米洛映象 | 颐和星湾:轻盈与艺术,接纳都市温柔
“ THE PREFACE 序言 一个人心中的家 并不仅仅是一间属于自己的房子 而是长年累月 在这间房子度过的生活 ——散文作家 刘亮程 A home in one's heart is not just a house of one's own, but a life spent in this house for years and years. —— Prose writer Liu Liangcheng
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01. 温馨·治愈·美学·艺术 温柔奶油 142㎡ / 温柔是一种空间感受,那四季便优雅从容,春日的奶油系是重建人与物的美好关系,构建与心一致的生活状态。没有执拗的理念,不被思维所束缚,用设计来讲述生活。 Gentleness is a kind of space feeling, the four seasons are elegant and calm, the cream of spring is to rebuild the good relationship between people and things, to build the living state consistent with the heart. No stubborn concept, not bound by thinking, to use design to tell life.
— 空间以奶油色系为基调,佐以多元材质与纹理堆叠出层次,实木藤椅赋予视觉上的慵懒灵动,制成甜而不腻的居家质感。初夏午后,家的屋檐,聆听自然风语,清新悠然,沉浸其中。 The space is fundamental key with cream color, accompany with multivariate material pledges and grain stack go out an administration level, the languid lazy clever that real wood cany chair endows a vision, make sweet and not be bored with house simple sense. Early summer afternoon, the eaves of home, listen to the natural wind language, fresh and leisurely, immersed in it.
— 重新定义家的温馨,餐厅处以圆弧为主,消弭边界感,灵动圆合,简雅舒适,不仅方便日常生活的简餐和烘焙,更赋予空间一种独特的艺术氛围。 Redefining the warmth of home, the restaurant is based on circular arc to eliminate the sense of boundary, smart circle, simple elegant and comfortable, not only convenient for simple meals and baking in daily life, but also give the space a unique artistic atmosphere.
— 卧室营造出一种能让心灵得到安宁的朴素和自然之感。色调清新明朗,雅致非常,深浅搭配晕染出空间层次。 The bedroom builds a kind of simple and natural feeling that can let the heart get tranquility. The tone is fresh and clear, elegant very, dark collocation dizzy dye space level.
— 绿意象征活力与自然,空间秉持儿童成长天性,在与空间主色调保持一致的情况下,融进盎然之境,为空间注入几分生机与童趣童真。 Green symbolizes vitality and nature, and the space upholds the nature of children's growth. Under the condition of keeping consistent with the main color of the space, it melts into the exuberant environment, injecting some vitality and childlike innocence into the space.
02. 格调·品味·时尚·艺术 现代简约 135㎡ / 摩登橙,创造了时尚现代的空间表面,强化人对空间艺术性的知觉,再加入皮革家具和艺术品,透过色彩与肌理散发出的优雅质感,在感官、精神内涵层面引发美的通感。 Modern orange creates a fashionable and modern space surface to strengthen people's perception of space artistry, and then adds leather furniture and artwork to create a sense of beauty through the elegant texture of color and texture.
— 设计的本质就是不断的超越与探索,不断的刷新生活的形态。现代抽象雕塑摆件轻奢有致、精度无别,打造出别出心裁的设计与雅致配色通透的视觉感受,以天使女孩诠释新的精致生活。 The essence of design is to constantly transcend and explore, and constantly refresh the form of life. Modern abstract sculpture decoration light luxury, precision is no different, to create a unique design and elegant color transparent visual experience, angel girl interpretation of the new delicate life.
— 落地镜以光折射,尽显空间的层次与通透之感。咖色餐椅搭配岛台式餐桌,绿植摆件摇曳生姿,小资格调,亦不失自然意趣。 The floor mirror refracts with light to reveal the layers and transparency of space. Cafe lubricious eat chair collocation island table table, green plant places swaying unripe appearance, petty endowment style, also do not break natural interest.
— 家的归属感,是目之所及的温暖。布艺仿皮软床最大程度上满足屋主对舒造度的需求,幸福感满满。方圆之间线条尽显高级之美,人脸艺术装饰、圆弧形灯饰,装点生活的精致美好。 The sense of belonging to home is the warmth of the eye. Cloth imitation leather soft bed to the greatest extent to meet the needs of the owners of comfort, full of happiness. The lines between the radius show the beauty of advanced, face art decoration, circular arc lighting, decorate the delicate and beautiful life.
/ PROJECT INTRODUCTION — 项目名称|颐和星湾 Project Title | YiHeXingWan 项目类型|样板间 Type of project | Model rooms 项目地址|湖南郴州 Project Address | Hunan chenzhou 软装设计|米洛映象 Soft decoration design | Millo Casa 硬装设计|湖南尘品建筑工程有限公司 Project photography | Hu'nan chenpin construction engineering coItd 完工时间|2022 Time of completion | 2022