
25高清案例 私宅课 素材严选 设计师证书申报通道
本帖最后由 云画 于 2015-7-24 14:24 编辑


From the architect. Wilkinson Eyre Architects has completed a £17.5m transformation of Wellcome Collection in London designed to accommodate growing visitor numbers and enrich the visitor experience. Originally Wellcome Collection was predicted to receive visitor numbers of around 100,000 a year, but before development works began in 2013 the venue welcomed more than 550,000 people a year.



Wilkinson Eyre’s intervention has reorganised the building in order to enrich the visitor experience and improve footfall through all publicly accessible floors. Working within the confines of the existing building, Wilkinson Eyre has succeeded in creating 40% more exhibition space, along with a new Reading Room, a new youth events space (The Studio), and a new research area (The Hub).The transformation has also improved Wellcome Collection’s presence on the busy Euston Road and has expanded the atrium space to support increased visitor numbers.

Courtesy of Wellcome Trust


A dynamic new steel staircase has been introduced between the ground and second floors to enhance circulation between floors and entice visitors up to the expanded first floor gallery spaces and destination restaurant on the second floor. The 17.5 metric ton steel structure is sculpted into a flowing, swirling form, enticing the eye and drawing people up through the building. The finished staircase is shot-blasted on the outside and the inside faces, which are closer to the public, were sprayed with a cold zinc and hot stainless steel solution that was hand-polished by one individual.

主题展厅位于二楼,取代管理办公室。二楼形成了一个环线,能让参观者绕行建筑,连接Medicine Man、Medicine Now永久展厅和新的青年活动空间。青年活动空间是特别扩建的,有高科技数字技术和低技术建模和制造设备,作为灵活的当代工作室供青少年创造性地参与科学和艺术。它汇聚了普通房间、卧室、音乐工作室和实验室,为参与式学习创造了独特的环境。

A thematic exhibition gallery has been created on the first floor, replacing administrative offices. It completes a loop on the first floor, allowing visitors to circle around the building, linking the Medicine Man and Medicine Now permanent galleries to the new youth events space. The latter has been added as a purpose-built flexible contemporary studio for teenagers to creatively engage with science and art offering both hi-tech digital technology and low-tech modelling and making equipment. It brings together elements of common rooms, bedrooms, music studios and laboratories to create a unique environment for participatory learning.

韦尔科姆图书馆位于三楼和四楼,经过重新布置来改善流通,创造可直接进入的公共浏览区,包括阅览室和研究图书馆。AOC Architects事务所将阅览室改造成一个空间,它缩小了韦尔科姆收藏馆的活动展览项目和世界级图书馆之间、档案收藏和实物收藏之间的差距。

The Wellcome Library on the second and third floors has been reconfigured to improve circulation and create a directly-accessible public browsing zone encompassing the Reading Room and research library. The Reading Room has been transformed by AOC Architects into a space that bridges the gap between Wellcome Collection’s events and exhibitions programme and the world-class Library, archive and object collections.

Section Long Annotated/纵切面注解


The Research Library on the upper floors has received a completely new entrance and reception desk. A roof light above the new double-height space that houses the new stair links the second and third floors of the library to create an entirely interconnecting space across floors. A new warmer colour palette, improved lighting and user-friendly way finding helps to create a cosy and welcoming environment for the library users and staff.


On the fifth floor, The Hub is an area dedicated to longer term research for groups of academics, artists and other creative minds to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects exploring medicine, health and well-being.

Courtesy of Wellcome Trust

Plans Ground Floor Annotated/底层平面注释

Sketches From Entrance/入口草图

Plans Ground Floor/底层平面图

Plans First Floor Annotated/二层平面注释

Plans First Floor/二层平面图

Plans Second Floor Annotated/三层平面注释

Plans Second Floor/三层平面图

Plans Third Floor Annotated/四层平面注释

Plans Third Floor/四层平面图

Section Long/纵切面

Section Dynamic Stair Annotated/动态楼梯剖面注释

Section Dynamic Stair/动态楼梯剖面图

Elevations Dynamic Stair West Annotated/动态楼梯西立面注释

Elevations Dynamic Stair West/动态楼梯西立面

© Craig Sheppard

建筑设计:Wilkinson Eyre Architects
摄影:Edmund Sumner , Courtesy of Wellcome Trust, Craig Sheppard

Architects: Wilkinson Eyre Architects
Location: London, UK
Year: 2015
Photographs: Edmund Sumner , Courtesy of Wellcome Trust, Craig Sheppard






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