库玛团队将嘻哈概念融进B4户型,这套小公寓被注入了「Keep it Real.」的嘻哈精神内核。 KOOMARK has integrated the Hip-Hop concept in the house type of B4, and makes it embody the Hip-Hop spirit of “Keep it Real”.
偏冷的冰川灰是背景色,大量黑色表面的量感、金属元素的轻薄细致,让不同质感于室内汇聚,空间个性顷刻间无比强烈。与此同时,考虑到现实的居住体验,设计师灵活地运用了大块暖色,结合雅致的圆弧形设计,让客厅柔化而兼具生活气息和层次感。 The cold color of glacier gray is the background, against which most ofthe furniture employs black surface, thin iron accessory, and delicate metaland gathers various black parts to form the typical style, reflecting the charactersof the space. Considering the activities in real life, the designer thought fully applies blocks of warm colors and combines it with elegant circular arc design to soften the feeling of the drawing room and bring it vitality and layer sense.
墙上的装饰绘画,一旁欲言又止的海报们,甚至于地面上的地毯点缀,都体现着设计师向街头文化的致敬,20多㎡的客厅充满了那个嘻哈起源年代的艺术细胞。 The decorative picture, the posters with profound connotation, and even the floor mat are paying tribute to street culture for the designer. The drawing room, over 20 m2, is immersed in the artistic elements of the birth year of Hip-Hop culture.
餐厅这个人间烟火地,在设计师的规划下完全摆脱循规蹈矩的紧促感。藉由建筑斜面重新赋予原有结构一个新的形式感,用限定区域的光源标语和反光金属巧妙点亮,暗红暗绿闷骚得恰到好处。在餐区出现得宛如音符跳跃般的流动性,让整个一层空间“释放”出浓厚的老江湖气息。 The dining room forfood preparation is free from inflexibility,and the bevel has reshaped a brand new construction form based on the original structure, with the smartly-arranged illuminating slogan and reflective metal. The dark red and green decoration carriesa wild feeling under the mild appearance, bringing the dining area smoothness, just like a song with flowing notes, and endowing the space of the 1stfloor a strong traditional atmosphere.
而比之客厅和餐厅的开放式,二层卧室显然私密许多。烟熏玫瑰色的墙面与灰调床品、与落地窗户,共同演绎的光影为空间创造微妙的亲密气息。 Compared with the open drawing room and dining room, the bedroom on the 2nd floor provides more private space.The wall in smoky rose color, bedding articles in gray, and the French windows have performed a fantastic show withlight and shades, creating a subtly intimate environment.
二层的多功能房是主人爱好的特写。墙面铺满线条,具有后现代主义特征。通过唱机、黑胶唱片的元素,与全套未来感十足的打击乐器,让整个空间的摩登感和可看度Level Up。 The home owner’s taste and hobby are further reflected in the multi-function room on the 2nd floor, which is of postmodernism style. The fashion and aesthetic levels of the whole space have beeninspired by the record player, vinyl record, and the percussion instrument with a sense of future.
项目名称 | 顺德力合阳光城•云谷 Project Name | Shunde League Yango • Cloud Valley 项目地点 | 广东佛山市 Project Venue | Foshan City, Guangdong ProvinceB4面积 | 44 ㎡ B4 | 44 ㎡ 软装单位 | KOOMARK 库玛设计 Soft Outfit Design | KOOMARK 主创设计师 | 宋浩贤 Chief Designer | Golo Sung 参与设计师 | 张洋洋、尚孟路,岑肖娟 Participating Designers | Zhang Yangyang, Shang Menglu, Cen Xiaojuan 摄影师 | 朱海、WYAP文耀影像 Photographers | Zhu Hai, WYAP
顺德力合阳光城•云谷B4户型 设计图纸呈现
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