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In 2020, St. Petersburg restaurant ‘Animals’ undertook a change in the team and cuisine concept. This was followed by the realization of the fact that the old interior had long ago failed to reflect the restaurant’s new values and there was no perfect match between the cuisine and the interior. The idea to change the design came at the very beginning of the summer season, when it was impossible to close the restaurant for a long time.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Sergey Melnikov

受某些欧洲餐厅能够在几天时间内去往某些独特地点然后准备好定制套餐的启发,DA bureau决定为ANIMALS创造一次快闪餐厅体验。设计旨在将老餐馆改造成一处全新的美食场所,以最少的资源实现餐厅的振兴。快闪,即临时性的建筑形式。对于DA bureau团队来说,本项目的设计与落成堪称一次令人难忘的有趣经历,设计团队戏称其为“建筑界的流氓行为”。快闪建筑形式中最酷的部分就是,设计团队能够采用非常规的工具和方法。这意味着设计团队需要快速地寻找到非标准性的解决方案,采用简单且易于获得的材料使想法得到实际的落成。对于业主ANIMALS餐厅来说,本项目则是一次在确定永久性室内风格之前的空间形式试验。

Inspired by the European experience of restaurants that can travel to super-unique locations for several days and prepare sets, we decided to undertake a POP-UP project – to transform the old restaurant into a new place and to revitalize it with minimum resources. POP-UP means temporary architecture. This is a head-turning experience; it is an example of specific architectural hooliganism for us. The coolest thing about this format is that you can use offbeat tools and methods. It means a search for quick and non-standard solutions for us, an opportunity to use simple and accessible materials; for the client this is the way to tell about his space a bit earlier than the completion of a permanent project.

▼餐厅原状,original state of the restaurant © DA bureau

▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram © DA bureau


In our projects, we are interested in telling the history of the place by using visual tools. As to the ‘Animals’, we wanted to convey the story of talented young chéfs who cook simple and cognizable food from local products with a focus on quality and unexpected combinations. So we based our project on the specifics of the cuisine. The key emotional component of the project, as chosen by the developers, was the feeling of staying in a farm where people get from a noisy metropolis. When developing the concept of the hall, we wanted to emphasize human kinship to nature and to create an interior that would be a perfect complement to the food served at our place. We wanted the guests, finding themselves within our interiors, to feel like in the countryside, to sense the impromptness of country life, to admire the natural textures and enjoy the taste of food.

▼改造后空间概览,restaurant after renovation © Sergey Melnikov


The restaurant team cooperates with a farm in Stanskiye village of Pskov region, where vegetables, fruit and berries are grown, brought by the chéf personally to the restaurant every week. They are used to prepare the main menu, specials and seasonal dishes. In addition to the renovated kitchen, ‘Animals’ now has a solid and self-sufficient bar with original drinks and seasonal cocktails, instead of the one that needed extension. Functionally we divided the restaurant into two zones: the first hall housing a bar and the main hall housing a restaurant. We transformed the first hall into a metaphorical greenhouse, assembled of warehouse-style metal profiles with phyto-lighting, filled with various garden crops in ceramic pots that yield a harvest several times a year. One may stay here with a glass of sparkling wine at a table under a shelf with grapes, or take a seat at the bar and watch the bartender at work.

▼金属框架构成的温室酒吧,greenhouse bar with a metal frame © Sergey Melnikov

▼由用餐区看酒吧,viewing the bar area from the main hall © Sergey Melnikov

▼由酒吧区看用餐区,viewing the main hall from the bar area © Sergey Melnikov

▼金属框架与柱子细部,details of the metal structure and the column © Sergey Melnikov


▼金属架细部,details of the metal structure © Sergey Melnikov



The second hall is fully used as a restaurant space; its main element is a long wooden workbench-style table with vintage chairs bought at a flea market. It is associated with the history of friendly feasts and family meals. Such a table can be safely imagined in the interior of a country house, but in ‘Animals’ it is hyperbolized and occupies almost the entire length of the hall. It was important for us that the table should be the center of the space where like-minded people and friendly companies, who come to try local products, could gather. This table can be used for experimental set-dinners or noisy breakfasts.

▼用餐区原木长桌,the wooden table in the main hall © Sergey Melnikov

▼布满绿植的用餐区,dining area covered with greenery © Sergey Melnikov

▼长桌细部,details of the table © Sergey Melnikov



We wanted to get rid of the description “that restaurant with yellow walls”. For this, we needed an interesting and complex texture in natural colors with a minimum of investment. We had all the walls and ceiling plastered with simple building roughcast and got a perfect effect. Another challenge was to come up with brand-new seats without having to buy new furniture. We found a compromise: we left the existing furniture around the perimeter of the hall, completely changing its appearance. We had linen covers sewn for the chairs, reminiscent of clothes used to cover furniture in palaces when the owners were away. Meanwhile the existing monochrome countertops were painted in neutral colors. In addition, the interior needed some bright accent. We placed a panel in a wooden frame with bright, accentuated spots onto one of the walls. The panel is printed on a film used to cover greenhouses.

▼墙绘与回收家具,wall painting and recycled furniture © Sergey Melnikov

▼家具细部,detail of the furniture © Sergey Melnikov

▼墙布细部,detail of the wallcloth © Sergey Melnikov

ANIMALS快闪餐厅项目的建设过程非常快速。DA bureau团队积极且直接地参与了整个项目的建设过程,包括:帮助艺术家绘制画布,为墙壁设计图案,并帮助组装酒吧金属架等。重新设计空间花了大约一周的时间,而大部分建设工作则仅在惊人的4天内完成,改造后的餐厅以全新的形象呈现在大众的眼前。该快闪餐厅初步计划将维持一年,且无论是餐厅中烹饪的美食还是室内设计都将根据季节的变化进行调整和补充。

POP-UP projects suppose a super-fast course of construction. The bureau’s team was actively and directly involved in the work – we helped the artists to paint canvases, made patterns for the walls, and helped to assemble the shelf stands. It took about a week to redesign the space, while most of the work was completed within a record time of 4 days, after which the restaurant opened in the renewed format. This project was designed tentatively for one year and will be modified and supplemented, depending on the season, as concerns both the cuisine and the interior.

▼建造过程,construction process © DA bureau

▼平面图,plan © DA bureau

DA bureau – Anna Lvovskaia, Boris Lvovskiy, Fedor Goreglyad, Maria Romanova
Project team – Anna Lvovskaia, Boris Lvovskiy, Fedor Goreglyad, Maria Romanova, Olga Belyakova
Location – Russia, Saint-Petersburg,
Nekrasova 60
Year of implementation – 2021
Area – 150 m2
Timescales – 1 month
Photography – Sergey Melnikov






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