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在墨尔本亚拉河岸,如云一般悬于漂浮餐厅和开放式厨房餐厅之上, 这便是2014年墨尔本美酒美食节最为闪耀的核心结构,由墨尔本银行向公众呈现。
A cloud-like structure suspended above a floating bar and open-kitchen restaurant on the banks of Melbourne’s Yarra River will form the spectacular centrepiece of the 2014 Melbourne Food and Wine Festival presented by Bank of Melbourne when it opens to the public.
Designed by international design practice HASSELL, from a concept dreamt up by the team at MFWF, and more than double the size of last year’s Festival hub, The Immersery: Festival Kitchen, Bar and Raingarden is one of the most ambitious temporary spaces Melbourne has ever seen.
HASSELL设计师Brenton Beggs说“水之交融”突出了节日的主题“水”,同时揭示了南岸地区的长久发展潜力。
HASSELL designer Brenton Beggs said The Immersery brings the Festival’s water theme alive and offers a glimpse of the long term potential of the Southbank site.
“We thought about how to interpret the theme of water and connect it to the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival brand, which is one of the most prestigious festivals of its kind in the world,” said Brenton. “We wanted to design a space that would draw people in and create a sense of excitement and an element of surprise.
“The design represents the three states of water as well as the water cycle, encouraging visitors to consider how we use one of Earth’s most precious resources, at the same time as enjoying the vibrant and lively atmosphere of the festival.”
The cloud-like canopy sitting above the disused Sandridge Rail Bridge will create a skyline community space and offer a new city vantage point.
“Water misters, multi-level planting and a water-inspired soundscape all contribute to the sense of an urban retreat, where visitors can relax, and become truly immersed in the landscape,” said Brenton.

“We worked closely with Melbourne Water to create ground-level raingardens that are located around the site. They feature drought-tolerant plants and demonstration vegetable patches in reclaimed 40-gallon drums.
"They show how people can harness Mother Nature’s most precious resource and capture, filter and reuse water before it re-enters the water cycle.”
The barge on the Yarra River will be moored to the wharf beneath the cloud and be home to a floating bar hosting some of the country’s best wine, cocktails and drinks. The open-kitchen eatery on the concourse level immediately adjacent will feature a lunch and dinner menu designed by a star-studded collective of local chefs.
Many of the materials used throughout The Immersery are connected to water infrastructure, such as plumbing pipes, and have either been reclaimed, recycled or will be returned into circulation following the Festival, ensuring material waste is kept to a minimum.
HASSELL董事Mary Papaioannou说诸如“水之交融”的临时项目提供了通过公共空间设计开展试验的机会。

HASSELL Principal Mary Papaioannou said temporary projects such as The Immersery provided the opportunity for experimentation through intervention in the public realm.
“Temporary or ‘pop-up’ events are great vehicles for testing ideas. They offer a chance to directly challenge established modes of public occupation and behaviour and offer the public a new perspective on a space they may already be extremely familiar with,” said Mary.
“The inter-disciplinary nature of practice at HASSELL gives us opportunities to deliver a wide range of street-based design projects ranging from temporary, small-scale works to significant, city-shaping projects.”
The Immersery follows the successful centrepiece of the 2013 Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, the HASSELL designed Urban Coffee Farm and Brew Bar.
The 2014 Melbourne Food and Wine Festival runs from 28 February – 16 March

Schiavello的工程经理Andrew Howard会向大家阐明今年的节日中心幕后特有的建设挑战,同时也会对比今年的建设工程与HASSELL为2013墨尔本美酒美食节设计的城市咖啡农场与咖啡吧。
The Immersery: Festival Kitchen, Bar and Raingarden
Construction key facts from Schiavello
Client: Melbourne Food and Wine Festival
Location: Queensbridge Square, Southbank, Melbourne
Scope: Construction of three level space including floating barge bar, open-kitchen eatery and cloud-like skyline community space
Duration of build:  18 Feb – 27 Feb (9 days total)
Designer: HASSELL
Builder: Schiavello
Schiavello perspective on building the Immersery Festival Kitchen Bar and Raingarden
With only 9 days to build The Immersery, the Schiavello team will manage a highly complex construction effort in a variety of spaces, including the heritage registered Sandridge Rail Bridge, and a floating barge on Melbourne’s Yarra River.
Unique building challenges with the pop-up site:
Working with a team of engineers to bring a disused railway bridge back to life as a festival space over the Yarra River.
Safety considerations of a very “live” site: Construction is taking place right in the middle of Melbourne’s Southbank, in a public space that gets passed by thousands of city walkers each day. Keeping conditions safe is the number one priority.
Strategic planning down to the hour: Materials must be delivered in a highly organised way. Not only is the turnaround extremely quick, the space is small and open to the public. It’s essential, for example, that we don’t have plants arriving on day 1, when they’re not required until day 5.
Modular approach: Schiavello has manufactured many elements in advance at its factory to be delivered during the construction. As one example, Schiavello’s fitout team worked behind the scenes to turn a portable Spacecube into a kitchen, ready to be inserted into the festival space.
Noteworthy materials
1.5 kilometres of  PVC piping to create cloud-like structure, which will be reused for other projects post-festival
23 repurposed concrete and steel pipes from Melbourne Water, some up to 2 metres in diameter
Barge donated by City of Melbourne, fitted out as the floating barge bar
Andrew Howard, Construction Manager for Schiavello, can shed light on the unique building challenges behind this year’s Festival hub. He can also talk about how building this year’s hub compares to the Urban Coffee Farm and Brew Bar, designed by HASSELL for the 2013 Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.

HASSELL is a leading international design practice with studios in Australia, China, South East Asia and the United Kingdom.
We judge the success of the buildings and places we design by the way people use and enjoy them - the clients who commission them, the people who inhabit them. Good design is about helping clients meet their needs and objectives. It is also about the way people feel when they experience it, a sense of meaning, connection and belonging.
Our design values are shared globally across all the HASSELL studios, by the talented people who work in them: architects, interior designers, landscape architects, urban designers, planners and specialist consultants.
We work together in integrated design teams because they produce the best outcomes for our clients. The increasingly complex projects that clients bring to us demand a culture built on collaboration, creativity, and innovation in design thinking and delivery.
Openness and empathy with our clients ensure their interests are at the heart of everything we design.






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