项目位于以色列特拉维夫,这座庞大的住宅完美地体现了它的名字“宁静之宅”。Tal Goldsmith Fish事务所设计的400㎡的多层空间散发着静谧感,这种感觉源于业主“冷静和沉思的本性”。 Located in Tel Aviv, Israel, a sprawling new residence known as the House of Tranquility perfectly embodies its name. The 400-square-meter, multilevel space designed by Tal Goldsmith Fish exudes a meditative feeling, one inspired by the owners’ “calm and reflective nature,” as she explains it. ▼空间概览 为了营造舒缓的氛围,设计师采用明亮的单色色调、天然材料和简洁的线条。空间开阔而明亮,包括照明在内,室内具有简单的几何图案和极简装饰。 To create this soothing mood, Fish employed a light, monochromatic color palette, natural materials, and clean lines. The space is open and bright, featuring simple geometric patterns and minimalist décor, including the lighting. ▼入口
设计师在楼梯间安置了几组Arik Levy设计的结构壁灯(Structural Wall Lamp),其中一对位于负一层和一层之间,另一对位于通向顶层的地方。固定灯具由简约立方体和细长金属杆组成,金属杆既连接又分割铝块。