
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




Noma 2.0坐落于Christiania附近的历史街区,这里曾是哥本哈根的旧时防御基地。原厂地用于军需储备的混凝土建筑,如今被改造成一间厨房,发酵工作室及操作间。BIG参与了位于此处11栋建筑的设计,包括餐厅,测试厨房和温室的小型建筑。设计师事务所Studio David Thulstrup参与了该餐厅的室内设计,并将这11栋建筑物打造成朴实和极简的当代氛围。该空间设计强调了对橡木、砖、钢材、混凝土和铜锌合金的趣味运用方式。其中每一栋建筑均采用某一材料且仅作为单一功能使用,如用餐区、入口、休息厅或私人用餐区。这些空间各自拥有极强的个性及表现力,然而聚合在一起又会展现出巨大的能量。Noma 2.0的厨师和合伙人René Redzepi将这7栋建筑和餐厅空间称之为“餐饮聚落”。
Noma 2.0 is located near Christiania on a historic site next to a lake that was once part of Copenhagen’s ancient fortifications. An existing concrete building that had been used for munition storage was turned into prep kitchens, fermentation lab and staff rooms. Bjarke Ingels’s BIG designed a complex of 11 new buildings for the restaurant, test kitchen and greenhouses. Clustered like classic Norwegian farm buildings they will eventually be surrounded by trees and plants with expansive views of the lake. Studio David Thulstrup designed the interiors to be true to the structure, echoing the external materials and with an honest, simple and modern feel. The design concept emphasises a playful approach to materials – oak, brick, steel, concrete and tombac. Each building is made of one material and has a sole purpose, for example the dining room, entrance, lounge or private dining room. They’re expressive individually but make a more powerful statement grouped together. Noma 2.0 chef and co-owner René Redzepi calls the seven buildings comprising the restaurant the “Village”.


建筑入口的山形空间由铜锌合金打造,随着时间的推移,它将逐渐氧化并失去光泽。来访者从一扇朴素的大门进入餐厅,面前的水磨石地板经打磨而显现出清晰的石头纹理。如果来访者愿意遵从大部分丹麦人“进屋脱鞋”的习惯,那么他将更加直观的感受到地板的水磨石纹理。由天然橡木板铺设的天花板和墙壁沿空间蔓延开来,衣橱柜门自然的与它们衔接在一起。北侧天花板上悬挂着巨大的艺术作品,这个由浮木和磁铁打造的“Conscious Compass”艺术品由丹麦籍冰岛艺术家Olafur Eliasson倾力打造。
The gabled entrance building is made of tombac, which will patinate to a matt brown. Guests arrive at a rudimentary front door that looks like it’s been cut out of the slatted wooden front. Should guests wish to take their shoes off at the front door as many Danes do at home, the terrazzo floor is sandblasted so they can feel its river stones underfoot. Inside, natural oak panels line the ceiling and walls, which have integrated wardrobe doors. Flying at due north overhead is an artwork of driftwood and raw earth magnets, ‘Conscious Compass’, 2018, made especially for the space by the Danish Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson.


在Noma 2.0中,厨房将遵循René Redzepi的意愿采用开放式,厨师们在位于中央的厨房区域工作,与食客们展开互动。厨房设计摒弃了常见的不锈钢材料,而转用橡木搭建小岛式厨作空间。设计师选用来自比利时的专业厨房家具品牌Maes Inox来打造这一空间。厨房四周的玻璃走廊,将来自中心区的强大能量释放到各个空间里。中央交通空间的圆桌上摆放着众多如同实验室标本的玻璃罐子,里面装满了当季的新鲜食材,其身后的墙壁上装点着来自丹麦艺术家Carl Emil Jacobsen的艺术作品。由钢架结构和玻璃面板打造的屋顶让室内环境沐浴在阳光下。其下方的抛光水磨石地板在阳光下闪烁着光亮。
At Noma 2.0, René Redzepi wants the cooks to be at the centre of everything working in an open kitchen where the stainless steel usually seen in professional kitchens is banished in favour of oak-clad islands not unlike what you would have at home. Studio David Thulstrup developed the kitchen cabinets with the Belgian professional kitchen specialist Maes Inox. The energy of the kitchen spills into the surrounding rooms, connected by glass walkways. In the spacious circulation area lab-style glass jars on a round table display specimens of whatever is in season in front of an artwork by the Danish artist Carl Emil Jacobsen using pigments made from crushed stones. A steel and glass roof floods the kitchen with natural light. On the floor is a more highly polished version of the river stone terrazzo.


