Located in the MixC, Nanshan District, the project is Tomacado’s second restaurant in Shenzhen, hoping to share love and beauty with all its fans. Tomacado is a restaurant brand that combines catering services with flower shop. This time, the brand and the designers created an all-new concept restaurant— Tomacado Island. As Tomacado’s first concept store in China, it’s like an island growing in the MixC shopping mall of Shenzhen, expecting to provide an "island of peace" isolated from the noisy city.
The design team believes that space is formed by objects, so objects are the basis of functions and layering of space, and also carriers that connect the space with the circulation routes. They can be interesting structures and installations, which may produce playful or sometimes dull visual experiences. In addition, a particular material or structure can be utilized to help blur the relationship between the space and other interfaces. Therefore, objects themselves are of diverse value, and are also capable of endowing the space with greater value.
空间的灵感来自花厨和设计师的对话,来自大自然的岛屿,来自大自然树木和花草,来自我们每一个人都向往的美好生活。 The inspiration of this space came from the dialogue between the client and the designers, the islands, trees and flowers in nature, and the wonderful life that people yearns for.
The designers reshaped the space by adopting architectural languages, and created many architectural structures with similar or varying forms. Each structure has a distinct function and property. The textures of the space and structures are simple but expressive.
设计师将岛屿的建筑外形艺术表现与整体的空间进行融合,环岛的设计呈中心向四周发散,可以很好的提升消费者在空间环境中的沉浸式体验感; The design integrated the artistic architectural form of the “island” with the overall space. The “island” spreads from the center to the surrounding area, hence dramatically enhancing customers' immersive experience within the space.
The “flying bird” on the top is attracted by nature, people and things on the “island”, as if it is greedy for the delicious food and envious of people's life here. The “bird” completely blends into the beautiful natural scene, and its dialogue with the “island” unfolds a vivid picture in the space.
The designers intended to create an atmosphere by integrating materials, space and light, instead of defining style. The aesthetics of the space is demonstrated by simplistic structures, clear composition and pure material textures. The overall design enables customers to get relaxed, and to interact and appreciate the beauty of nature.
This is a multifunctional space with restaurant as its core. It features a simple and natural style, as if a flower island grows within it. A flower shop stands at the entrance, showing the “island” owner’s love for flowers. Meanwhile, other structures carry the owner's attitude towards life, and welcome people to come to here to enjoy beauty.
"城市,因生活而慢,因梦想而快,而在这快与慢的中间,希望花厨Island就是大家经停的岛屿。五年后,从一家餐厅到一种生活方式,花厨本身也像是一朵默默用五年来孕育的花朵。希望可以和设计师一起围绕"她"生活,去构建素年里的每一个锦时。" 花厨创始人Karen "Since the pace of life is very fast in the city, we hope Tomacado Island is a place where people can slow down to enjoy life. Tomacado is like a 'flower', through five years' cultivation it becomes a restaurant that represents a lifestyle. With the cooperation with designers, we wish to create a gorgeous environment in simple life." — Karen, Founder of Tomacado
项目名称 | Tomacado花厨
Project Name | Tomacado 项目地点 | 深圳 Location | Shenzhen 室内设计 | 梁筑设计事务所 Interior Design | Liang Architecture Studio 创意设计总监 | 徐梁 Design Director | Xu Liang 设计助理 | 陈珂 Chief Designer | Chen Ke 软装设计师 | 王心妍 Decoration Designer | Wang Xinyan 设计团队成员 | 周泽思、王心妍、程萍萍、孙永芳、陈珂、李晴 Design team | Zhou Zesi, Wang Xinyan,Cheng Pingping, Sun Yongfang, Chen Ke, Li Qing 灯光设计顾问 | 杨可 Lighting Design Consultant: Yang Ke 灯光设计 | Yaank向杨照明设计 Lighting Design Firm | Yaank 施工单位 | 芝麻装饰工程有限公司 Construction Firm | Zhima Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. 软装产品定制 | 方大艺术 Decoration Products Customization | FANGDAART 摄影 | 孙骏 Photography | Sun Jun 撰文 | 徐梁 Text | Xu Liang
Liang Architecture Studio 梁筑设计事务所创建于2013年,是集私宅、办公和商业空间为主的建筑空间设计事务所,近年来获得多项国内外室内大奖,通过建筑的语言和思维方式与空间发生关系,在空间设计中探索和实践,跳跃传统的生活方式和观念,回避理论和规定,创造更多的可能,赋予当下人对空间的物质与精神的感受。
Interior Designer Xu Liang 梁筑设计事务所品牌创始人兼设计总监,2019国家“光华龙腾奖”中国设计业十大杰出青年,2016台湾TID-Award金奖、2016台湾TID-Award年度新锐奖首位大陆设计师获得者,2013JINTANG PRIZE 金堂奖中国年度新锐提名,也曾获得美国、荷兰、法国、意大利等国际奖项的他善于用建筑的简洁性,构造的清晰度和材质的纯粹度成为新的美学载体,是理性与感性的重叠发生;致力于私人住宅及创意型商业空间的设计中,体现了对空间和生存价值的深度理解。
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