场地 茶室位于浙江省松阳县大木山茶园景区,面向西侧的水库,现状是一个较为狭长的线性场地,场地内保留了原有的五颗梧桐树,南侧建有一座线性的休憩长廊,为传统的坡顶形制。树影、阳光、波光、茶田,周围环境里的自然元素,都成为茶室构建起来的场地条件。 Situated on a linear sunken site facing a reservoir on its west side, this tea house is an addition of an existing open long corridor /pavilion to invite visitors stay for a cup of tea in Damushan Tea Valley, in SongYang, Zhejiang, China. An open public walkway is introduced and intersecting with indoor tea program to create a “8”shape of internal/external circulation, as a “winding corridor” vs. existing “linear corridor”, as basic elements in Chinese landscape garden.
▽ 茶室轴侧 axonometric drawings 点击看大图
建筑 茶室建筑分为北侧的公共区块,提供喝茶简餐以及定期茶艺培训空间,和南侧的两个庭院茶室。建筑延续场地现有的休憩长廊的线性坡顶形态,也是对当地建筑语言的一种回应。北侧体块退让到五颗梧桐树之后留出树下的公共活动区域,南侧则出挑水面。一个开放的公共走道穿越地块,和建筑构成了循环的“8”字形回路,以“回廊”概念应对现状的“长廊”。屋顶切出线性天窗,将光线引入室内。建筑空间的背景是深色的清水混凝土、作为结构和材料的统一表达。 空间 光线 风景 功能空间的组织和过渡的张弛收放,通过不同方向上的空间尺度、光线的照入形式和亮暗来强调。北侧公共茶室兼具公共茶饮和培训功能,和室外的五棵梧桐树等自然元素一起围合出一个挑高空间:下午的阳光会把斑驳的树影投射在深色的墙面和地面,给静态的建筑空间带来随风晃动的光影。公共空间和二楼的私密小茶室之间,由闭合的楼梯间和水平走廊转换空间属性。二楼三间小茶室可以席地而坐,透过建筑的玻璃幕墙远望水面波光。南侧两个临水庭院茶室,通过一条刻意压暗的走廊来铺垫引导。庭院茶室东西两侧的玻璃门,都是可以完全打开的,西侧面向外面的自然景观,如同框景。东侧是一个抽象的庭院,和一棵孤立的树。 The tea program is divided into two parts: a double height space on the north part of site to house major group of visitors, facing a shaded plaza on its west with five phoenix trees next to public walkway; two private tea rooms on south part of site organized through a private corridor and taking over the water edge, leave a more secluded alley experience for public walkway,yet create direct open picturesque views for both private rooms, with individual abstract “zen” courtyards on east side to form a contrast of experience.
▽ 一层平面 1F
▽ 茶室外拥有五棵梧桐树的室外平台 Outdoor Platploor & 拥有线性天窗的茶室 Tea House
▽ 茶室 Tea House
▽ 前水后院的茶室 Tea House
▽小茶室 Tea House & 前水后院的茶室夜景 Tea House
▽ 从茶室看内庭院 Courtyard
▽ 夜景 Night View
冥想空间 南端尽头的冥想空间面向西侧湖面,既可以作为庭院茶室的延伸也可相对独立,圆形开口是向外观景的景窗,更是一个借入自然的转换器:下午,太阳及其在水里的反射,通过圆洞会形成两个投影光圈,随夕阳西下而慢慢交汇。 A meditation box next to the larger tea room is sculpted as a simple space with a large circular opening facing west, not only as a picturesque window to look out to the scenic view, but more important, to capture a set of sunset projections both by the sun and its reflection through water, for viewers to contemplate the ephemerality of our nature.
观山水 审自我 茶室的存在,不是为了表现自我,而是当人进入这个建筑后,品茶观景,可以对外面的山水景观有更多的理解。 The building profile is a simplified form from the long corridor, not only as a typical local building language, but also to create a simple yetsublimed space with concrete as both structure and surface material, a continuous center sliced opening on the roof to invite light shadow and views together with other openings through out the building. A tea house in the center of tea valley, might become a church of tea.
项目名称:松阳大木山茶室 Project Name: Songyang Damushan Tea House |