Wu Wei is a renovation project of two mansions and an adjoining old printworks in a well-being centre in Kortrijk. The site of 5000m2 is a unique combination of hotel, restaurant, spa, seminar and meeting rooms. The project is located at the back of the station in the middle of a residential neighborhood of stately mansions and city gardens.
↑ 夜景,竹园与水疗中心
In the existing site, new open spaces were created by breaking down old volumes and adding new ones in which several smaller gardens were constructed. The mix of the old industrial heritage and a new bright and introvert contemporary architecture, creates an open and intimate atmosphere where light, nature and calm reign. The green spaces between the two reconcile with each other and guarantee a constant pleasant experience in the entire centre.
↑ 夜景,水疗中心
Just as in the interior, you find various experiences and themes outside. The orchard, herb garden, parking garden, woodland garden, vegetable garden, roof garden and bamboo garden are ‘arranged casually’. Both trees, shrubs, creepers, herbs & vegetables, bulbs, aquatic plants and various structuring foliage plants seem to have arisen naturally. The choice of the plants is based on color, smell and texture.
The architects worked closely together for the entire project and in particular the choice of materials. Old industrial concrete floors were retained, new ones were constructed in mortex. Inner and outer walls were painted in the same color. Similar wood elements are used inside and outside. A good example is the rooftop pavilion and the lockers in the spa in recovery scaffolding wood. But also the coating in mortex of the swimming pool and all bathrooms in the hotel shows a close collaboration between interior designer, architect and landscape architect with a sense of unity and a blurred line between inside and outside as a result.
Within the sequence of smaller, successive, green spaces, there is a clear duality. A hidden and barely visible old chimney tower was released and has become the new reference point of the site. The driveway and parking are wild, rugged and spontaneous. Once passed the tower, everything is serene and controlled.
↑ 鸟瞰,工厂的外墙刷上白色,烟囱成为场地的参照物,栽植的植物生长茂盛。以烟囱为界,一侧景观精致,另一侧景观粗放。
↑ 宁静祥和的气氛,泳池尽头的墙面开了一条细长的横窗,能看到另一个花园中的景观。
↑ 在水疗池中疗养的人们,水疗池后面的茂密竹林让白色烟囱若隐若现。
↑ 从另一个方向看错落与恰到好处的建筑体量
↑ 水疗池从室外延伸进入室内
↑ 白池中的蓝宝石,翠绿作为背景。一眼是一幅画。
↑ 餐厅内向室外看。在不同的室内可以看到外面不同的花园景观。
↑ 安宁的竹园。
↑ 某入口。
↑ 主入口附近的景观,比较野和自然。
↑ 入口和外面的景观,与内部精致的景观形成对比