42坐席的用餐区散布在具有当代风格的谷仓建筑中。食客们就坐在橡木围裹的环境中,通过巨大的立面玻璃窗与远处的河湖自然展开对望。室内地板及墙壁由Dinesen橡木板打造,木板接合处由蝴蝶榫固定。用250,000颗隐形螺丝固定堆放的木板,作为装饰布置在墙壁一侧。位于中心处的柜台由来自海港的,拥有200年历史的木梁打造。用餐空间被刻意简化,营造出充满故事性的空间氛围。随着菜单的季节性变化,Noma的空间装饰也随之改变。设计师与Redzepi主厨一起为用餐空间设计了极具当代风格的餐桌,搭配斯堪的纳维亚风格的座椅和藤编椅被,使餐厅别有一番风味。该烟熏橡木餐桌由来自于家族企业Brdr. Krüger。餐厅里的其他家具如嵌入式和自由式服务台等均为特别定制。
Think of the 42-seat dining room as a modern barn with huge glass windows looking out at the lake and the nature, where guests are otherwise enveloped in floor to ceiling oak. Dinesen heart oak planks with their signature butterfly joints are used on the floors and the walls are lined with stacked planks, held together by 250,000 invisible screws. In the centre is a counter made from a 200-year-old timber beam blackened from being immersed in the harbour nearby. Left deliberately unadorned, the dining room is designed for storytelling. As Noma’s seasonal menu changes so too will decorations hung by Noma’s staff. Working with chef Redzepi, Studio David Thulstrup designed new dining tables and chairs that are a contemporary riff on traditional Scandinavian chairs with seats and backs of woven paper cord. Made in light or darker smoked oak they were produced by the family owned Brdr. Krüger. Additional custom-made furniture includes built-in and freestanding pouring and waiter stations.


设计师与来自奥地利的照明灯具公司XAL共同为用餐空间定制了照明系统。简单的设计搭配灵活的照明方式给用餐空间带来全新体验。锥形灯饰出自于Jonas Edvard之手,该系列灯具由本地石膏粉打造。
As with other spaces, the dining room is lit by a lighting range developed for the project by Studio David Thulstrup with the Austrian lighting firm XAL. It pairs new and flexible technology with a refined and simple design language. The conical shades were made in collaboration with designer Jonas Edvard, using locally sourced gesso.


相较于公共用餐空间来说,私人用餐空间更具有建筑空间氛围。亲密十足的空间里散布着20个坐席,墙面的巨大玻璃窗望向远处的树林。此处的用餐空间更加注重个人感受。墙面上的架子摆放着Noma的美食档案,一台由设计师委托Brdr. Krüger公司定制的六米长桌装点了这个空间。该长桌来自于菲英岛上的一棵160年龄古树。设计师用Dinesen Douglas松木装饰并覆盖建筑梁结构。定制橱柜来自于橱柜制造商Malte Gormsen。灯罩设计由艺术家Jonas Edward选用当地海草设计并打造。室内设计师选用与艺术家工作室类似的灯具作为空间照明装饰。
More architectural than the main dining room, the private dining room is an intimate space with a smoked oak table seating up to 20 people as its centrepiece and large windows looking out onto a stand of trees. Dining in here should feel like a very personal experience. A wall of shelves houses Noma’s living archives and the six metre long table designed by Studio David Thulstrup was made by Brdr. Krüger from three planks of a 160-year-old oak tree from the island of Fyn. The architectural ceiling beams are clad in white oiled Dinesen Douglas pine. Cabinetmaker Malte Gormsen made the bespoke credenza designed by Studio David Thulstrup. Lampshades of locally sourced seaweed were developed in collaboration with designer Jonas Edward. Studio David Thulstrup designed wall lamps akin to those found in artist ateliers.


空间中摆放了包括来自艺术家Silas Inoue以木材为模具的“Amino Acids”系列作品。由84颗鲍鱼贝装饰的墙壁,致敬了Noma的澳大利亚餐厅。由Jørgen Wolff打造的70年代复古吊灯悬垂在沙发之上,此外,设计师还与XAL共同打造了室内的灯光设计。
Art works include pieces from the ‘Amino Acids’ series of mould on wood by the Danish artist Silas Inoue. In homage to Noma’s residency in Australia 84 abalone shells are grouped together on the brick wall. Vintage 70s pendant lamp shades by Jørgen Wolff hang above the sofa tables and the studio created integrated spotlights for the ceiling with XAL.


