雅物韵意,同俱一体,清气相理,百看不厌。以生活的艺术态度,脱离于藩篱,在物我相对之中,感受心伴烟霞,趣味无穷的自然意境。一壶青烟,九尺瀑,所有的意境在之山落水之中让人心静。 An elegant Chinese culture is what designer want to express . Black, white and gray is the main colors in the space ,suchas the Chinese ink painting presents on a paper To highlight its charms and create an artistic atmosphere.
雅室,为雅,过廊茶室,逸气充盈,幽远暗香奇袭,而书斋的行文墨香四溢。卧室卧盏品茗,偷得浮生半闲,养生集气。 In addition, each space divided by functions, has their isolation but also combined with each other. For example, the tea room is a area for highlighting the tea culture. However, in addition to drinking tea, it is also a study room with multiple functions. 不拘于类别,而审美不限于形式,在师从古法之中,穿越时代之潮。在文化与古的理解之上,循古人履易,玩古出新。 It is not confined to the thinking, and the aesthetic is not limited to the form, On the understanding of design, follow the ancient beauty and create new beauty.
硬装设计 | 矩阵纵横 Interior design | matrixdesign 软装设计及执行 | 矩阵鸣萃 Interior Decoration Designand Execution | Juzhen Mingcui 摄影公司名称 | 形界空间摄影 Photography company | XingJie Space photography 项目性质 | 别墅 Project Nature | Villa 设计面积 | 391m² Design Area | 391m² 硬装造价 | 4000元/平方 Hard Decoration Cost | ¥4000/㎡ 软装造价 | 4000元/平方 Soft Decoration Cost | ¥4000/㎡ 主要材料 | 都市灰大理石、白金沙大理石、水墨灰大理石、瓷砖、木饰面、木地板、墙纸、手绘墙纸、艺术玻璃、马赛克 Main Materials | Urban grey marble, Platinum sand marble, Inkgrey marble, Tile, Wood veneer, Woodfloor, Wallpaper , Hand drawing wallpaper , Art glass, Mosaic 设计时间 | 2017年4月 Start Time | April 2017 完成时间 | 2017年6月 CompletionTime | Jun 2017