原创:Yin.Ji 印际
Mecanismo是一家位于马德里的建筑工作室, 由Marta Urtasun和Pedro Rica于2012年联合创立,致力于创新设计。Mecanismo结合了对材料的深刻兴趣和对项目执行的关注,以及对新概念的调查和创新的痴迷。
Mecanismo is an architectural studio based in Madrid, co-founded by Marta Urtasun and Pedro Rica in 2012, dedicated to innovative design. Mecanismo is the result of the combination of a profound interest in materials and care for the execution of projects, with the obsession for investigation and innovation of new concepts.
Marta Urtasun是西班牙马德里人,拥有圣巴勃罗大学技术架构和建筑学学位,两位年轻的建筑师对建筑及其流程有着动态和不同的理解,他们成功地实现了与重要性直接相关的独特自主设计,细节和概念创新。
Marta Urtasun is a native of Madrid, Spain, with a degree in technical architecture and architecture from the University of San Pablo, two young architects with a dynamic and different vision of architecture and its processes, that have succeeded in achieving a unique and own line of work, directly associated to the importance of details and conceptual innovation.
The work of mecanismo in the development of projects comprehends the control of the whole process, from the initial conceptualization to the design of the last detail, at every different stage of the project. This labor entails a precise coordination of everyone that intervenes at every phase and thorough control of the execution, and results in a coherent, harmonic and functional architecture.