本帖最后由 SusiLeeton 于 2023-8-30 14:48 编辑
Susi Leeton是一位来自澳大利亚墨尔本的建筑师,1997年成立了以自己同名的建筑与室内设计事务所(Susi Leeton Architects + Interiors),主要涉及住宅、商业和零售业态,并对城市和乡村等相关领域进行着创造性的设计探索。
Susi Leeton is an architect from Melbourne, Australia, who in 1997 founded her eponymous architecture and Interior design firm Susi Leeton Architects + Interiors, which focuses on residential, commercial and retail formats. And the city and the countryside and other related areas of creative design exploration.
Susi Leeton作为建筑和室内设计两个学科的综合类型的事务所,涵盖了从概念提案、城市规划、工程设计到家具布置等方方面面。从第一张图纸的产生到最后一件家具的落位,他们都保持着与客户的密切沟通和合作,以确保在可控的预算范围内仍然能够保证设计的连续性。
Susi Leeton is a multidisciplinary practice in both architecture and interior design, covering everything from concept proposals, urban planning, engineering and furniture placement. From the production of the first drawing to the placement of the last piece of furniture, they maintain close communication and cooperation with the client to ensure that the continuity of the design is still guaranteed within a manageable budget.
“太阳永远不知道它有多伟大,直到它偶遇了建筑的另一面。”Susi Leeton以此为灵感,她的作品完美地诠释了光线、自然意趣和具有雕塑感的建筑形式的结合,与一以贯之的浪漫和诗意的品质,并认为投射在建筑外部的光和影传达了其以及自然环境的内在联系。
"The sun never knows how great it is until it encounters the other side of the building." Inspired by this, Susi Leeton's work perfectly illustrates the combination of light, natural interest and sculptural architectural form, with a consistent romantic and poetic quality, and believes that the light and shadow cast on the exterior of the building conveys its inner connection with the natural environment.
Susi Leeton以优异的成绩毕业于墨尔本大学,并获得建筑学学士学位,之后在新加坡和罗马工作与学习,在获得足够的国际经验后,回到了墨尔本继续自己的职业生涯。她为不同建筑领域之间的合作和创建3D体块的能力所吸引,并将其描述为一种“绘画被投射成具象的空间或结构”。
Susi Leeton graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Architecture degree and worked and studied in Singapore and Rome before returning to Melbourne to continue her career after gaining enough international experience. She was drawn to the collaboration between different architectural fields and the ability to create 3D volumes, describing it as a kind of "space or structure where paintings are projected into figurative forms".