策展人:王 军
特邀嘉宾:艾未未 何云昌 王庆松 俞心樵
艺术家(暂定):Kim(澳大利亚) 高雅+高娜(北京+法国) 刮子(青海)黄宽(青海)黄文亚(湖南) 贾茜兰(重庆) 李爻(北京) 李岩(北京)李鹤(北京) 老道(河南) 麦子(北京)马志民(河北)泥巴(北京)冯丽鹏(北京) 苗世明(河北) 清水惠美(日本) 祁颖(北京) 佟志勇(河北) 万巧(四川) 王军(北京) 闻竹(河北) 小奶花(上海)小日(北京) 徐典(北京) 神经中枢乐队(北京)
接待电话:15801273093 13810846594 qq:916429327
The Perface of The Second session Qian Ti Performance Art Events
Exhibition:The Second session Qian Ti Performance Art Events
Academic Support: Yuan Tingxuan
Invited guests:Ai Weiwei He Yunchang Wang Qingsong Yu Xinqiao
Artist : Kim(Australia) Gao Ya+Gao Na(Beijing + France) GuaZi(Qinghai) Huang Kuan(Qinghai) Huang Wenya(Hunan) JiaQianlan(Chongqing) Li Yao (Beijing) Li Yan (Beijing) Li He (Beijing)Lao Dao(Henan) Mai Zi(Beijing) Ma Zhiming(Hebei) Ni Ba(Beijing) FengLipeng(Beijing) Miao Shiming(Hebei) Emi Shimizu (Japan) QiYing(Beijing) Dong Zhiyong(Hebei) Wan Qiao(Sichuan) Wang Jun(Beijing)Wen Zhu(Hebei) Xiao Naihua(Shanghai) Xiao Ri(Beijing) Xu Dian(Beijing)The nerve center of the band (Beijing)
Opening: At 2:00. p.m -7 p.m May 1, 2009
Show time: May 1, 2009 - May 3, 2009
Workshop: at 7:00 p.m. -9 p.m May 1, 2009
Venue : Bei Jing Cao Chang Di CCD300 Art Area
Contact : t 13810846594
e: okwangjun666@163.com
Sponsor : CCD300 Business Club、The Eighth day Yunnan Restaurant
The Perface of The Second session Qian Ti Performance Art Events
The foundation of First session Qian Ti Performance Art Eventscame as occasionally.Before it shaped, it was just an art event, anindex of exhibition. However, when beening organized, planed byAvant-garde artists with dozens of artists’ performance artworks, thisevent have been immediately discussed and noticed windly in art field.
The Second session, as the extension of the frist one, which wasspeculated deeply for a whole year, now is time to have fun together.The funny life, the evil creation, the philosophic thoughts, we areliving as plants, occupied lands and crossed the sky. This speaklesspower clean this ridiculous world for a split second, while ruining itat same time.
Now time to 2009, economic crisis has effected the whole world,and China economy is in a confused condtion in this storm. Some thinksthe stabilization and fast development of China may become the hero ofworld, but some sure that the under urbanization of China will leadChina economy to the same way as other nations. However, economiccrisis effected China Contemperary Art first: galleries kicked out, artorganizations blew away, artists puzzled with workroom full of artworks.
Performance Art, itself has unique backbone and ego as a hardstone that couldn’t conquered by commerce. In thissubstance-is-everything time, it blossoms in dull weather and melt asthe sharpest thing without art controlling, so we have right to be moreand more presumptuous,
When we talke about the strange life, this is art itself; Wecrossed the sharp condition from old memory to theMatrix; We play theinternational bass with our audio; We are calmly undertaken thepolitics into our mind even bone and blood; We open the cap, tear theplastic bag and turn the PLAY button; We hands up and open the windowof world. We study the action of kinds of people from every parts ofnation, and then we give up the txt and turn into performance in livingas usual. We are still there to know the world and sparkle all the time.
This is a revolution and a war of art field. It seems like agame with the most simple, straight, unique, original material freecontrolled by anyone---BODY, which conveys art, opposes traditions andchallenges the words authority. BODY, this word can not representanyone, but the important is our expression would be continued. And TheSecond session Qian Ti Performance Art Events is carrying out undersuch background. As a performance “festival”, it needn’t any regionalexperience or some dangerous secrets, it is just a pure and honest giftto th world contemperary art without any commerical purposes
The Second session Qian Ti Performance Art Events will open inCCD300 Artzone of Beijing Fang Caodi at May, 1st, 2009, which planed byWangjun and supported with CCD300 Business Club and the Eighth dayYunnan Restaurant and so on. Under the planning team and organizersconsideration and supports of artists, Qian Ti Performance Art Eventshave been growing so fast. In this complicated world, this party willburst out the hottest power.We are looking for the all-round, variousangles and multi-levels define and feedback from surroundings. And weare full of hope to see how The Second session Qian Ti Performance ArtEvents create a brand new and unique stage to Contemperary Art World.
