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自1974年投入使用开始,管弦乐队音乐厅在明尼阿波利斯市的文化和市民生活中扮演着绝对活力的角色。最初由Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer设计的音乐厅注重听众的体验;大厅空间是临时设置的,15年后打算被重新替换。但是在39年后,该项目的翻新和扩建才开始动工,该项目设计的焦点主要是提升音乐会爱好者的体验,以及重新激活音乐厅与明尼阿波利斯市的关系。更远大的目标是促进南部市中心区域的转型。一句话,要使新旧关系变得和谐。

From the architect. Since its opening in 1974, Orchestra Hall has played a vibrant role in the cultural and civic life of Minneapolis. The original design by Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer focused on the auditorium experience; the lobby spaces were considered temporary and were to be replaced after 15 years. But it was 39 years before the renovation and expansion project was undertaken, with primary focus on improving the experience for concert-goers and revitalizing the relationship of Orchestra Hall to the City of Minneapolis. A broader objective was to contribute to the transformation of the southern downtown district within the Twin Cities’ cultural community. Harmonizing Old and New.

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux


A top priority of the project was to preserve the concert auditorium as the iconic element of the original 1974 design while re-envisioning lobby and amenity areas. The architecture of the additions, constructed of stone and glass, reasserts the presence of Orchestra Hall as the southern anchor of Nicollet Mall. It is designed to give new emphasis to the Hall within Peavey Plaza and to re-engage the Hall with its urban context. The design juxtaposes a light, transparent, rectangular “wrapper” against the Hall’s existing, distinctively angled, brick shoebox auditorium. On both the 11th Street and Peavey Plaza sides of the building, the expansion maintains the views to the red brick walls and the rounded corners of the auditorium, underscoring its prominence within the new ensemble.

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

Floor Plan/平面图

新建筑所体现出来的清新、与时俱进、开放型美学与原始的音乐厅形成一个鲜明的对比,同时也肯定由20世纪一些先锋建筑师设计的现代主义色彩的市中心建筑和公共空间,在现如今仍具有重要地位。扩建部分所使用的外部材料构成了一个城市文脉调色板,这些室外材料包括在建筑上端部分使用阿拉巴马州暗银色石灰岩面板,并覆盖亚光表皮,而在基础部分使用米萨比黑色亚光花岗岩。新建大厅通体透明,从地板到屋顶都使用玻璃墙,展现着室内活动,捕捉到明尼阿波利斯市的天际线,并向周边输入新的能量。11号大街的陡坡被转移到西边,凭借其宽阔的人行道和两侧的树木将Marquette大街连向Nicollet购物中心,将音乐厅纳入到城市肌理中,使街景焕发新的活力。这样设计塑造出一种形象—— Minneapolis是一个适宜步行的国际性城市,音乐厅是一个开放包容的目的地。

The crisp contemporary open aesthetic of the new acts as a counterpoint to the original auditorium while acknowledging the legacy of Minneapolis’ modernist downtown buildings and public spaces, designed by some of the 20th century’s most prominent architects. The expansion introduces a contextual urban palette of exterior materials including Alabama Silver Shadow limestone panels with a honed finish for the upper levels, and Mesabi Black honed granite at the base. Urban Engagement The transparency of the new lobby architecture, with floor-to-ceiling glass walls, showcases the activity within, captures dramatic views of the Minneapolis skyline and infuses new energy into the neighborhood. The 11th Street drop-off has been shifted to the west, revitalizing the streetscape as a tree-lined avenue with a generously-scaled sidewalk that connects Marquette Avenue to Nicollet Mall, and Orchestra Hall to the urban fabric. The effect is to reinforce the international profile of Minneapolis as a walkable city and that of the Hall as an open and welcoming destination.

© Nic Lehoux


The new entrances to Orchestra Hall acknowledge Minneapolis’ growth over recent decades and corresponding changes in traffic patterns, which led to changes in the way the public approaches Orchestra Hall at both street and skyway levels. The new principal entrance on the west side, named the Nelson Entrance, is marked by a wide canopy that gives the Hall a bolder, more welcoming image on Nicollet Mall. A secondary street-level entrance on Marquette Avenue welcomes those arriving from the east, including those using public transit. Patrons arriving via the skyway, currently the Hall’s most popular entrance, have the choice of a new, conveniently located escalator to reach the main floor. Connecting with the City, Inside and Out.

© Nic Lehoux


The expansion of the lobby to the west culminates in a new glass and stone room, to be known as Target Atrium. This inviting multipurpose venue features a fireplace, large glass walls, sliding glass doors and an outdoor terrace, the Cargill Commons, bringing Orchestra Hall more prominently into Peavey Plaza.

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

© Nic Lehoux

建筑设计事务所:KPMB Architects
地点:美国 明尼阿波利斯市
摄影:Nic Lehoux

Architects: KPMB Architects
Location: Nicollet Mall, 1111 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403, USA
Project Year: 2013
Photographs: Nic Lehoux







mikoduan 2015-8-6 14:20 来自: 四川
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