隈研吾建筑事务所在中国北京东华门附近采用聚乙烯空心砖将一个四合院打造成为温和禅意的私人会所,这里离恢弘的故宫咫尺之遥,目前只接待会所会员。 老北京,可是砖儿砌起来的,这个250平方米的四合院也不例外,整个设计中也使用到了砖,不过却是现代版的砖石---隈研吾采用了四种尺寸的浅色聚乙烯空心砖,其具有良好的热工性能,却又能像纸一样通过光线。
Tearoom, Club House (for membership only)
250 m2 We renovated a Siheyuan-style building located exactly in front of the East Gate of the Forbidden Palace (at the heart of Beijing), using hollow blocks of polyethylene. 4 types of blocks were produced by rotational molding to be joined and stuck up, as the structure of the extended part. The main structure for the city of Beijing is masonry bricks. Blocks made of polyethylene are in this sense a modern version of masonry. It proves high performance in insulation and passes through light to create a gentle space of Zen, just as the paper did used for Siheyuan in the past.