酒店位于海滩的南面,安静的半山腰上,绵延600英尺的大西洋海岸线一直延伸到城市街区。Meyer Davis工作室被任命改造这一公寓。佛罗里达州南部的自然景观让我们产生无比的敬意。迈尔指出“装饰艺术的不同和地区有直接的关系”,Sternlicht的可持续发展的概念一直贯穿整个酒店。可再生木材的使用、有机的床单、床垫和再生纸制作的衣架,连床头的便签也是可以循环再利用的。 The site of 1 Hotel South Beach, technically over the border in quieter Mid-Beach, stretches a full city block with 600 feet of Atlantic Ocean beachfront. Meyer Davis Studio was charged with transforming the lower eight stories of the 1968 building, for the hotel, while the upper eight became apartments.“We paid homage to the natural landscape of south Florida,” Meyer notes—versus the art deco razzle-dazzle typically associated with the area. In keeping with Sternlicht’s overall vision of sustainability, moves large and small rack up literal and figurative points in the quest for LEED Silver certification. Uses of reclaimed wood represent a virtual forest preserved. Dialing down to details, Meyer and Davis specified organic bed linens, hemp mattresses, and clothes hangers molded from recycled paper. Bedside note pads have disappeared in favor of chalkboards.
大堂公共空间的规划有了独特的方式,取代了过去的规划。超高跃层,接待区的台面使用了橡木和粗糙的柚木根,大面积的墙面绿化将建筑和自然融为一体。艰巨的是将30尺的垂直轴一分为二。在大堂空间中,主要的用途是旅客通行的必经之路,设计就要平衡家具和行李之间的关系,避免发生碰撞。 The lobby also presents an innovative model for the programming of public space. One large see-and-be-seen venue? Old hat for this team. Instead, beyond the double-height entry, the ceiling drops to a grottolike level for the reception area, where the hulking desk’s live-edge oak top rests on a gnarled teak-root base, and an absolute jungle of real greenery looms. But much more daunting than this straight-ahead progression was a perpendicular axis extending 130 feet. Meyer and Davis responded by splitting it in two. Narrower and more utilitarian is a corridor dedicated to guests with suitcases en route to the elevators. “It takes luggage out of the lobby equation,” Meyer explains. Allowing for the inclusion of more beautiful furnishings in the wider, parallel gallery, since they’re not in danger of getting banged up.
他和戴斯设想把画廊作为休息中心的延续。 Paola Navone 沙发椅,扶手椅带来了不可思议的别致体验。一侧的平台凸起,另一侧装饰着白色的榕树树干,用淡淡的白色窗帘隔开。 He and Davis conceived the gallery as a continuum of intimate seating groups along a central circulation route. Paola Navone sofas, armchairs, and ottomans are all slipcovered in white—impossibly chic. One side of the gallery is raised on a platform. On the other, banyan tree trunks, painted white, tower between the groups, which can also be separated by gauzy white curtains.
昂首阔步沿着这条白色的白T台到达远端酒吧,饭厅比奇的柳条椅和柚木面的桌子坚固耐用,豪华休息室设有墨西哥风格的椅子鞍真皮座椅和落地灯。 The ostensible reason for strutting down this white-on-white catwalk is to reach the bar at the far end: the star chef whose restaurant Beach craft is behind the bar. The dining room, downstairs, is furnished with beachy wicker chairs and teak-topped tables. Above, a rugged-luxe lounge features Mexican-style chairs with saddle-leather seats and floor lamps with bases made from mangrove roots.
许多的客人愿意选择奢侈品,酒店中的奢侈品就是空间,客房和套房有700平方英尺,使用了木头,沙子和海洋作为主要元素。Davis说到“宽敞的浴室,看起来像是木地板的瓷砖,床的背景也是由木材做的造型,用灰色的浮木打破走廊的宁静“。Meyer说到即使是豪华的酒店也是很便利的。如果客人需要到购物,酒店也提供了电力车方便乘客出行。 Davis says, appropriately riff on the real versions seen through the windows. In the spacious bathrooms, what looks like floorboards is actually porcelain tile. Planks cladding accent walls behind some beds and lining the portals that help break up the long guest corridors are driftwood gray ,Meyer says. Convenience is luxurious, too. Should a guest need to venture to the Lincoln Road pedestrian mall for a bikini, 1 Hotel South Beach has a fleet of battery-powered white Teslas at the ready.