Stoner Pipeline Simulator v9.9-ISO 1DVD
Stoner Pipeline Simulator v9.8.0(v9.7.2, v9.6, v9.5)
SPS(stoner pipeline simulator)
仿真软件Stoner Pipeline Simulator(SPS)建立了鄯乌管道离线电子管道系统,借助Visual Basic(VB)程序开发语言,
Stoner公司的SPS(Stoner Pipeline Simulator)。该软件能够实现长输管道的离线实时模拟计算,是世界公认的用于长距
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SPS(stoner pipeline simulator)通过输入管道参数(管道长度、管径、输油泵特性曲线函数、调节阀特性曲线函数、泄压
SPS can simulate all of your existing equipment, including pipes, centrifugal and reciprocating compressors
and station yard piping, regulators, valves, headers and heat exchangers, exactly as it is configured in the
field. SPS can model your entire control system, sensors, PID controllers, relays and actuators. You can use
the SPS idealized controls for more simplified simulations. SPS can model compressors simply, or in complete
detail. For centrifugal compressors, you can enter your performance data at a single speed, and SPS will
apply fan laws to complete the performance map. You could also decide to specify the entire performance curve
for the compressor and/or turbine driver, or simulate variable guide-vane compressors. For reciprocating
compressors, you can use either simplified units or detailed compressors that consider pocket displacement
and clearance ratios.
Stoner Pipeline Simulator (SPS) is the worldwide leader in the commitment to transient flow simulation of
natural gas transmission systems. SPS easily handles any combination of scenarios including control system
analysis, equipment performance analysis or pressure flow capacity analysis with user-defined levels of
The SPS family includes a complete range of compatible simulation solutions from the planning desktop through
operator training and qualification, and into online systems including leak detection and predictive
simulation. Using new technologies and innovative architectures, the SPS family can be deployed to meet the
needs of engineering and operations, and to help your marketing department improve your bottom line. With the
help of add-on modules, SPS' functionality grows as your needs expand. |