在荷兰恩斯赫德商业科技园内的FC Twente体育场(Grolsch Veste体育场)和地铁站对面,一座剔透精美的建筑脱颖而出:这是建筑师Paul de Ruiter专为ICT公司SIGMAX设计的总部办公楼,具有杰出的流线型建筑结构。连续的玻璃幕墙不仅使室内享受到充足的阳光,营造出愉悦的工作环境,同时,身处室内也能与外界毫无阻隔,颇有 “身临其境”的感觉。而在办公楼内,室内设计师仍然保留,甚至加强了这种开放的特点。
Situated in the Business & Science Park in Enschede, opposite the FC Twente stadium (the Grolsch Veste) and the railway station, is the new head office designed for ICT company Sigmax by Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter: a prominent, streamlined architectural structure. The uninterrupted glass facade ensures that sufficient daylight can enter the building, creating a pleasant working environment and direct contact with the surroundings. Inside the building, Ex Interiors has managed to retain and even emphasise this open character.
↑ 晶莹剔透的外观
↑ 悬挑楼板与通透的玻璃幕墙。室内的彩色条纹吸音墙材料来自回收的纺织品与低碳。
Sigmax is a specialist ICT company which provides innovative mobile solutions for, among other things, the enforcement and monitoring tasks
of municipal councils, police forces and public transport. Sigmax also creates and (remotely) manages the ICT infrastructure for businesses.
The company wanted to merge the two different departments in a new office, with scope for further expansion. A fitting and sustainable working
environment was created for Sigmax, a building that energises and inspires.
办公楼的设计考虑到了Sigmax公司特有的工作进程和组织结构,因此,根据Eckart Wintzen的经营哲学,在飞速发展变化的ICT行业里,办公楼要能灵活满足公司在每一个发展阶段的需要。每一个办公隔间和楼内开放的工作环境都要相互协调,使各部门产生协同效应。这样,就能保障ICT方案和产品的实施,以其相关的知识。办公楼采用层叠式设计,水平的线条和圆角玻璃墙突出了建筑开阔和透明的特点。4块轻薄的浮式地板延伸出
The design of the building is based on the specific work process and organisational structure of Sigmax so that, based on the management philosophy of Eckart Wintzen, it can flexibly respond to every development in the rapidly changing ICT world. The cell office and the open work landscape in the building alternate to create a synergy between the various divisions, thus safeguarding the implementation of smart ICT solutions and products and related knowledge in the future.
The building has been designed in the form of a stacked pavilion, whose horizontal lines and spectacular glass facade with rounded corners highlight its spacious and transparent character. The slim, floating floors seem to extend outside and are only separated by the glass, minimising the visual boundary between indoors and outdoors. The extending floor areas are designed as a vegetal roof with moss growth, optimising the impression on each floor of working in a green environment. This reflects the landscape design at ground level; the outdoor design has also been based on a completely green environment around the building.
↑ 玻璃幕墙转角处采用弧形玻璃,圆润的边角让形式更为整体透明,水平的楼板强调视线的无限开阔
The design of Sigmax’ new building is very compact. The floors are organised as efficiently as possible, using a very flexible layout. This makes it possible to create cell offices as well as open office landscapes. The compact structure of the building, together with the atrium in the heart of the building, promotes the connection between floors and stimulates contact and ‘chance’ meetings between personnel. The aesthetics of the building’s architectural design primarily manifests itself in the spatial design of the white steel sculptural staircase, which dominates the double, welcoming entrance on the ground floor. This open and light space is used as (company) restaurant, presentation area and meeting place.
↑ 悬挑的楼板上种植苔藓,为办公环境提供更多的绿色。
The building has been rotated on the plot for an optimal position in relation to the sun. Each wall has its own climate concept and all the climate control is managed directly via the facade. The cantilevering of the floors varies according to the side of the building; for example on the south side they are a metre wide to act as shutters. At the bottom they have stainless steel panels which allow indirect light from the outside to penetrate deeper into the building. On each floor, optimal daylight enters the building, with a particular role for the atrium. The regulation of daylight and good climate control ensure a pleasant working environment. The forty-five centimetre high floors incorporate climate units, concrete core activation, sun protection and ventilation. All the installations are concealed where possible.
↑ 通透开放的办公环境 室内
种照明模式可供选择,保证了夜间令人惊艳的光效。 建筑师Paul de Ruiter和室内设计搭档,共同打造出这个简洁美观、可持续的高质量办公楼。建筑、室内设计和建材的运用达到了完美的平衡,使办公楼散发出迷人的吸引力。 INTERIOR
Inside the building, Ex Interiors has extended the open character of the building in order to optimally emphasise its spacious and transparent nature. Through the predominantly glass interior walls, there is a constant connection between indoors and outdoors. The few closed panel walls are covered with sound-absorbing wall coverings designed by Ex Interiors: strips of colourful felt in a matching colour combination made
from recycled textiles from the car industry and old carpets that have been pressed together and felted. Strips were then cut from the felt and incorporated in the acoustic panels. The floors are partially carpeted, with a pattern specially designed for this project. The entire building is lit with sustainable LED lighting. The lighting fixtures, round disks in different diameters, are applied in a varying pattern throughout the building,
which ensures surprising light effects, particularly in the evening.
Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter, in partnership with Ex Interiors, has achieved a compact, sustainable and high quality office building. A building with appeal, in which architecture, interior design and material use are completely in balance.
↑ 联系上下楼层,激活办公空间活跃性的白钢雕塑楼梯。
↑ 楼梯贯穿整个建筑,天光从上倾泻而下,让这个交通空间也成为一个明亮的中庭空间。