PIN GROUP 集团于2000 年在意大利创办。自创始之初,即与欧亚地区企业通力合作,一如既往地以担当欧洲与中国之间地域、文化、供应商与消费者之间的沟通桥梁为己任。凭借专业市场知识,PIN GROUP 专注于食品行业行销与分销服务、连锁餐饮等领域。创办餐饮连锁品牌PIN GUSTO 和IL GUSTO。2012 年,PIN GROUP 集团中国全资子公司浙江缔品进出口有限公司入驻浙江杭州,欲全面开展中国市场进口食品零售业务。
Founded in 2000 in Italy and cooperated with Eurasian companies, Pin Group has played an important role in bi-cultural communication between the European countries and China, as well as the suppliers and customers. Meanwhile, depending on its professional marketing experience, Pin Group concentrates on the marketing and distribution of food service industry and the chain restaurant industry. Pin Group also created two high-end Italian restaurant chains, both Pin Gusto & Il Gusto, in various countries in European Union.In 2012, the most important branch of PinGroup, Zhejiang Pin Group Import and Export Co., LTD, was formed at Hangzhou City to develop its retail business of imported food in Chinese market.
什品北城天地生活馆2014年6月开业,是浙江缔品进出口有限公司(意大利Pin Group集团在华经营的合资子公司)旗下品牌,该生活馆集进口食品、用品、咖啡、披萨、冰激凌于一体,给客户创造全新的体验方式、打造高端的生活品质。占地1000平米,由杭州及上品牌设计有限公司倾力打造设计。
——及上 设计
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