
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道




本帖最后由 ChavezPeon 于 2023-10-21 15:43 编辑



自然主义是当代建筑设计的主要内容与趋势之一。墨西哥建筑凭借其得天独厚的地理环境,众多墨西哥籍建筑师,在“自然主义”方面皆颇有造诣。 但随着本土建筑师对于地域性的探索,与功能主义迥异的美洲传统艺术改变了千篇一律的建筑语言,使其呈现出与众不同的风格与色彩。


Los Durmientes

Design : Bernardo Chavez Peón


Los Durmientes位于“墨西哥城乡村”。建筑师 Bernardo Chavez Peon将这座住宅描述为“隐藏的宝石”,周围环绕着茂密的植被和该地区特有的山丘。“这里安静而僻静,”贝尔纳多说。“当你环顾四周时,你所看到的就是这片广阔的空地,周围环绕着树木和云彩,在房子前面的两座山之间上演着一场表演。” 受古典建筑对称性的启发,Los Durmientes 融合了建筑师对当地材料和定制细节的崇敬,并在每一步和转折中以场地为指导。

Located in the ‘countryside of Mexico City‘ .Architect Bernardo Chavez Peon describes the home as a ‘hidden gem’, enveloped by dense vegetation and hills characteristic of the region. “It’s peaceful and secluded,” Bernardo says. “When you look around, all you see is this vast open space surrounded by trees and clouds putting on a show between the two hills right in front of the house.” Inspired by the symmetry of classical architecture, Los Durmientes brings together the architect’s reverence for local materials and custom details, guided by the site at every step and turn..

业主购买了这块位于山丘之间的农业用地之后委托Bernardo Chavez Peón将其改建为适宜于家人周末度假的别墅.

The owner purchased this agricultural land among the hills and commissioned Bernardo Chavez Peón to convert it into a villa suitable for a family weekend getaway.

将自然环境的变化融入到建筑中是Bernardo Chavez Peón的主要意图。他回忆起他的客户在第一次访问该地点时说,他们会很高兴在那里有一个帐篷。他说,“我们的想法是,他们不仅要考虑房子,还要考虑场地本身。”他补充说,在公共区域,他想消除内部和外部之间的界限。

Incorporating the shifts of the natural surroundings into the architecture was Chavez Peón’s principal intention. He recalls his clients saying, during initial visits to the site, that they would be happy with little more than a tent there. ‘The idea was for them to go not only for the house, but for the site itself,’ he says, adding that in the common areas, he wanted to erase the boundary between interior and exterior.

质感丰富的空间模仿自然的风景——色彩柔和的奢华纺织品随处可见,并点缀着编织的棕榈树或赤土陶器。光线从温暖的白色家具上反射出来,但大多数情况下,它被建筑的深色表面吸收,营造出一种轻松的氛围,吸引游客并邀请他们放松身心。Bernardo Chavez Peón解释说,最重要的是,这座房子的设计目的是让家人的朋友和亲戚可以逃离城市生活的束缚并聚集在一起。客户对接待的偏好促使他们在设计工作的后期阶段在项目中增加了第六间卧室,以容纳更多的客人。卧室和其他私人空间的特点是高贵的朴素,简约的家具与充足的光线和纹理相平衡。

Richly textured spaces mimic the exuberance of the scenery – lavish textiles in muted hues abound, with accent pieces of woven palm or terracotta. Light bounces off warm white furnishings, but mostly, it is absorbed by the architecture’s darker surfaces, creating an easeful atmosphere that embraces visitors and invites them to unwind. Above all, Chavez Peón explains, this was a house conceived as a place where the family’s friends and relatives can escape the demands of city life and come together. The clients’ penchant for hosting led them to add a sixth bedroom to the project during the late stages of the design work, so as to accommodate additional guests. Bedrooms and other private spaces are characterised by a noble austerity, where minimal furniture is balanced by a generosity of light and texture.


The morning sun and the mist create a dynamic light and shadow effect. The spacious and open living room faces the dark swimming pool that can reflect the clouds, forming a landscape axis connecting the inside and outside.The wood and Mexican volcanic rocks used indoors are of local origin, and a mixture of palm woven fabrics and terracotta pottery enrich the texture of the space, responding to the characteristics of the site with multi-layered visual changes.


Casa Enso II

Design : HW Studio Arquitectos

墨西哥 瓜纳华托

Casa Enso II 位于墨西哥瓜纳华托州一个被称为“高地沙漠”的地区,需要对当地的景观及其干旱气候有深入的了解。HW Studio Arquitectos总部位于邻近的米却肯州,并已在该地区完成了多个项目,他们具备了这种理解,使他们能够设计出一座不仅能拥抱周围环境,还能提供保护的住宅。

Shushan Vardanyan's new project is located in a 134 square meter apartment in Warsaw, Poland. The designer combines Japanese Eastern elements with minimalist techniques, using lighting to enhance the spatial atmosphere and create a concise and aesthetically pleasing interior.


The home is separated into four parts and divided by a central cross shaped by four limestone-lined passages. one to greet visitors upon their arrival, one to accommodate the owner’s cars, one to accommodate the main living and private spaces, and one to accommodate the office – was made for different reasons, one being that the cross that now divides the spaces, shaped by four limestone-lined passages, offers relief from the heat by casting shadows and transporting breezes.


The interior palette is similar to the exterior to establish visual continuity and connect to the landscape.


Frameless, floor-to-ceiling glazing protects the indoor spaces while integrating them with the outdoor spaces.



Design : Pérez-Palacios Arquitectos Asociados

墨西哥 Valle de Bravo

Zarzales是一座位于Valle de Bravo的度假住宅,有着简单而纯粹的建筑风格,避免了对周围的自然环境造成干扰。

Zarzales is a vacation home located in Valle de Bravo, whose architecture, simple and pure, gives the prominence it deserves to the surrounding nature.


With an area of 645 square meters, the residence uses light as a key design element. Its spaces are ideal for living connected with the natural environment. The pine trees around the perimeter allow the project to be lost in the surroundings and during the design process, it was important to ensure their conservation. The pines gave the location to the two volumes, and, in addition, they generated a terrace with perforations to preserve these trees that contribute so much to the project.


We decided to design two volumes, the first is the social area that gathers the inhabitants or visitors, and the second, the private area, is intended for rest. The social area is divided into two: the closed part of TV and services; and an open area where the dining room, the semi-open kitchen, and a covered terrace with two transparent faces are located. Also, there is an outdoor terrace area with Jacuzzi and swimming pool, this space invites contemplation and the multisensory enjoyment of colors, temperature, sounds, and aromas of the forest.


With amply lit spaces, no space has truly feel interior, causing the boundary between inside and outside to virtually disappear. The pure and clean architecture of Casa Zarzales gives it a strong connection with nature and makes it timeless.


The gabled roof with walls in a natural paste finish simulates the tones of the tree bark and blends discreetly with the surrounding forest. This roof generates a play of light and very pleasant shadows. The construction is made with gabled roofs, due to the constant rains in the area. In the rest of the house, the predominant materials are natural wood and washed concrete.






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