
3LHD 克罗地亚Adriatic酒店

2016-4-14 10:41| 发布者: hackqing| 查看: 6914| 评论: 1

摘要 : 如果你是一个寻找全新审美体验的旅行者,也许你应该去亚得里亚海酒店,全新装修的酒店位于克罗地亚的伊斯特拉半岛,这是一个以艺术为核心的酒店。3LHD工作室在克罗地亚设计了一个独特的项目,室内设计没有保留原来的 ...


If you, like us here at Yatzer, are a curious traveller alwayslooking for a new aesthetic experience, maybe it’s high time you paid a visitto Hotel Adriatic, a newly-renovated hotel space in Istria, Croatia, that vowsto bring art into its very core. A unique project in nature designed byCroatian architectural practice 3LHD, Hotel Adriatic offers guests the chanceto eat, drink and sleep in the close company of impressive site-specific artinstallations that have been especially commissioned for this project.


Situated on an attractive site right by the sea, the existingbuilding which houses the hotel was originally constructed in 1913 was one ofthe first hotels to be built the region and is now the only hotel in thehistoric centre of the small town of Rovinj. Following an extensivereconstruction process and a collective effort by creative artists fromCroatia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany and France, 3LHD completely revampedthe space guided by an aesthetic manifesto that harmoniously blends art withheritage, all the while underlining the idea that the Adriatic is a hotel witha centennial legacy which has now been transformed into a luxurious focal pointof the city.


A traditional and authentic historical appearance was maintained inthe exterior, highlighted by the full reconstruction of the original fa?ade,while the new interior, designed by Studio Frani? ?ekoranja in collaborationwith 3LHD, is visually lavish, eclectic and elegant with an abundance oftexture, shades and colours. Particular emphasis was placed on the overallambiance and aesthetic experience of the space, where each area of the hotelwas treated individually and emanates a distinctively different atmosphere.While the rooms are bright and airy and the hallways are dark with a sense ofmystery, the ground floor brasserie is cosy and inviting, opening up the hotelto the rest of the town.


But what literally steals the show is the hotel’s impressive artcollection. An array of site-specific art installations takes centre stage,further complemented by a constellation of smaller works carefully distributedthroughout the space. Selected by curator Vanja ?anko, the hotel's artcollection boasts in excess of a hundred museum value pieces by artists who arerecognised internationally and whose works have been exhibited and acquired byprestigious museums and collections . The influence of art on the hotel'saesthetic is ardently present throughout the space while being fullyintertwined with its surroundings. Juxtaposing architectural elements in totalsynergy with art have given the space a breath of new life, creating dramaticcontrasts and playful spatial sequences that experiment with various aspects oflight. Light, in fact, is an important artistic material in this project, which– along with the hotel's rich history – gave birth to bespoke artisticinterventions that contributed to a contemporary and cosmopolitan spirit.

酒店房间类似艺术家的工作室,宽阔的空间,白墙就像艺术家的调色板,用每个家具来装饰不同的作品,散发着家的味道,而不是一个酒店的感觉。法国艺术家Abdelkader Benchamma用线条在墙上作画。而克罗地亚艺术家IgorE?kinja探索几乎被遗忘的摄影技术蓝图创造来自太阳光的感光纸。

Taking the form of open-plan artist studios, the hotel’s rooms,with their white painted walls, are spacious. Following a similar furnishingpalette but each decorated with completely different works of art, they allcreate an intimate environment that exudes a feeling of an elegant home insteadof a hotel room. French artist Abdelkader Benchamma created drawings on thespot directly on their walls in clean and intense lines, while Croatian artist  Igor Eškinja explored the almost forgotten photographytechnique of cyanotype creating works in situ from sun-rays that colour partsof photo-sensitive papers in the rooms. 

黑色的走廊和昏暗的光线与酒店的房间形成鲜明的对比,艺术家 Massimo Uberti的灯光设计将走廊转换为光走廊,他开玩笑地邀请观察者想象,让光和空间之间的联系更进一步,现有楼梯是唯一保留下来的原始元素。奥地利艺术家Valentin Ruhry把将近15米高的荧光管与楼梯做结合。用几何抽象的图案与空间交织在一起,组成的光创造了一个特别的氛围,让原有的建筑精神慢慢地被忽略。

In stark contrast to the rooms, the hallways are black and dimlylit, delineated by Italian artist Massimo Uberti's light installations.Transforming hallways into light corridors, his door-shaped light installationplayfully invites the observer to imagine the worlds hiding behind it. Takingthe game between light and space one step further, the existing staircase ofthe building – the only original element that was retained in the interior – housesan artistic installation by Austrian artist Valentin Ruhry which features analmost 15 meter high structure of fluorescent tubes that pass through andconnect with the original staircase. Geometrically abstract and directlyintertwined with the space, Ruhry’s composition of rectangular lines of lightcreates a surprising atmosphere that offsets the spirit of the century-oldbuilding.


At the same time old and new, vintage and modern, Hotel Adriatic isan eclectic environment in which fantasy and reality interact and blendperfectly through artistic interventions and everyday objects. With a uniqueaesthetic agenda under its sleeve, Hotel Adriatic promises a distinctiveoffering that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning traveller.









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引用 xudaliang88 2016-4-14 14:27
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