
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道

© Relja Ivanić


From the architect. Impact Hub Belgrade is a creative office space created through an adaptation and interior space renovation of the Events Hall in the former house of the headquarters of the Association of State Employees Purchasing Cooperatives.

© Relja Ivanić

原建筑施工从 1928 年中旬展开,到 1929 年中旬结束,采用的是当时建筑竞赛第二名的方案。设计者Dimitrije M. Leko是两次世界大战期间塞尔维亚建筑领域最重要的建筑师之一,也是学术派的坚定拥护者之一。这栋建筑被认为是塞尔维亚文化遗产的一部分,这表明了其特殊性和在艺术、 文化和社会方面的意义。因此保留建筑内部的真实元素是这个项目的主要特点之一。

The construction of the building took place from mid-1928 until mid-1929 and was done according to the second-prize design of the architect Dimitrije M. Leko, one of the most important and staunchest representatives of academic art in Serbian interwar architecture. The building is considered to be a part of Serbian cultural heritage, which affirms its exceptionality and artistic, cultural and social significance. Thus preserving the authentic elements of the interior is one of the main characteristics of this project.

© Relja Ivanić

Section BB/剖面BB

两层的长方形柱廊式主厅分成三个廊道,每个廊道都有两排柱廊并覆盖拱顶。从功能需求上考虑,空间被重新组织,底层空间涵盖四间办公室、 两间会议室、两个公用网络电话亭、 厨房和厕所 — — 这些都围绕着中心的联合办公空间布置。插入式钢框架水平延伸至侧向画廊、 中央画廊和楼梯,形成一个足够的工作空间和一个会议室。通过顶层能够到达屋顶平台,夏天这里可以作为一个工作空间,也可以作为一个社交空间。

The basilica-shaped two-floor main hall is divided into three aisles with two colonnades and is covered with a vault. Considering the functional requirements, the space was re-organized so that the lower level consists of four offices, two meeting rooms, two Skype booths, kitchen and toilets – all grouped around a central nave that works as a co-working space. A steel plug-in frame extends the level of lateral galleries, central gallery and stairs, forming an adequate working space and a conference room. The top level provides access to the terrace, which serves as a working space and a space for socializing during the summer.

© Relja Ivanić

© Relja Ivanić

本次设计的用意是突出新旧对比。某些元素如门窗、 木制镶板、画廊栅栏、 柱头和壁柱的装饰塑料可追溯到 1929 年。而由木头和大理石制成的楼梯踏板则是在1949-2014 年间这里被用作贝尔格莱德广播电台10 号工作室,记录永恒广播剧制作点时新建的。

The intention was to create a contrast between what is new and what has been originally constructed. Some elements such as doors and windows, wooden paneling, gallery fence, decorative plastic on the capitals of the columns and pilasters date from the 1929. On the other hand, the staircase treads, made of wood and marble, indicate the time (1949-2014) when this place was used for Studio 10, Radio Beograd, as a hot spot for recording timeless radio-dramas.



Considering the previous use of space, it is of great importance to regard the Impact Hub community as a new global co-operative that encourages entrepreneurship development. Therefore, the main characteristics of the project rely on the aspects of functional continuity as one of the most important principles of revitalization.

© Relja Ivanić


在项目中,URED建筑工作室设计了一个特殊的办公桌,无论从功能、 经济、 适用性角度都十分符合本次设计的概念。原始设计是一张最小尺寸的折叠桌,便于储存和运输。后来根据用户的需要,以梯形的工作区为模块,进行大量不同的组合。目的是让用户在更加方便交流的基础上保证他们电脑安放位置的隐私。

Within the project, URED architecture studio has designed a special working desk, which is functional, economical and suitable for the Impact Hub concept. The original design offers a folding table with minimum dimensions, easy to store and transport. According to the users’ needs, trapezoidal shaped workspace becomes a module for a large number of different combinations. The intention was to enable users to be more focused on each other, but at the same time to have enough privacy with possible positioning of their computers.

© Relja Ivanić

© Relja Ivanić

© Relja Ivanić

© Relja Ivanić

© Relja Ivanić

Site Plan/总平面图

General Plan/总规划图

Ground Floor Plan/首层平面图

First Floor Plan一/层平面图

Section AA/剖面AA

Section CC/剖面CC

Detail Section AA/节点剖面AA

Detail Section BB/节点剖面BB

Detail Section CC/节点剖面CC


Diagram 1-2/图解1-2

Diagram 3/图解3



建筑设计:URED architecture studio
项目地点:塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德 Makedonska 21号
项目负责人:Bojana Marković, Nikola Milanović, David Bilobrk, Ivana Jevremović, Hristina Stojanović
面积:500.0 平方米
摄影:Relja Ivanić
项目团队:Creative office space / reconstruction and interior design
原设计:prof. Dimitrije M. Leko, architect (1887-1964)

Architects: URED architecture studio
Location: 21 Makedonska, Beograd, Serbia
Architects In Charge: Bojana Marković, Nikola Milanović, David Bilobrk, Ivana Jevremović, Hristina Stojanović
Area: 500.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Relja Ivanić
Project Team: Creative office space / reconstruction and interior design
Original Project Year: 1928
Original Design: prof. Dimitrije M. Leko, architect (1887-1964)







秦皇岛嘉年华 2015-7-13 15:10 来自: 河北廊坊
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