本帖最后由 止浮 于 2019-5-28 10:06 编辑
项目名称:海南烘焙馆设计 主设计师:彭建 参与设计师:周城林 陈冠 设计说明: 当一名烘焙师是许多人的梦想,兴许是小时候想做面包师的理想,也许是长大所学的技术知识,一个烘焙师拥有独立的一家烘焙馆是多么幸福的一件事情,而如果烘焙馆能吸引来更多客人的话,那将是烘焙师十分成功和自豪的事情。烘焙师开一家烘焙馆需要注意的是,不仅要选好地址,考虑周边环境,保证产品质量,而且还要考虑整个店面的装修风格,设计的好与坏将决定顾客看到烘焙馆的第一印象,所以一个好的店面依旧要有好的设计方案。接手觅甜烘焙馆时,根据自身的定位和现场环境等因素,我们给到的风格就是北欧风,这种风格清爽简洁干净,从很大的程度上阐述了一种简单洒脱的生活态度,也反应了现代生活重压下人们对简化生活的追求,因此,北欧风格得到越来越多的人的追捧。客户在海南的烘焙甜品店追求的正是这种空间宽敞、内外通透,能最大限度的引入自然光的北欧风格。 这是整个店面的效果图 This is the rendering of the entire storefront 这是现场的施工图 This is the construction drawing of the site. 我们对于门头的设计是别出心裁的,两盏灯下聚焦了店铺的logo,黑色板块为背景,使得金属制成的logo更为突出。我们用鱼骨拼接法的方法来拼接白色瓷砖,可以更好地打破单调。右边规划出来一个橱窗,用于展示当季的新品主题,并且这样别致的设计可以更好地吸引消费者进店。 Our design for the store is ingenious. Under the two lights, the logo of the shop is focused, and the black plate is the background, making the logo made of metal more prominent. We use the fish bone stitching method to stitch white tiles to better break the monotony. A showcase is planned on the right side to show the new theme of the season, and such a chic design can better attract consumers into the store. 整个店里的色彩,我们偏向于白色、米色和浅木色,黑白色为主调,不掺杂其他颜色,使得整个空间是比较干净明朗,没有杂乱之感的。桌椅也是黑白为主,与总体相融合。左边面包柜上使用木板做出置物架的结构,使整面墙壁不会显得单调和空荡。 The color of the whole store, we prefer white, beige and light wood, the black and white as the main color, without other colors, making the whole space is relatively clean and clear, no messy feeling. The tables and chairs are also black and white, which is integrated with the whole. The structure of the rack is made of wood on the left side of the bread cabinet so that the entire wall does not appear monotonous and empty. 地面采用了比较具有小资情调的黑白花砖,成为了整个空间的亮点,墙面简单过渡到天花板的纯白,使整个空间张弛有度,舒适自然。店里吊灯颇有北欧风格,是一个很好的点缀,灯光温馨不刺眼,营造了舒适的环境氛围。 The ground uses a black-and-white tile with a petty bourgeoisie, which becomes the highlight of the whole space. The simple transition of the wall to the white of the ceiling makes the whole space relax and comfortable. The chandelier in the store is quite Nordic, and it is a very good embellishment. The lighting is warm and not dazzling, creating a comfortable environment. 店内的收银台旁设立一个甜点橱窗,大多数人买单时看见精致糕点都会忍不住购买,这也是吸引消费者购买的一个好渠道,菜单写在上方小黑板上,一目了然,也是比较亲切可爱的设计。 A dessert window is set up next to the checkout counter in the store. Most people can't help to buy exquisite cakes when they pay the bill. This is also a good channel to attract consumers to buy. The menu is written on the small blackboard above and it’s at a glance, there may be more lovely. 喜欢的想了解更多的就请关注历新设计公众号哦 给你不一样的惊喜 If you want to know more, please pay attention to the FulgorBrand wechat official account It's a different surprise.