▲[ 门厅展示 ]Door display 入口处既体现设计的美感,又体现品牌的文化。以便顾客更加明了的了解店铺的服务项目。店面内外不仅装修风格的统一、还具有自身的一些特色,给消费者以深刻的感受和记忆。
The door design should not only reflect the beauty of the design, but also reflect the culture of the store. So that customers can better understand the service items of the store. The interior and exterior of the store not only have a unified decoration style, but also have their own characteristics, giving consumers a deep feeling and memory. ▲[ 交流区 ]
Communication area 交流区,加强了展览与受众之间的联系,也建立了人与人之间的沟通机会,使展览信息层次与传递方式变得更加多元化。 The communication area strengthens the connection between the exhibition and the audience, and also establishes interpersonal communication opportunities, making the exhibition information level and delivery methods more diversified. ▲[ 产品展示区 ]
Product display area 产品展示区,让客户亲身感知、体验产品,充分体现展厅展品的使用价值。The product exhibition area allows customers to personally perceive and experience products, fully reflecting the use value of exhibits in the exhibition hall.
Negotiation area 通过灯光、材质等展示产品,让客户身临其境。更清楚、更明朗的接触产品,为顾客留下一个好的印象。 Display products through lighting, materials, etc., to immerse customers. More clear and clear contact with the product, leaving a good impression on the customer.
建筑面积:150 设计风格:现代极简 硬装设计:周笙笙全案设计工作室 软装设计:周笙笙全案设计工作室 主要材料:水磨石砖、艺术涂料、pu石皮、石晶地板等