热时间更是缩短了50%,极大地提高了能源的使用效率。置身于群山环抱之中,品尝一顿零碳火锅,仿佛能感受到大自然的馈赠与和谐共生的美好。
零碳包厢与外面的山峦 摄影:田方方
零碳包厢立面 摄影:田方方
自零碳茶馆开业以来,“去下党乡喝红茶”在网络上引发了一股零碳生活的新潮流,下党乡也因此成为新晋的网红打卡地。 Since its opening, the zero-carbon teahouse has sparked a trend of zero-carbon lifestyles, making Xiadang Township a popular tourist destination.
事务所创始人卫宏涛表示:“零碳茶馆绝非寻常意义上的网红建筑,它就像一个精妙的链接器,将周遭的村庄、远处的山峦、永续的能源科技、游客的体验以及村民的生活紧密连结在一起,绘就一幅美美与共的永续山居图卷。” HATCH co-founder David Wei remarked, “The zero-carbon teahouse is not just a trendy building; it serves as a connector that tightly links the surrounding villages, distant mountains, renewable energy, tourist experiences, and local lifestyles into a cohesive narrative of sustainable mountain living.”
可以说,这一项目是可持续发展新时代的有力实践。这股绿色能量如同“零碳新基建”的星星之火,从下党零碳示范基地出发,逐渐蔓延至“零碳茶园”“零碳茶厂”“零碳农业”等多元场景。这些零碳项目又如同涓涓细流,汇聚成“零碳岛”“零碳城市”“零碳乡村”的壮阔江河,最终汇入“零碳地球”的宏伟愿景之中,共同谱写一曲永续生态的未来赞歌。 This successful project signifies the beginning of a new era of sustainable development. From Xiadang, this green energy spreads to diverse scenarios like zero-carbon tea plantations, factories, and agriculture, eventually forming zero-carbon cities, islands, and rural areas. Together, these efforts compose a vision of a zero-carbon Earth and a sustainable future.
茶馆与村庄 摄影:田方方
设计图纸 ▽
首层平面图 ©HATCH汉齐建筑
二层平面图 ©HATCH汉齐建筑
屋顶平面图 ©HATCH汉齐建筑
剖面图 ©HATCH汉齐建筑
墙体构造大样图 ©HATCH汉齐建筑
完整项目信息 项目名称:「宁的茶」下党零碳茶馆 设计单位:HATCH汉齐建筑 业主:宁德时代 项目地址:福建省宁德市下党乡 建筑面积:467平方米 完成年份:2024年 主创建筑师:卫宏涛 项目建筑师:赵丹景 建筑及室内设计团队:甘霁,陆慧沁,王倩,吴洁宸,张宇超,宋致真,杨颖,段晶晶,黄品洋(实习) 结构及机电设计团队:王海平,陈昊,唐维,李彦智 幕墙设计师:苏浬 灯光设计师:倪剑敏 主要材料:UHPC,玻璃幕墙,光伏玻璃 光伏玻璃供应商:龙焱能源科技(杭州)有限公司 UHPC供应商:芜湖鼎福景观材料有限公司 施工团队:福建冠云鑫建设工程有限公司 摄影:田方方 撰文:Linda Jiang