本帖最后由 梁桓彬 于 2018-10-30 09:37 编辑
修辞立诚.典 定位是金融投资公司,尊贵,稳重。 本项目为一间金融投资公司,“尊贵和稳重”是我们设计的主基调。与大堂的恢弘大气不同,进入到办公区域,你会发现浮躁的心一下子就被洗涤干净。黑白灰的主色调象征了理性,深灰与浅灰两种颜色的地毯错开铺开,而地摊上整齐的线条纹理就像是一丝不苟的数据计算,营造一种严谨的空间感。 This project is a financialinvestment company. "Noble and steady" is our main keynote. Unlikethe magnificent atmosphere of the lobby, when you enter the office area, youwill find that your impetuous heart is washed away immediately. The main colorof black and white gray symbolizes reason. The carpet of dark gray and lightgray is spread out staggered, while the neat lines and stripes spread out onthe ground are like meticulous calculation of data, creating a rigorous senseof space