有别于密集而繁华的城市日常,Sò Studio用归园(Tranquil)这一设计概念向人们传递着平静舒适,质朴自然的感受。整体设计并没有拘泥于中式传统建筑细节,而是将承载着中式设计美感的几何比例充分运用在空间中,在不同空间的层叠交错中寻找新的平衡与美感。 Sò Studio creates the space in the hope of conveying a sense of tranquility and comfort, drastically different from the bustling and dazzling city chores. The interior design is not only focused on the Chinese traditional structure details but also pay attention to the big picture of the beauty aesthetic. Coheres the ambiance with oriental design basics to an appropriate scale, integrating geometry ratio.
Lunar坐落于建国西路上的独栋别墅中的新中式餐厅,旨在分享中餐的饮食文化。由Opposite group和主厨Johnston Teo及其团队打造的Restaurant Lunar,取自Lunar Calendar,参照东亚文化的24个节气设计菜单,复合当下流行的“不时不食”。
位于建筑一层的纳凉茶亭,用一盏月夜灯沉浸了整个空间,使每一位入座的客人都沐浴在温柔的月色下。头上树枝初探,脚下秋果遍地,身边的茶砖墙和竹帘通过特有的质感肌理和香气,使得客人的体验和空间能融为一体。寂寂明月夜,晚风初定,茶香散溢出。 The tea stall is located on the first floor. The soft lighting showered over the shoulder, conveying a sense of comfort, combines with the scent of tea brick and bamboo curtain immerses one in a moonlight night the moment of stepping in.
拾级而上,通过石面铺地小径到达餐厅二层。这里江南园林的圆形勾勒线条和建筑结构相融,形成了特别的半空挑檐,就好像风雨廊连接相邻的空间。 Ascending along the stairs, the passing pebble-paved trail would land one on the second floor of Lunar. A unique hanging cornice, made possible by the outlining curves of classical Jiangnan garden fusing into the architectural structure of the space, guides the way connecting to the dining area and private dining room.
就餐区的墙面用手绘的方式晕染出一片橙色的光,就像月夜下的倒影呼应着一层的纳凉茶亭。装置花艺和设计师Maggie Mao一起合作,在空间中增添了一抹橘色的朦胧。小而精致,简约中又有一丝禅意。 The mural hand painting renders orange fluorescence like moonlight shadow, echoing the shooting tea stall on the first floor. Collaborating with the florist and designer Maggie Mao to add an orange haze to the space, the small and delicate decoration adds a touch of Zen in the simplicity.
▼家具 & 陈设
整个空间最重要的材质即是哑光表面处理,没有过多的反射,用肌理和触感传递着平静的美好。 The most important material in the whole space is matte surface. Without excessive reflection, conveying calm and beauty through the texture and touch.
项目名称:Restaurant Lunar
面积:260 ㎡
摄影:Wen Studio
设计团队:Sò Studio
空间设计师:林虹辰、曾亚卿、Nectarine Yi
灯光品牌:Herman Miller
花艺:Maggie Mao
完整版大图 年会员专享