在好莱坞山一个不稳定的山脊上,洛杉矶建筑公司Belzberg Architects 克服恶劣地形和有限预算建成了这个Skyline Residence,除了一览月桂树峡谷、圣弗纳得山谷山脊和洛杉矶市中心风景的绝佳视野,最动人的是那个私人专享的室外电影院。
在好莱坞山上建一个有户外私人影院的别墅,这该是多么切题的梦幻住宅。尽管有地形的挑战和预算的限制,洛杉矶当地的建筑公司BelzbergArchitects却成功地实现了这个梦想,这就是被室内设计杂志评选为2008 年度最佳设计奖的Skyline Residence。
和Skyline这个名字一样,高高在上的地理位置赋予了这栋私人别墅得天独厚的景观,可以远眺到月桂树峡谷、圣弗纳得山谷的山脊,当然,还能将洛杉矶市中心风光尽收眼底。正是因为这个诱人的地理位置,自1952年起,先后拥有过这片土地的三个人,都试图获得洛杉矶市的批准来开发这个地块,但是申请都没有成功。因为这块山脊可用来使用的区域非常狭窄,两边是被一块灌木丛覆盖的峭壁,西南方面的地势相对来说好一些,但是部分土质是坚硬的花岗岩,却又给挖掘工作带来很大困难。不过有丰富建筑经验的Belzberg建筑公司做了一个大胆的决定:放弃了原来试图改变地形的计划,而是在现有的条件上创造一个沿地形伸展的、轻轻嵌入狭长土地的房子,这个方案最终以设计师非常周密和有创意的想法取得了洛杉矶市的建筑许可证。事实上,Skyline Residence 作为Belzberg建筑公司的第四个完全独立承包的项目,也是设计难度最大的一个。
在这块面积为438平方米的建筑用地上,设计师顺应地形将SkylineResidence 建成了一个长36.6 米、宽6.1米的线形结构别墅。建筑表层采用单层混凝土覆盖,南面与东面的墙体则使用超薄、高压处理过的玻璃和木材,尽可能减少夕照对室内的影响。四间卧室和一间书房沿着走廊的方向排开,走廊尽头则是一个开放式的厨房、用餐区,以及一个充满剧院风格的客厅。客厅的三面玻璃幕墙充分纳入自然风光,推开玻璃门便可直接来到一个室外的电影露台,露台的下面即为车库和储藏室,而电影则被直接投射在较高的客房外墙上。
值得一提的是,别墅的户主是Belzberg 公司的负责人、43岁的HagyBelzberg。不过,这个私宅并非是老板要为自己谋福利,作为一个只有13 名员工的年轻设计团队,Belzberg建筑公司每两年都会寻求一个实验性的项目,让所有的人都参与其中,既能锻炼团队综合能力,又可以不受客户限制而尽情发挥创意。而这栋堪称完美的别墅,Hagy Belzberg 倒也并没有住在里面,目前Skyline Residence 被当作Belzberg的房产出租给了不知道哪位幸福的人。
The project site existsalong a steep ridgeline. Beyond the physical constraints typicallyassociated with ridgeline projects, an opportunity presented itself byrealizing viewing angles in comparison to solar angles. Each had thecapacity to compliment each other in order to maximize natural lightingand views without increasing future cooling demands. On the interior, asingle-loaded corridor was created to act as a heat buffer between theglazing and the bedrooms. In addition to deep shadowing eaves, a solarscreen was created made of Extira, a low-formaldehyde emittingcomposite lumber.
Winds are created through the valleys oneither side of the house and move linearly along the length of thehouse. Oversized, hinged double-doors open on either side of the livingroom invite the prevailing winds to flow uninterrupted through theinterior space. The corridor leading to the bedrooms open at eitherend, facilitating airflow past each room and openings from each room tothe rear yard draw on the cool moving air from the corridor through thelength of the house.
There was also a constant interest inreducing emissions resulting from the transportation and importation ofmaterials, specifically those materials which are commonly used in bulkat construction sites. While choosing eco-friendly furniture, fixturesand equipment is an obvious avenue to reducing energy consumption, thehidden elements of construction and structure were considered in thisdesign as well. Re-using the earth eliminated shipments of excavatedearth out of the site and reduced the shipments of other decomposedmaterials into the site. Local-manufactured low-e glazing, steel, CMUblocks, and indigenous aggregates support this initiative as well. Theremains of wood framing and flooring acquired from a nearbyconstruction project were put to use in this project, and the landscapeis comprised of low water consumption flora from a residence to bedemolished in the area.
Both the main house and the guest houseare enclosed by a single folded surface with infill glazing andscreened walls. The objective of such a strategy is to capitalize onframing extrinsic conditions and using the solid walls of the folditself to affect the adjacent spaces. The absence of one solid wall ineach room also reveals the fold as a framing device. The strategy forremoving the guest house from the main house and including an autocourt in between stems from the idea that complimenting forms whichspatially could be perceived as once being united allow theinterstitial space between a sense of connection, if only visual. Inthis design, the faces resulting from a separation in form createdareas for videos and films to be viewed. The deck above the garage isnow a gathering space for social events and a viewing platform forprojections onto the Southern face of the guest house. This interactionbetween the main house and the guest house utilizes a normally singularand stagnant space in the auto court and activates the solid surface ofthe fold through an engagement with the surrounding space. |
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