静简约的日本文化或许与巴西热闹繁荣的文化相互对立,但是在Ikibana餐厅这个项目中,西班牙建筑师试图在这两者之间找到共存之处。在南欧的他们--理解日本文化拥有郁郁葱葱的景观,而巴西则充满艳丽活泼的色彩。设计师将日本的插花艺术转化,用木材,树叶,鲜花打造出轻盈动感的沿窗植物区。然后用朦胧的段式玻璃将其隔开,内部区域使用了木材打造的流体空间。木片在天花上蜿蜒至墙面。主要的岛式吧台区和岛式座位区界定了餐厅的交通。备具动感的花瓣状桌面五彩缤纷,此外,设计师也不忘了在窗户处的插花艺术上点缀巴西那鲜艳的热带色彩! Japan and Brazil are two cultures that seem antagonistic: quiet and minimalist the first, exuberant and bustling the second. The IKIBANA restaurant offers a fusion of their gastronomies while its design tries to extol some of its shared singularities as well. Japan represents an extraordinary lush landscape, while Brazilian life style absorbs and reflects this voluptuousness, always cheerful and full of color. Traditional Japanese paintings, as well as the visual and dramatic arts, are full of references to their landscape. The art of flower arrangement known as Ikebana is one of the examples of this respect for nature deeply rooted in Japanese culture, and gives its name to the restaurant. These artistic arrangements look for the right proportion, composition and equilibrium among three elements: wood, leaves and flowers. The results are light, elegant and static compositions that simulate movement, premises in which our design will find inspiration. Photographer : Adrià Goula
The Ikibana restaurant is a sinuous artificial landscape created by different program elements. Bars and kitchens are divided and distributed around the restaurant, creating intensity nodes spread throughout the space. Guests sit inside colorful islands embraced by a fluid space which meanders around the restaurant, producing infinite angles of vision and allowing the constant movement of the waiters presenting the food to liven the atmosphere. The vegetation inside the display windows works as a curtain that diffuses the light and the vision between the interior and the street, producing a cozier space. A roof built as a forest of entwined branches projects a warm tinkling of lights and shadows on every surface. In a lower proportion, but not less important, the necessary color element in the Ikebana arrangements comes with the tables. Their design brings an explosion of fresh and tropical colors: lemon yellow, lime green, passion red. Its organic shape reminds us of a petal and can be easily adapted for larger groups, producing a new color composition with each new table arrangement.
EL EQUIPO CREATIVO _ Oliver Franz Schmidt + Natali Canas del Pozo
Team collaborators: Mireia Gallego, Cristina Huguet, Lucas Echeveste
PHOTOGRAPHY: Adrià Goula / comunicacio@adriagoula.com