在廿一世纪科技发达的今天,拍电影全部採用高清数码技术,在这个全方位数码化的时代,旧式的胶捲菲林早已淹没在历史的洪流当中。但胶捲菲林曾在漫长的人类发展史裡担当过举足轻重的角色,这个重要的历史任务谁也不能磨灭。因此这间戏院设计正正以胶捲菲林作为主轴,唤醒那段被人遗忘已久的历史。 整间戏院以黑白作主色调,一大片白色以胶捲的姿态萦绕着四周,它时而铺张、时而沿着建筑物本身的形态,自由弯曲起舞,延续胶捲应有的灵活性,在戏院顺滑地穿梭。而幼细的黑色条纹随意地将白色的「胶捲」分隔开,令纯白色的背景衍生出不同大小的长方形,远看就如摺叠起来的胶捲,起伏不一。 The 21st century opens a gateway to the new era of modern technologies and innovations. With the widespread of 3D and even 4D high definition movies available on global market, the old method of filming has gone scarce, if not extinct. When thinking of the theme for this cinema, the designers want to trace back to the roots when filmmaking began. Back in the 19th century, photographers captured continual images and stored them on a single compact reel of film. This ancient object – roll films, was being symbolized all over the cinema, reminding the audience the long forgotten history behind the scene.Splattered with black and white, designers use white as the main frame of the roll films, which is opposite to the usual black color. The white background engulf the entire space, motioning itself smoothly along the wall of the building. Its flexibility reflects the nature of roll films. Thin pieces of black stripes intercut the white surface, resembling the breaking and reunifying of roll films, forming rectangles of different sizes and shapes.
踏进影院,观众先看到一排黑色的「电影牆」,牆的左右两旁各挂有两个电视萤幕,让他们一睹最新的电影预告,再决定心水电影。当移步到购票大堂,修长而顺滑地弯曲的柜台瞬时令来宾止住了脚步,那种弯曲的弧度跟牆上的「胶捲」竟然有种莫名的一致性,设计延伸了戏剧的张力之馀,更添一份典雅。 LCD movie screens playing the latest trailers greet the audience in the entrance, giving them news on the hottest movie trends. The edge of the table of the ticketing office bends smoothly along the ambient. The bending angles match those ‘roll films’ on the wall miraculously, which brings an extra dramatic vibe to the whole design.
天花上纵横交错的特製黑色LED射灯,由八种不同长度的射灯组合而成,长度由一米至六米不等,每支射灯的方向跟角度也不一,在天花自由交织,感觉就如身在拍摄现场一样,观众突然不由自住地被牵引到电影之中,化身成片中的男女主角。由于不同的折射效果,营造出多个光与影的组合,观众追逐着灯的影子之时,亦不自觉地寻找着属于自己的影子。 由黑及灰色石组成的地板,其构图亦是胶捲概念的延伸,在地板交织出不同的图桉。今次黑色成为「胶捲」的主色调,灰色就充当划分的角色,将一大片黑色划分成多个不规则的几何图桉,有别于「胶捲」常见的长方形状,增添趣味。 顺着走廊一直走去,大堂的统一性犹在,好让观众于步进影院观赏影片前一刻,仍然继续沉醉在电影世界之中,为开场前做足「热身」。影厅将大堂及走廊所用「灯」的元素继续延伸,入面挂有长短不一的吊灯,它们射向不同方向,提升影厅的立体感,就算仍未有观众入座,都製造出高朋满座的热闹感觉。 LCD movie screens playing the latest trailers greet the audience in the entrance, giving them news on the hottest movie trends. The edge of the table of the ticketing office bends smoothly along the ambient. The bending angles match those ‘roll films’ on the wall miraculously, which brings an extra dramatic vibe to the whole design.
Above head hangs special-designed LED spotlights of eight various lengths in black, ranging from 1-6maiming at different directions.Light and shadows fulfil every corner; one might have mistaken it as the shooting spot of the newest film. Audience might fall into the illusion of fantasizing s/he is the lead actor/actress in a romantic comedy. Down on the ground, the floor resolve to the original state of roll films, black being the principal color. Grey stripes cut the black space into different geometric shapes and sizes, contrary to the rectangles on the wall, giving the design a frolicsome note.Inside the auditorium, spotlights of different lengths are directing all over the perimeter. They intersect along the wall, which creates an additional multidimensional atmosphere, hoping to provide the movie goers a warm and comfy viewing environment.