大城市生活的拉动经济高速发展使得中国农村一大部分地区的青壮年劳动力涌向城市。 “城市聚集”是描述这一现象的术语 - 年轻人为了更好的发展前景选择留在城市而放弃了农村生活。祖父母和孙子们留下来,并努力维持他们的生活。 这件事让北京建筑师Christian Taeubeut有了很深的感悟。 The pull of the big city life has left a good portion of Chinese countryside a little worse for wear. ‘Urban agglomeration’ is the pretty dreary term that describes the phenomenon – young people abandon the provincial life for the excitement of the bright, lucrative city, leaving villages and towns without inhabitants of a working age. Grandparents and grandchildren are left to pick up the slack – and struggle to sustain their rural way of life. It’s something that has struck a chord with Beijing-based architect Christian Taeubeut.
对于Christian来说,解决这个问题的重点可能是如何将这些被闲置的房屋进行设计。 Studio Cottage位于北京附近的一个郊区村庄,是他的第一个实例。 For Christian, a part of the answer to the problem might be in a tender gentrification of homes within these abandoned communities. Studio Cottage, in a suburban village near Beijing, is his first example.
该建筑始建于20世纪70年代,当屋主搬离前往城市中心时,该房屋逐渐被遗忘。 Christian的想法是保持房子的乡村特色,但要将它与现代的舒适和特色相结合 - 努力重新规划新的结构,而不是只保留过去。 First built in the 1970s, the home was left unoccupied and forgotten when its owners shipped off to the heart of the city. Christian’s idea was to maintain the rustic identity of the house, but to layer it with modern comforts and features – an effort to revive and rediscover the structure in a new time, rather than just preserve the past.
Christian设计改造过程中注重贴近原居民的生活。 大部分采用当地采购的材料,保留了宽敞的庭院,可供玩耍和闲逛。 内部以开放的空间为主,大型滑动玻璃门窗允许内外空气流通。一端是主卧室和浴室,厨房和用餐区贯穿中间,客卧位于走道尽头。 Christian worked closely with the farmer who had originally built the home (who was apparently happy that his country dwelling was getting a new lease on life). Using mostly locally sourced materials, the wide courtyard has been restored with areas for play and lounging. Inside, the home is laid out on an open plan, with large sliding glass doors and windows to allow the country air in. At one end are the master bedroom and bathroom, the kitchen and dining area runs through the middle, and a second, smaller sleeping space takes up the far corner.
CHRISTIAN TAEUBERT Studio Cottage 设计师介绍
Christian Taeubert
德国建筑师Christian Taeubert(中文名德吉)在北京过着一种双重生活。平时,他住在二环东直门附近,每天骑着自己改装过的拉风自行车去上班。周末,则带上老婆孩子,直奔长城脚下的一座农民房,过一把“老婆孩子热炕头”的乡村生活。
这个乡村房保留了最原始的特色 一砖一瓦仿佛诉说着过去 在这样的环境里才能真正的让人静下心来 这个原始房给你什么样的感受呢 认真点评奖励10-200金币!