公共休息厅是餐厅的接待空间,也是食客们酒足饭饱后的畅谈回味之所。巨大的橡木框窗面与嵌入式的橡木和皮质长椅望向远处的湖水和温室。奶油砖和灰泥浆地板与墙壁,以及天然橡木天花板,营造出70年代的丹麦风情。古典与当代风格家具的混合搭配,三两群聚或分散布置的坐席及砖墙壁炉,让空间更显亲和与舒适,强化了餐厅的如家氛围。位于原Noma外侧的大块石板被室内设计师改造为咖啡桌。粗糙的边界纹理和光滑的花岗岩表面,彰显与众不同之处。咖啡桌与休息厅的自然皮质座椅和来自芬兰家具商Nikari的布艺家居产生鲜明对比。该空间其他家具包括由室内设计师Studio David Thulstrup定制打造的双人或三人橡木沙发,由Kasthall打造的布艺地毯,以及由橡木和瑞典花岗岩打造的吧台。来自Faroese织布艺人的蓝色靠垫和由Pettersen & Hei打造的黄色混凝土基底打破了空间的沉静之感,营造了一丝活泼氛围。
The lounge is a place of welcome as well as somewhere for guests to linger and reflect on the dining experience they’ve just had. Large oak-framed windows with built-in oak and leather benches look out on the lake and greenhouses. Custom-made cream bricks with a grey grout on the floors and walls and natural oak planks on the ceiling evoke the clean modern lines of 70s Danish style. It’s nicely homey and relatively bare to heighten a sense of honesty and simplicity. A mix of classic and new furniture is arranged loosely like a home with some grouped near an open brick fireplace. Referring to large stone slabs that stood outside the old Noma, Studio David Thulstrup designed coffee tables in Swedish granite with smooth tops and rough-hewn edges. They are a strong foil for lounge chairs in natural leather or linen by the Finnish furniture producer Nikari. Custom-designed pieces by Studio David Thulstrup include two- and three-seater sofas in oak, a rug produced by Kasthall and the pouring station bar made from oak and Swedish granite. Blue cushions from a Faroese weaver and a yellow-pigmented concrete plinth by Pettersen & Hein add dashes of colour.


Studio David Thulstrup

David Thulstrup
David Thulstrup是一位设计师,利用多样化的室内设计、建筑方法,多擅长将传统美学与现代简约相结合。自2009年在哥本哈根成立Studio David Thulstrup以来,他已完成许多国内外项目,包括住宅,零售店,酒店和产品设计。 2018年初,他在哥本哈根为世界知名厨师RenéRedzepi完成了新Noma餐厅的室内设计,餐厅以新鲜和现代为主题,并且非常符合他这个城市的理解。
David Thulstrup is a designer and architect with a refined yet diverse approach to interiors and architecture, intertwining traditional aesthetics with modern simplicity. Since setting up Studio David Thulstrup in Copenhagen in 2009 he has completed an extensive portfolio of local and international projects ranging from new residential architecture and domestic interiors, to retail stores, hospitality and product design. In early 2018 he completed the interiors of the new Noma restaurant in Copenhagen for the world-renowned chef René Redzepi, who describes the result as fresh and modern and very much in tune with his ethos of a sense of place.
At the heart of David’s practice is a belief in finding beauty in all materials and combining them in a way that emphasises comfort and liveability.  
他对所有项目采取整体方法,分析和研究每个客户的需求和愿望,以确保结果符合他们的身份和价值观。 通过重新思考和设计将简单元素组合,提出了新的简化设计解决方案,以满足业主复杂的要求。
He takes a holistic approach to all projects, analysing and researching each client’s needs and desires to ensure the outcome is true to their identity and values. By rethinking and reworking simple elements such as light, colour, form and material he comes up with fresh pared-back design solutions for sometimes complex requirements.
与David一起工作是一个多元化的国际团队,由才华横溢的建筑师,室内设计师,纺织品设计师,3D视觉设计师,产品设计师和材料专家组成。 工作室位于哥本哈根东部Amager区。
Working alongside David is an international and culturally diverse team of talented architects, interior designers, textile designers, 3D visualisers, product designers and material experts. They work together in a naturally lit studio space in an industrial building in east Amager.
在建立自己的工作室之前,David曾在巴黎的法国建筑师Jean Nouvel和纽约的美国建筑师Peter Marino工作。
Before setting up his own studio David worked for the French architect Jean Nouvel in Paris and the American architect Peter Marino in New York City.







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