
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
编        辑:Elena 伍星

设  计  师:罗灵杰Ajax Law Ling Kit, 龙慧祺Virginia Lung

设计公司:壹正企划有限公司 One Plus Partnership

   原为北京紫禁城其中一面城门所在,东直门这个曾见证历史民俗的地方现在已是个商贸区域。位于东直门北面香河园里的Linked Hybrid商住区,是一个被喻为世界十大建筑师之一的史提芬霍尔打造的「当代天空之城」。处于冲击着人们心弦的现代空间意念的氛围当中,意味着附属于电影院的MOMA书店也将会带来深刻的感官刺激,从而配合室外那以数幢几何造型及连结其中的不规则天桥所表达出来的人际连系。

   Originally one of entrances of the ancient Forbidden City of Beijing, Dongzhimen is now a commercial area that witnessed the history and custom of the city. The Linked Hybrid in this area is the “contemporary celestial city” by Stephen Holl, of the few top architects in the world. Located in the atmosphere with impact that touches people’s hearts, the bookshop linked with the cinema is promised to present visitors the sensual stimulus that answers to the exterior, where the linkage within people is abstracted as numbers of geometric buildings linked by irregular footbridges between them.

    The shop is divided into the movie bookshop and information center, the design concept with the trace of cinema is applied into these spaces. Visitors’ sight would be drawn to the random-like located joinery pieces, which has made with the form just like stacked bookshelves.  Meanwhile, the cashier counter with the same pattern of appearance is well blended into the “sheep herd” of bookshelves as a”camouflaged wolf”. Adjoining the bright green colour, the vivacious joinery, which are actually an abstract of the back of books, are releasing customers’ mind and encouraging their reading desire with the soothing air it provides. Meanwhile these furniture piece and the books in them serve as the magnet that tracts people altogether, the architect’s aim of group interaction is fulfilled here then. The cashier counter is one of many places that reflect the concept of cinema from the shop, the big white back wall with the shop’s logo and name etched into it, yet video clips about movies and related activities appear on the wall.


    Looking upon the ceiling around the shop space including the movie information centre, large amount of radial webs of green electric cords is found spreading there, with lights hanging on the end of each cord. This is not only for responding the green colour scheme in the shop space, but also for localising the modern design style of the shop with their appearance , which is reminiscence of the messy electric poles all over the old alleys in Beijing. More importantly, it is also stating the inter-people connection that is boldly expressed in the exterior.


    In addition, Dongzhimen, the name of this east city wall entrance is reminiscence of the ancient concept; that is, east represents spring, and wood in the five elements. According to this philosophy, the existing window sills applied with various colour that represents the five elements in Chinese tradition, in the architects’ objective sense. Localization has become a tool to enrich the theme. And hence, the choice of green tone, as the abstract colour scheme of ‘flora vitality’ in the interior, can be explained under this circumstance.






2628564708 2014-4-8 13:00 来自: 上海
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