
25高清案例 24实景 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
2014-03-15 发布




朝鲜半岛最南端海域的Changseon岛上正在大力发展度假旅游产业,“Southcape Owner’sclub会所”应运而生。这个复合建筑群妥帖的布局在群岛变化剧烈的山地地形上。
Located on Changseon Island in Namhae Province (남해군, 창선도), at the southern tip of the Korean peninsula, is a resort development - the Southcape Owner’s Club - with several complexes that are strategically positioned throughout the dramatic topography of the archipelagic region.

为私人化的水疗设施,而西边则是更为公共的餐厅,私人宴会和会议设施。建筑采用对比手法,不仅仅体现在形式上,更是在材质方面---实体与透明。Spa区大多设计成封闭空间,仅沿着实体外墙开了一条1米宽的天窗。沿着两边走到尽头,便可进入完全开阔的端头,这里安放了男女共用的室外水疗设施,客人可以一边享受spa一边欣赏南海和北方的远景。 用餐区的全玻璃幕墙使得室内与露台无缝相连,为客人提供更为开放的空间感受,让他们一边就餐一边欣赏美丽的风景。

The apex of the resort is the Clubhouse, which in plan is essentially a pair of bars bending outward. The two curvatures of the building engage with specific moments of its immediate surroundings, hugging the existing context - the rocky hill to the east, and the vista out toward the cape to the west. Simultaneously, the composition of the curved masses allow the building to also embrace what is to the north and south - a grand entry round-about, and a remarkable ocean view to the south, respectively. An open central zone is formed, anchoring the entire complex in a culmination of an impressive entrance patio under a sculptural open-roof, a reflection pool directly below, and a spectacular framed view of the South Sea. To the east are the more private spa facilities, and to the west, the more public restaurant, private dining, and event facilities. There is a contrast that takes place, not only programmatically, but also in materiality – solid vs. transparent. The spa area is mostly designed as a closed mass, with a slightly open 1m clerestory running along the entire length of the solid exterior walls and roof, progressing to a fully open release at both ends of the volume, which allows for an outdoor terraced bath for both the men’s and women’s spas with views out to the South Sea and waters beyond the landscape to the north. The dining areas are all glass-clad with extended perimeter terraces to all sides, offering a sense of openness out to the waters and landscape.
如同雕塑般的会所屋顶经过精确地几何计算,形成系统的结构组织, 与立体的自然环境相呼应。露出来的弯曲钢梁就好像真空制造环境下成形的白色混凝土薄壳,最终一系列混凝土拱顶衔接在一起形成一个“X”形的屋顶。3m长的挑檐不仅使整个屋顶具有遮阴避雨的功能,同时也是整体建筑语言的重要部分,其随大势而动,从南到北自上而下,更加突出了整个建筑的动感。
The sculpted roof of the Clubhouse is derived through a geometric rigor driven by the systematic structural organization, which is a response to the three-dimensionality of the natural context. The depth of the curved steel beams are revealed, as if it were a vacuum-formed white concrete membrane, where a series of vaulted concrete canopies ultimately form an x-shaped, exploded circle in plan. The 3m canopies that outline the entire roof not only function as a shading device, but follow the overall architectural language, as the edge conditions change in direction, up and down, from the north to the south side of the building. It adds to the sensuous movements that are portrayed throughout the building.
From a distance, whether from the deck of a boat afloat the South Sea, or from a distance in the rolling landscape of the island, the appearance of the Clubhouse read horizontal, demure, and subtle. However, once in and around the Clubhouse, one begins to have a dramatic experience through the perspectival exaggerations and the views framed by the illustrious canopy edges. The Southcape Owner’s Club Clubhouse is a
seamless, continuous, and complete object in nature, with a shape in plan that creates a complex relationship with the surroundings, in rhyme with the rias coastline of the archipelagos that are unique to this region.

Southcape Owner’s Club: Clubhouse
Design Period: 2009.01~2012.01
Construction Period: 2011.10~2013.11
Type: Sports, Golf Clubhouse
Location:Namhae, Korea
Site Area: 23,066.16㎡
Site Coverage Area: 7,955.98㎡
Total Floor Area: 15,101.56㎡
Building-to-Land Ratio: 34.49%
Floor Area Ratio: 20.39%
Building Scope: B2, 1F
Structure: RC, SC
Exterior Finish: White Exposed Concrete, Serpentino Classico, Travertine Navona, T33.52 Low-iron/Low-E laminated and Insulated Glass,
Broken Porcelain Tile
Interior Finish: Serpentino Classico, Travertine Navona, Solid Teak Wood, Venetian Stucco
Mass Studies
Minsuk Cho, Kisu Park, Junkoo Kang, Younkyoung Shin, Bumhyun Chun, Wonbang Kim, Yuseok Heo, Sungpil Won, Junghye Bae, Minho Hong,
Changwoo Choi, Eunju Choi, Kyungsik Kim, Joshua Ovenden, Nickolas Urano, Joungwon Lee, Vin Kim, Taehoon Hwang, Sangkyu Jeon,
Joonhee Lee, Soohyun Jin, Sojung Lee, Sangjoon Kwak, Songmin Lee, Dongwon Yoon, Kyenyong Kwak, Z-U Kim, Kyungmok Park, Suzan
Babaa, Irene Matteini, Ji Soo Han, Guo Xiang
Structural Engineer: Thekujo
MEP Engineer HANA Consulting & Engineers
Civil/Geotechnical Engineer
Korean Geo-Consultants Co. Ltd.
Lighting Engineer: Newlite
Landscape design: Seo Ahn Landscape
Construction: HanmiGlobal Co. Ltd.
Client: Handsome Corp.






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