我愿意深深地扎入生活,吮尽生活的骨髓,过得扎实,简单,把一切不属于生活的内容剔除得干净利落,把生活逼到绝处,用最基本的形式,简单,简单,再简单。——梭罗《瓦尔登湖》 这也是设计师想表达的简约主义,用设计让家变得更美好。 I am willing to deeply into the life, suck the marrow of life, solid, simple, all do not belong to the content of life culled clean, the life forced to a unique place, with the most basic form, simple, simple, and then simple. -- Thoreau, walden This also is the contracted creed that stylist wants to express, let a home become more beautiful with the design.
客厅& Living room 项目名称|江南逸. 地址|浙江金华 摄影|TS-王律 设计时间|2018.07 拍摄时间|2019.01 基本生活相信美好的生活是简单、舒适、愉悦的,设计师的初衷是希望建造一个简单而又充满趣味性的空间,满足基本的功能、基本的形式、基本的颜色,而对生活品质有更高的要求。 Basic life believes that a good life is simple, comfortable and pleasant. The designer's original intention is to build a simple and interesting space to meet the basic functions, forms and colors, and to have higher requirements for the quality of life.
客餐厅及过道&Guest restaurant and aisle 开放式厨房与客餐厅之间形成更开阔的空间感受,不同材质之间的穿插处理,从卡拉拉白大理石到木地板,功能区区也随之改变。在墙面的用材上,选用了意大利的石粉艺术涂料。吊顶摒弃了复杂的造型,采用吊顶工艺分接线,而这对工艺有更高的要求。整个室内都是单色的,红色的pony chair是空间里为数不多的几处明快的色彩之一,有趣的装置体现出独特的创造性与想象力。 Open mode kitchen and guest dining-room form more open dimensional experience between, the thrust between different material pledges is handled, arrive from carrara white marble floor, functional area also changes subsequently also. On the material of metope, chose Italian stone pink art coating. Condole top abandoned complex modelling, use condole top craft cent wiring, and this has taller requirement to the craft. The entire interior is monochrome, and the red pony chair is one of the few bright colors in the space. The interesting installation shows unique creativity and imagination.
主卧& Master bedroom 主卧纳入了原阳台,一整面的落地玻璃窗带来了极好的视野和采光,让主卧的空间配比宽敞而明亮。跟整体色调相协调,将意大利艺术涂料构筑了简约而优雅的空间气质,其用色也层次分明,陈设家具风格为现代极简,黑色单椅和黑色金属质感的落地灯则增添了一分艺术气息。 Advocate lie brought in former balcony, one whole be born glazing brought wonderful field of vision and daylighting, the space that lets advocate lie matchs ratio capacious and bright. Coordinate with integral tonal photograph, built the dimensional temperament with contracted and elegant Italian art coating, its use color also distinct, display furniture style is contemporary and extremely brief, the floor lamp of simple sense of black sheet chair and black metal added artistic breath.
次卧& Second bedroom 次卧摆脱常规的摆放形式,采用了榻榻米的形式,极大的利用空间增加储物功能。即使在有限的空间里也能表现出审美的灵活性,以获得舒适的吸引力。 Second lie cast off convention to put a form, used the form of couch couch rice, great use space increases store content function. Even in the limited space can also show the aesthetic flexibility, in order to obtain comfortable attraction.
多功能室& Multi-funtional room 走在过道,推开门,就到了多功能室,既是茶室又是客卧。访客可以来这里取一杯暖茶,也可以在此谈天阅读。 Walk in corridor, push a door, arrived muti_function room, since tea room is a guest lie. Visitors can come here for a cup of warm tea or to chat and read.
平面图&Floor plan THE END 非常感谢以下合作伙伴,没有你们就没有项目的开展。感谢你们服务我们的项目,感谢你们面对问题时的态度,感谢你们提供我们所需要的产品,感谢! 瓷砖提供:简一瓷砖 欧文莱瓷砖 地板提供:德国汉诺 洁卫提供: 德国高仪 整体木作提供:森凰整木 涂料提供:DANILO 艺术涂料 厨房提供:科勒厨房 冷暖设备:好享家 特灵空调 家具提供:黛柏睿时尚家具 床垫提供:席梦思 电器提供:方太电器 布艺提供:雅思布艺 美缝提供:小卫美缝 照明与控制提供:灵感智能 软装提供:E.D design 本案设计师
金华国冠装饰设计总监张子奇 张子奇·Design微信号:projict 如果您喜欢这篇文章 欢迎分享至朋友圈 转载请注明,侵权必究