更多库玛设计作品: 着重于山与水在物理形态与视觉图像等层面的转化, 以唤起观众产生“山水”意象。所谓 “观山则情满于山”,设计师志在带给观众一种可意会不可言说的东方禅境。 The design case of YangoShanglin Lake Sandal wood Villa focuses on the transformation of mountains and rivers in physical form and visual imagery, so as to bring people back to thenature by creating an immersive experience of Oriental Zen.
位于地下负一层的家庭厅似乎得到了诗人的亲吻。光影渐层透过建筑的缝隙融入室内空间,单纯而反复周期变化即构成了光影的韵律与秩序,韵律激发情趣 - 亮度的变化及光影的互动凸显物体的立体层次感,仿佛凝聚着流逝的时间,随季节的变换与昼夜更替,山河日月皆入梦,故人踏星似归来。 The family hall, located on the ground floor, through building crevices enters the scattered light whose rhythm and order is composed of a simple time cycle. Rhythm arouses sentiment and interest. As light changes and shadow follows, a sense of depth ishighlighted as if time has stopped here, bringing a sense of satisfaction.
开敞式空间布局沉稳大气,而其中细琢的对称美感致礼东方礼序思想。那些精选晶石及用料、铜饰蕴含着独特的东方气质,它们以不同形态与细节出现在空间中,就像那些在虚实相生的情景中活跃着的韵律,在“疏影横斜”中,以一种坚定的气派与山河日月互诉衷肠,相互辉映,和谐共生。 The refined symmetry in the open layout is a tribute to the oriental etiquette and order. Variously shaped stone and copper decorations feature a unique oriental style, reaching astate of harmony with the nature and the time.
为了释放空间,展现艺术感受,设计师将布局调整为艺术廊。在光影的带动下,物件的图案和肌理彰显出巨大的张力使得视线得以集聚。景观中以石材造景,纹理清晰,格调古朴苍劲,与纯白墙饰的搭配,推演出含蓄隽永的腔调与平衡点艺术哲学。 To free the space and artistic perception, the designer has created an art gallery to impress visitors with unique appearance and texture. Stones are used in landscaping togive an air of primitive simplicity and vigor. Matched with pure white walls,they reveal an artistic philosophy of everlasting balance.
透过山水梅枝的身影望过去,“暗香浮动”让人体会到文人雅士所称的诗意空间,既融合了文脉与灵气的山水写意,又充满了构成感 - 从烛台,水晶杯,再到墙上的扇形绘画,层次递进丰富,形成画中有画的意蕴。 The meticulously-designed plum blossom branches are seemingly creating an atmosphere with “subtle floating perfume”, which is highly appreciated by the refined scholars. It ideally combines the traditional Chinoiserie and the mountains-and-waters elaborate-style painting and carries a full sense of structure—fromthe candleholders, crystal cups, to the drawing on fan-shaped paper hanging onthe wall, the spatial levels are gradually deepening and richer, forming an aesthetics implication that there is a drawing in the picturesque scenery.
忽见房中升起一轮明月,虚中有实,明月与“山石”相呼应,恍若能聆听不远处传来的悠然绵长的钟声,那些理不清道不明的凡尘旧事,纷纷尘埃落定。 The moon-like light offers the room a slowlyrising bright moon which cleverly corresponds with the stone-styling decorations. It serves as a good embodiment of “realityin imagination”, where you might hear andbe soothed by a lingering toll comingfrom afar, then the haunting and indescribable past stories may be laid down like dust.
主卧设计明亮清雅,以中式点缀平衡西式规划的现代手法,得意而不忘形,方寸之间尽显对大方含蓄、端庄丰华的东方式精神境界的追求。 The decoration of the master bedroom is bright and in refined elegance, and the Western-styling arrangement combines well with the Chinese-style embellishment, maintaining the artistic context without losing the regularformation. The art pursuit for the generous, implicit, and dignified Oriental spiritual realm is wonderfully mirrored by every inch of decoration in the room.
光影的对话仍在继续,但在孩子的房间里忽然跳出了思维通路,一种戏剧张力喷涌而出。 The harmonious rhythm of light and shade doesn’t end here, but the child room has witnessed a break through from the overall style, where the designers have wildly utilized the spouting inspiration.
书房里一个原始的天窗将园林景观最大化引入室内,整个空间明亮而紧凑。设计师将书房改为榻榻米茶室,把功能区往外侧延伸,内饰辅以简洁造型的家具,右侧设计了借景的装饰镜,内外的互动出色地完成了空间的重构和人文氛围的营造。 In the study, an original sunroof elaborately introduces the landscape of the garden into the room, which is in bright and tight design. The designers have changed the study into a tea room with tatami so that the functional zoon has been extended outside further. The simple-designed furniture adds up to the charm of the interior decoration, and the mirror set on the right side reflects the beautiful garden scenery. The perfectly interaction between the indoor and outdoor views have created a restructured spatial design and humanistic atmosphere.
项目名称 | 杭州阳光城上林湖檀宫别墅 Project Name | Hangzhou Yango Shanglin Lake Sandalwood Villa 项目地点 | 浙江杭州市 Project Venue | Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 项目面积 | 470㎡ Project Area | 407m2 软装单位 | KOOMARK 库玛设计 Soft Outfit Design | KOOMARK 主创设计师 | 宋浩贤 Chief Designer | Golo Sung 参与设计师 | 潘嘉仪 Participating Designers | Pan Jiayi 摄影师 | 朱海 Photographers | Zhu Hai
杭州阳光城上林湖檀宫别墅 设计图纸呈现
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