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设计工作室ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS是一家位于俄罗斯托木斯克的年轻设计团队,由Zizevsky Ilya与Mamaeva Elizaveta共同创立,这是一个由创意建筑师和设计师组成的团队,他们创造了功能、美学和生态相结合的独特设计。关注每一个细节,创造一个和谐的空间,在其中生活和工作将是舒适和愉快的。
Design studio ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS is a young design team in the Russian tomsk, by Zizevsky Ilya and Mamaeva Elizaveta co-founded, this is a team of creative ARCHITECTS and designers, they created the function, aesthetic and ecological combination of unique design. Pay close attention to every detail, creating a harmonious space, in which the life and the work will be comfortable and happy.
[color=#很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节]年会员专享:完整版高清原图 [color=#很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节很喜欢这个调子,内部形式虽简洁纯粹,但留心观察便会发现隐藏其中的精妙细节]
| White Apartment |
简洁的线条与舒适的质感 | 俄罗斯·莫斯科
ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS新项目,面积只有81平米的小型公寓,设计师采用极简主义的内饰,打造一个明快而简洁的室内。
ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS of new projects, with an area of only 81 square meters of small apartment, stylist USES the minimalist interiors, creating a lively and concise interior.
黑白对比,往往带给人更强的视觉冲击力,这是ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS常用的设计手法,赋予这个家宁静的气质。
Black and white contrast, tend to make people more strong visual impact, this is ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS common design gimmick, give this home quiet temperament.
Revolves around TV wall around the line, it is one of the highlights of the project, space clever at the same time, will receive a perfectly designed to hide in it.
单身女生的自然小宅 | 俄罗斯·托木斯克
ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS为一位单身女性打造的自然质感之家,52平米的小型公寓,面积虽小,却饱含设计细节与功能考量,原木的清新与乳白色涂料结合,自然与质朴油然而生。 ZIZEWSKI ARCHITECTS for a single female, the home of natural texture, 52 square metres of small apartments, the area is small, but with design details and functional considerations, the freshness of the logs and milky coating combination, natural and plain arises spontaneously.
设计师有很多基于女性的人性化设计,如尺度与色调,灯饰与家具,都在给予这个家更强的亲和力与柔和感。 Designers have a lot of humanized design based on women, such as the scale and tonal, lighting and furniture, are giving this home stronger affinity and soft feeling.
开放简洁的禁欲主义 | 俄罗斯·莫斯科
禁欲主义的舒适、现代生活方式和东方哲学的共生,是本案设计师的设计表达。91平米开放式设计,使得这个家有大宅的既视感。 Asceticism and comfortable, modern life style and Oriental philosophy of symbiosis, is this case stylist design expression. 91 square meters open design, make this home has a large visual sense.