HUASHAN SHERATON RESORT HOTEL whoes architectural and interior designs are done by HK JR Design all the way has been under construction since 2016, and it will open in the beginning of 2018.
华山喜来登酒店建筑创作的灵感来源于阳刚挺拔的西峰山形,以神似出于淤泥而不染的莲花形态,包裹着我中华之心 (酒店大堂单体建筑设计以中国传统建筑形式表达)。酒店的设计室内建筑空间引用中华传统文化 “琴、棋、书、画、意”为主旨元素结合当代时尚设计理念贯穿酒店室内建筑空间。创新的新中式风格理念演绎东方度假,休闲意境!
The spirit of HUASHAN SHERATON RESORT HOTEL comes from the masculine and straight west peak, aiming to express a lotus out of mud yet very clean, and this lotus contains our patriotic hearts (the design of each single unit in the hotel lobby is in a Chinese traditional architectural style).Chinese traditional culture elements, like "strings, chess, poems, paintings", combined with contemporary fashion design ideas, have been cited throughout the interior design of the hotel. The innovative new Chinese style has expressed an image of oriental leisure.