The project is a proposal by Italian architect Tommaso Casucci for the new library of the school of architecture, located at the limit of the old town of Florence. It is part of a renovation plan of a large area used until recent times as convent and later penitentiary. Pre-existing spaces are converted in archive, the new addition provide study areas, meeting spaces, auditorium, exhibition spaces in a continuous varying experience.
The project explore the emergent qualities derived from surfaces modulation in an intensive fields, aiming to equilibrium states of program, structure and function trough morphodynamical processes. Form, structure, function and decoration are emergent qualities of the same coherent system strictly related to his environment.
At a global scale the system explore how the modulation of isosurfaces, based on intensive field from site analysis data, can achieve highly differentiated spaces and performative structures. The research uses a generative methodology to test multiple solutions based on the same process from which was selected the one that represent the best compromise between structural performance, program and connections.
At finer scale, surfaces porosity is based on triply periodic minimal surfaces structures to define a performative interface of bioclimatic regulation where irradiation values on the surface are used to module light perception in the interior spaces of the library.
本人英文很差,只看得懂大概的 意思,这是意大利的一个城市佛罗伦萨的一个学校的新图书馆。
谈到了这个城市,可能很多人都没听说过,这里 找了一些关于城市的介绍。佛罗伦萨(Florence)是意大利中部的一个城市,托斯卡纳区首府。位于亚平宁山脉中段西麓盆地中。十五至十六世纪时佛罗伦萨是欧洲最著名的艺术中心,以美术工艺品和纺织品驰名全欧。欧洲文艺复兴运动的发祥地,举世闻名的文化旅游胜地。1865-1871年曾为意大利王国统一后的临时首都。工业以玻璃器皿、陶瓷、高级服装、皮革为主。金银加工、艺术复制品等工艺品亦很有名。佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展,与威尼斯双年展、米兰三年展并称意大利三大艺术展。