The project aims to make each of the toll stations a part of the site, a celebration of advanced technology and also of respect towards the environment and the landscape. The design of the new toll stations is inspired by the stylized image of ACESA highways and its surface elements, which are understood as constructions of folded soil, comparable to the level of paved road, running along lawns or fields, or even to terrain vagues, according to a more natural or suburban context.
不同于其他地区的公路,ASECA收费站的形象展现了丰富的想象力。在当前环境下,其品牌形象具有重要的价值。工程加强了自然与科技的双重性,强调技术并贴近自然,保持两者间的和谐。 高速公路是一条载信息传播通道,其展现出线性的景观特征,基于此建筑师定义出:高耸的信号楼,并在水平和路面通过人行道的颜色针对车辆类型进行布局。 The image of ACESA toll stations is widely incorporated into the collective imaginary, unlike other highways in other regions. In the present context, the possession of a brand image is a fact and a critical value. The project enhances this dual nature, emphasizing all that is technical, as well as all that is natural, preserving a harmonious relationship between them. The highway actives itself as a communicator of information and guidance for the recognition of a particular landscape, and contributes to the definition of the character and tone of the ACESA highways: Cabin high signals, horizontal and lower plans: pavement colors (teletags -car and truck type-)
如果说收费站是具有现代化特征的一道景观,那么随之而来的场地规划便是极为重要的。地区中信号通道,车辆指示,标识牌等导识系统的外观色彩能改善沟通,增加识别性,同时提升景观品质。因此,该项目也根据周围环境情况使用了恰当的色彩肌理。 If the toll is assumed as one of the characteristic landscapes of modernity, the value of the land plan becomes decisive. The appearance of color in this area (signaling pathways, T cars and trucks) will improve communication and signage along the highway, as well as the enhancement of the qualities of the environment and the landscape. In this way, color textures are provided, along with cultivation of uses and plantations of messages.